Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1836 The Undead

For Lin Xuan, this is really the biggest surprise when he comes back.

Xiao Tianyi sat on the sofa and opened his arms, asking for a hug. Lin Xuan then hugged each of them.


"I miss you so much."

Lin Xuan kissed them back and forth, making their faces drool.

"Xiao Shishi is going to hate you to death."

Yi Renbing said.

"She dares!"

Lin Xuan smiled.

Then Xiao Shishi ah oh was directed at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan hugged them and sat on the sofa.

"Come and sit down, what are you busy with?"

"Everyone is coming over later."

Linglongxue said.

"Let's go out to eat."

"That's not possible. How can I feel at home when I go out? And everyone is buying all kinds of ingredients."

Linglongyue muttered.

"Okay, let's do it together when everyone comes."


They sat on the sofa.

"did you miss me?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"In no mood."

Linglongxue shook her head.

"Oh, it's against your will. Women are duplicitous creatures."

"I really didn't think so.'

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Wow! What you said is so heartbreaking."

"What about you? What abilities did you gain at the Gate of Divine Enlightenment?"

Huang Xi asked.

"The attributes have been doubled and a domain has been obtained."

"that's all?"

"Isn't this enough? The main reason is that I have all attributes. In fact, I can also get other attributes, such as space, time, etc., but I have them all, so I can only get the domain."

They looked at each other.

"Where exactly is this Gate of Divine Enlightenment? Is it a game world? Are there rules established by strong men? Otherwise, why can we get these things?"

Bing Lingyue asked doubtfully.


Wu Yuhan also said: "We forgot about it after we came out."

"All right."

"By the way, has anything major happened in the mainland in the past few months?"

Lin Xuan asked.


They nodded.


Although it was only three months, three months was actually enough time for some big things to happen.

And what happened was more than Lin Xuan imagined.

Linglongxue said: "Three major things have happened in the mainland in the past few months. The first one is about the demon clan."

"Monster clan? What's wrong? Is it not peaceful?"

Linglongxue nodded; "Yes, the Demon Clan Ten Thousand Demons Alliance restarted the Demon Temple, and many powerful demon gods were born. However, Huang Xi's Second Demon Temple is still the Second Demon Temple, but now the Demon Temple has more than ten Already,

It has become fifteen demon temples. At the same time, the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance is undergoing a major reshuffle. It is said that the demon clan has given birth to several very top beings in ancient times. Now the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance is dominated by them. Two of them that I know so far should be The Nine-headed Demon Bats and the Undead in ancient times. "

Lin Xuan frowned.

"Nine-Headed Demon Bats and the Undead? What are these?"

Linglongxue explained: "They all existed in ancient times. They may even be thought to have become extinct completely, but no, this nine-headed demon bat is a bat-like monster, but it has transcended this category. It has nine heads. , is very difficult to deal with, especially its attack method, which makes it difficult for warriors to deal with it. It is a very terrifying existence, and the undead..."

"The undead are a race, similar to the elves, dragons, and phoenixes. The undead have the same name. They are very difficult to die."

"It's hard to die, which means you can kill them. What do you call the undead?"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders.

"No! This is a very terrifying race. It is said that the undead were a being that could compete with the entire Dragon Clan and the Qilin Clan in ancient times."

Lin Xuan; "..."

This is vivid enough.

"Then why did it disappear?"

"I don't know, there must be some reasons, but now that they are back, just the return of one undead is destined to make Sky Blue Star unable to calm down."

Linglongxue said.

"Then how to kill?"

Although Lin Xuan has not come into contact with it yet, he feels that he will be able to come into contact with it sooner or later, and it may not even take long, because Sky Blue Star is indeed not peaceful either.

Um? Why do you say so?

Linglongxue said: "These undead are not immortal in the true sense. As far as I know, their ability is that no matter how seriously injured they are, they can recover in an instant."


"But it's possible to kill them with one hit. But as long as you can't kill them with one hit, it's impossible to kill them."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin: "So, when their realm reaches a relatively high level, they are really immortal in a sense."

"Yes, because in the Heavenly Dao realm, unless it is absolutely crushing power, it is impossible to kill someone with one blow. In fact, even if it is crushed by strength, the Heavenly Dao realm cannot fall so easily, unless it is a special situation."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"Are you sure they are enemies?"


"This is troublesome."

Lin Xuan rubbed his temples.

"It's quite troublesome, and the undead are one of them, and there are others."

"What about other big things?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"The other thing is the matter of the human race. Some forces in the human race also announced their birth in a high-profile way."


Lin Xuan scratched his head.

"I saw it on the news before."

Bing Lingyue then said: "It is said that they seem to be hidden families and forces of the human race. Some of these existences have even been hidden for thousands of years."

"Are there still these families?"

"Well, there are some. It is said that they are higher than the top families and have very powerful geniuses. Once those geniuses appeared, they crushed many geniuses of the contemporary era. Some even went directly to the Martial God Academy to become mentors. ”

Lin Xuan's mouth twitched.

"At what age do you have to be a mentor?"

"Although he is not very old, his cultivation level is basically all nine or ten stars in the Taixu Realm."

"Okay, what else?"

"There's one more thing...that's...about your sister."

Lin Xuan frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. You also said that the organization your sister is currently in is a force that is looking for the power of the Twelve Demon Gods, and they may have found everything they can, because no one has been able to stop them in the past three months. "

Lin Xuan frowned.

"I know that."

"During these days, they have also launched some attacks on some places of the human race, causing quite a stir. Now they have started to challenge the human race."

"Well, the three major forces should be in charge."

"Yes, but their numbers are small and their whereabouts are uncertain."

Lin Xuan pondered slightly.

"I have to find a way to solve this matter!"

The little fairy is still there, Lin Xuan must deal with it.

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