Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1837 Yang Group

There have been quite a lot of things happening on Sky Blue Star in the past few months.

These three things are indeed big things.

"So, does that mean that the demons of Sky Blue Star are really going to take action against the human race?"

Although the demons have never stopped in these years, they have such an idea now that the top existences of the demons have been reshuffled.

"It should be."

Lin Xuan stroked his chin.

It's not peaceful!

The key is that the human race is in trouble now. First, there is the threat of the demons, and second, there are some things within the human race, such as Zhao Mengyue and others, so the pressure is quite high now.

But there is also good news, that is, the original hidden families of Sky Blue Star, the families that have been hidden for hundreds or even thousands of years, have also come out, which is also good news for the human race, because this is a huge combat force.

Dong Dong Dong——

The door was knocked, and Linglong Yue hurried over to open the door.

"Yeah, good evening."

Several girls came in carrying things.

Lin Xuan looked over.

Miao Xiaomiao, Zhao Yunqi, Zi Qiyue, Anxin, Lu Yufan, Ye Yiyi and Lan Xingxing came in together, and the room suddenly became lively.

Their first reaction when they came in was to look at Lin Xuan. Yes, they saw him. Then, their next reaction was to chat with other girls as if they didn't care about Lin Xuan. In fact, how could they not care?

However, there was a traitor among them.

"Lin Xuan Lin Xuan Lin Xuan!"

Lan Xingxing ran over hurriedly after seeing Lin Xuan.

"I miss you so much, um..."



The other girls pouted.

Lin Xuan held back his laughter.

"Do you miss me or the food I cooked?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"Both." Lan Xingxing stuck out her pink tongue.

"We brought a lot of dishes."

Ye Yiyi said.

"Well, leave it there for now. Come and sit down and have a glass of water." Bing Lingyue said with a smile.


Then they all came over.

"Ah, Xiao Shishi, I miss you so much."

Lu Yufan came over and snatched Xiao Shishi from Lin Xuan's arms.

"Hey, I haven't hugged you enough."

Lin Xuan touched his nose and said, and then Xiao Tianyi next to him was snatched away by Zi Qiyue.

"I want to hug you too."

Lu Yufan said.

Lin Xuan smiled helplessly.

This group of girls came over and pretended not to miss him very much, but in fact they must have missed him.

"Then can I hug you?"

Lin Xuan smiled.

Lu Yufan's pretty face turned red, especially in front of so many people...

"Go away! Go away!"

In fact, even if many of them didn't say it,

but they already knew it in their hearts. They knew that many girls were Lin Xuan's girlfriends, and even Lin Xuan had a baby, but they were still willing to stay by Lin Xuan's side, which already explained their thoughts.

"Lin Xuan, tell us what happened in the Gate of Divine Revelation."

An Xin sat over and asked.

"Hey? Won't you forget what happened inside the Gate of Divine Revelation after you come out?" Miao Xiaomiao said. "Yes, I forgot." An Xin smiled awkwardly. She has now retired from the entertainment industry. "How much have you improved in the past three months?" Lin Xuan asked. "A lot! I often stay in the monster field, and I have improved a lot." Lin Xuan nodded: "That's good, I have to continue to improve, otherwise the Sky Blue Star will be in turmoil." "Yeah, I know." "Hey, Mr. Ye is back, welcome." A voice came from the door, and Murong Qing and Luo Chenxi also walked in. "I miss you so much, hug." Lin Xuan smiled and opened his arms. "Hey, hey, hey, you didn't show any reaction when we came here." Miao Xiaomiao said unhappily. "That's right, there are beauties in this room, and you hug others." Murong Qing joked. "Too small, too small, I won't hold it."

Miao Xiaomiao: "..."

"You, you, you bastard!"

She pointed at Lin Xuan angrily.

It was indeed the same Lin Xuan.

"Am I late?"

Bai Xuanxuan walked in with Leng Wuxin.

Leng Wuxin naturally didn't want to come, but was dragged here by Bai Xuanxuan.

"So many people."

Bai Xuanxuan was secretly shocked.


Lin Xuan coughed dryly.

The others were also shocked!

There are too many people!

"And Sister Lingying, Sister Chuxue, many people didn't come, I'm afraid it's just the tip of the iceberg."

Lu Yufan glanced at her mouth and said.

"Brother, can you handle it? Can your body handle it?"

Murong Qing smiled.

Lin Xuan; "..."

Everyone; "..."

Many girls blushed.

"There are too many people."

Huang Xi was secretly shocked!

And the whole room is full of beauties, big and small, who can handle it? Is there anyone who hasn't come yet?

"Is this room big enough?"

Lin Xuan quickly changed the subject.

"Two tables are enough, and the rest just needs to be cleaned up."

"Then let's get to work, I haven't eaten all day, and I've been waiting for this meal."

Lan Xingxing said excitedly.

"Okay, let's get to work!"

The kitchen was crowded with this group of girls. Lin Xuan felt comfortable, so he sat on the sofa and chatted with the girls.

They have made great progress in the past three months, and they have all completely embarked on the path of cultivation. And because they have enough capital and power behind them, they don't lack anything.

"How is Yaxuan Group doing now?"

Lin Xuan asked Luo Chenxi.

"Very good, we are completely on the right track." Luo Chenxi said after taking a sip of tea.

"Do you need me to do anything else?"

"no need. "

Luo Chenxi shook his head.


"But there's been a bit of a problem recently."

Murong Qing said.


Lin Xuan looked over doubtfully.

"It's not a problem. The Yang Group has also come to the mainland. This Yang Group is quite powerful. They have come up with a lot of relatively new products. These products have been released and have been unanimously praised by the entire continent. Good reviews are a bit like our Yaxuan Group, which came out of nowhere and caused a huge stir once it came out, and it has an unstoppable momentum.”

"Yes, yes, I bought a lot of them."

Lu Yufan nodded and said.

"Me too." Ye Yiyi also nodded.

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin: "What product?"

"Many of them are small products. In terms of shock value, they are definitely not as powerful as the products of our Yaxuan Group. However, some of them are quite effective, such as this one."

Murong Qing took out a bead.

"This is?"

"A bead with spatial properties. After being crushed, it can teleport up to ten meters. It is a disposable item."

Murong Qing said.

Luo Chenxi nodded; "This kind of thing that allows a warrior to suddenly have the power of teleportation is indeed worth buying."

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