Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1838 Let me tell you good news

Lin Xuan thought it was quite magical.

"Is this thing productive?"

"Yes! This is the most amazing thing. This kind of thing can be mass-produced, which means that the supply of this thing exceeds the demand. Even if they only produce this teleportation bead, it is a consumable, and even for warriors It can be called a necessity, so it caused a sensation in the mainland.”

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"This is pretty awesome."

For warriors, unless you have spatial attributes, how can you have the power of space?

But this teleportation bead can bring you a ten-meter teleport. This is really exaggerated. Just such a ten-meter teleport can turn the tide of the battle. It is so useful in battle! Warriors with space attributes don't need it, but warriors with any other attributes can. Especially since warriors in general are not very strong, such warriors need it even more.

And if you have a hundred on hand, you can use it a hundred times, and a thousand can be used a thousand times. No matter how much of this thing you have, the supply will definitely exceed the demand. Even if you only produce this one thing, it will definitely make them exposed. rich.

"It's very powerful."

They nodded.

"Each of us has at least a dozen of them."

Zhao Yunqi said.

"It should be. This thing is very useful, but I don't understand why it can be mass-produced."

Then Lin Xuan looked at Linglongxue.

Linglongxue said: "Theoretically, this should be injecting the power of space into it in some way. I can do it, but even if it is a weak space power, if it is mass-produced, the Heavenly Dao realm cannot do it, and it is always It can’t be that space warriors in the Heavenly Dao Realm just do this thing every day, right?”

Lin Xuan nodded; "Yes, this is not realistic. Where are the spiritual beings in the world?"

"It's possible for heaven and earth to be a spiritual creature."

Huang Xi cut a bunch of fruits and put them on the table and said calmly.

"But if it is some space-type crystals, keeping them for yourself is more useful than this. And the fact that they can produce them in such large quantities means that this thing is not worth it to them or... there are a lot of them."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"This Yang Group is..."

"It is a reclusive family. In recent months, these reclusive families have become less low-key, but they are indeed capable. Even our Shura Palace has suffered some attacks, and some of its members have been lured away by them."

Bai Xuanxuan said.

"It's understandable that this is a trivial matter, but their industry does not conflict with our Yaxuan Group, and there is no competition."

"It can be considered a little bit better. After all, their reputation has been established now, and there are some things that overlap with us, which will have an impact."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"Let's talk about it then. Is the meal ready? I'm hungry."

Lin Xuan shouted towards the kitchen.

"Why are you shouting? You can do it yourself."

Miao Xiaomiao shouted.

"Lin Xuan Lin Xuan Lin Xuan, do you want to make a few?"

Blue Star said expectantly.


Lin Xuan just came back, let him rest. "


Blue Star nodded.

A desolate land with no one in it, where the entire ground and everything was covered in ice. People who didn't know it thought it was the North and South Pole in the ice and snow.

Above the void, thunder flashed, and the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth was extremely exaggerated.

Slowly, the momentum dissipated and the ice and snow disappeared.

Bang bang bang bang——

The sound of rhythmic clapping came slowly.

Lin Ya opened her beautiful eyes.

really beautiful!

The current Lin Ya is completely different from the previous Lin Ya. She already has a kind of... very special temperament, especially her current snowy hair, which is particularly beautiful, but her eyes are colder than before. , as if hiding that touch of tenderness deep in my heart.

Zhao Mengyue walked towards Lin Ya with a smile and applauded.

"Congratulations, congratulations on being promoted to the realm of heaven."

Lin Ya glanced at her and said nothing.

"What? Follow me and let you go from a small Xuantian realm to a Heavenly Dao realm in just one year. Aren't you happy? Aren't you satisfied?"

Lin Ya wiped her hands and said calmly: "Everyone's choice is different. Not everyone likes strength."

"How many times do I have to tell you that no one dislikes strength!"

Zhao Mengyue said lightly.

"Tou is right, in this world, even a child hopes that he can have strong strength."

They can be considered old acquaintances, the blood demon said.

Sitting next to him was a young man with thick glasses who looked fair and tender.

"Perhaps everyone likes strength, but there are some things that you are not willing to exchange for strength."

Lin Ya said.

Does she really like strength?

Is it really that absolute? Does everyone really like strength?

She thinks no!

Yes, now she has unimaginable power, but this is definitely not what she wants!

And had she ever imagined that she had great strength?


She can practice, she just doesn't have attributes, but she just hopes to survive, make money, and live a better life with Xiaoxuan. She doesn't think about improving her strength!

Maybe it’s true that I don’t have the time or mental ability to go to the monster realm…

"I have some good news for you."

Zhao Mengyue did not continue talking to her about this, but changed the topic.

"Lin Xuan is back and should be stronger."

Hearing Lin Xuan, Lin Ya's delicate body trembled slightly.

"Is this good news?"

Zhao Mengyue curled her lips.

Lin Ya said nothing.

"I promised you not to deal with him, at least not now, at least when he doesn't deal with me, I won't do anything to him."

Zhao Mengyue said.

But Lin Xuan has always been a big knot in her heart.

Because Lin Xuan is so scary!

Lin Xuan is already in the Taixu Realm now, probably with seven or eight stars or even nine stars, right?

She promised Lin Ya not to do anything to Lin Xuan, that's because Lin Xuan doesn't have the way of heaven yet!

She will pay attention to Lin Xuan at all times and completely eliminate him before he can advance to Heaven!

In fact, there is no need to be like this, because in her eyes now, Lin Xuan is nothing!

The forces around her now are too big for Lin Xuan to fight against.

But if Lin Xuan reaches the way of heaven, he will still be afraid!

But now she really wants to confront Lin Xuan! Now she is no longer someone that Lin Xuan can fight against. Instead, she hopes that Lin Xuan can grow up. She enjoys this feeling and enjoys stepping on the grown-up Lin Xuan under her feet and letting him see what she once looked down upon. What does she, Zhao Mengyue, look like now!

"Let's go, there's still business to do!"

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