Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1839 The Emperor’s Arrival

What else do they have to do?

That might be a big deal.

For a person who has great ambitions and even some mental illness, what he does may not be that simple.

"Boss, what are we going to do now? Are we going to control the forces of the human race and make those forces ours?"

Blood Demon asked excitedly.

Lin Yadai frowned.


Zhao Mengyue sneered.

"I don't like those forces in the human race. What I care about is the entire human race!"

Zhao Yingmeng's eyes sparkled.

"Boss, what should we do? After all, we are weak."

The little glasses guy sitting there adjusted his glasses and said, "I think the more important thing now is to consolidate our power."

"I'll take you to a place first and find that person."

"The head refers to... Di Lin?"

This Di Lin is very powerful. He was the leader of the twelve demon gods, and his power was also the strongest. Zhao Mengyue also needs to get this power. This is an absolutely indispensable power for her. When she gets this power, She has completely graduated. Although she did not get all the power of the Twelve Demon Gods, and Lin Xuan took away two of them, Dark Mist and Wandao Evil Thunder, but so far it is going well.

"Yes, the location has been determined, let's go! After finishing this matter, you will go with me to the Monster Clan. The Human Clan will not stay here for the time being."

Lin Yadai frowned.

"What are you going to do in the Demon Clan?"

Zhao Yingmeng's lips curled up slightly: "Together with the human race, let me become the king of the human race, the only way to go! Hahahaha——"

Then she looked up to the sky and laughed.

On the other side, all the girls in the room were having a great time eating. Everyone was talking and laughing. It really hasn't been this lively in a long time.

"Xiao Tianyi, you can't eat this. It's too spicy, and you haven't grown teeth yet."

An Xin held Xiao Tianyi and said carefully.

"They're all eaters, a room full of eaters."

Murong Qing smiled.

"Eating is the right thing to do."

"By the way, what did you get at the Gate of Divine Enlightenment?"

Murong Qing looked at Lin Xuan and asked while eating the food.

"One field, and then all attributes are doubled."

Lin Xuan said.

"All attributes have been doubled. Are you so calm and indifferent?"

Many girls showed surprised expressions.

For others, this is a very scary improvement, but for Lin Xuan, how can I say this's okay, pretty good, quite satisfactory, but not particularly bad.

"What about your current state?"

"Nine stars in Taixu Realm."

Lin Xuan said.

"so fast."

Lu Yufan and the others were secretly surprised when they heard Lin Xuan's words.

"well enough……"

Lin Xuan scratched his head.

"I'm only in the realm."

Lu Yufan pursed his lips.

"The Domain Realm is already good. Keep working hard and strive to advance to the Tianzun Realm in a short time. This will be amazing. Once you reach the Tianzun Realm, don't think about how quickly you can improve your realm."

Lin Xuan said.


"Time flies so fast."

Ye Yiyi sighed.

"Yeah, it's really fast."

"Hey, what are you doing?? You all want to become a monk after seeing through the world of mortals??"

Lin Xuan said.

"No? It really feels like time flies by so fast."

I still remember the first time I met Lin Xuan at Tianhua College. We were all so weak at that time? Now... Lin Xuan has become a super powerful existence among everyone, and they are also working hard to improve.

"Your generation has broken the mold."

Bai Xuanxuan said.

"What do you mean by our generation? How much older are you than me."

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes.

"But it is true that the level of young people of this generation has improved rapidly. It has surpassed any generation."

"Yeah, look at other people, they may not have been in the Taixu realm for decades, but you guys, all of you have already been in the Taixu realm in your twenties."

"Of course? There are geniuses. Are you all geniuses? Is this normal? Or are there most people who can't reach such a high level even if they practice hard?"

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"I think it's all the same. Although we have a system in this era, the system will also be determined based on your talent. The worse the talent, the more experience points are required to upgrade. It can't even be compensated by hard work."

Lin Xuan said.


"Lin Xuan? Then what are you going to do next? Are you going to attack the way of heaven?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "How can the Heavenly Way be so easy to impact? Such a huge gap in the realm? It requires a huge opportunity to be able to impact in a short time. If there is no such opportunity, it can only depend on the situation. "

"It is true that it is not so easy to advance in Tiandao, but for you it is only a matter of time. Maybe eight or nine years, or three or five years will be enough."

Linglongxue said.

"Will it take so long?"

Everyone:? ? ?

"Is this called Jiu?"

For Lin Xuan, this is called a long time!

He has to return to Earth. His note clearly stated that he must advance to the Heavenly Realm as soon as possible and then return to Earth, because there are still girls on Earth waiting for him silently. He cannot let them wait for five or ten years. Bar?

"It's really not long. For the demon race, it may take a hundred years to break through the realm of heaven, or even longer. For the human race, the top genius should be able to do it in five or ten years without a chance." Yes, it seems that many geniuses of your generation have reached the Taixu Realm, the high level of the Taixu Realm, but the Heavenly Dao Realm is the key to truly distance yourself! Some people may be geniuses now, but they may remain so in this lifetime! It may take some people decades or hundreds of years to advance to the Heavenly Dao realm, while some people can do it in just a few years. The gap widens here. "

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"Well, I understand. By the way, Xiao Linglong, promotion to the Heavenly Dao realm requires very key factors, right?"

Linglongxue nodded; "Yes, there are two key factors. The first is that the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth is enough to support you to advance to the heaven. This is not difficult. The difficult thing is the second point. The heaven is a very special realm. In fact, more people are unable to advance to Heaven not because of insufficient talent, but because of insufficient soul power. When your soul power reaches a certain level, coupled with talent and sufficient cultivation, you can reach Heaven."

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"Soul power? Is this soul power our soul?"

Blue Star asked, blinking his big eyes.

"It can be said that soul power can be strong or weak, but most of the time you cannot feel its existence, because there are very few opportunities to use soul power, such as spirit, control, some specific laws, etc., but in fact Many things are closely related to soul power.”

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