Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1867 Victory

Everyone felt very baffled.


These four teams were obviously weaker than their opponents, but now they had an advantage!

The most important thing is that they can't see why they can gain the advantage!

That day the strong man in the Dao Realm frowned!

not good!

If they continue fighting like this, they might lose!

If we lose to these four teams, it will be really embarrassing! They train with high intensity every day, and they are guided by someone from the Heavenly Dao Realm, so he is still very confident!

And what about the other party?

Going to a club, booking a hotel, or going to an Internet cafe, are these fucking things human beings do?

Apart from the fact that they didn't go to the poisonous rainforest, what's the other difference?

I don’t understand!

"Have you noticed? The coordination of the four teams seems to be much better than that of the first team."

The head of the Hai family discovered something and said.

"When you say this, it seems that it is indeed the case. No, it is not cooperation. It cannot be said to be cooperation. Each of them is supporting and helping each other, and the help between each other is very good. "

"That's right! This is what I discovered. The people in the first team are a bit disorganized in fighting, each playing his own role. As for the people in the fourth team, you can't say how well they cooperate. In fact, they don't cooperate very well. But the mutual help between their team members has greatly enhanced their combat power and reduced everyone’s pressure!”

"This is indeed strange. Whether it is one team or four teams, in fact, the situation of each team is the same. They are all young and energetic geniuses. Cooperation is certainly necessary, but the differences between them are shown Care, they are not like a group of team members who have just met, but more like a group of... friends gathered together! "


They gradually discovered this.

"Bai Mo, Zhang Ying, you block it for me, I'll attack!"

Qingyu from the fourth team shouted!



This is what they heard.

"Did you hear that? There is communication between these four teams, and this communication is consensual!"

"Yes! The difference is here. Look at the same team again. They are in the same situation. They are chasing after each other. No one gives in to anyone. Everyone wants to express themselves. Here is the difference!"

"But it's strange. Why can these four teams do it?"

"It's really not clear."

Time passed slowly, and this game lasted for more than an hour, and finally ended with the victory of the four teams. Although it took a long time, the final situation was a bit overwhelming!

In the virtual interface, one team is dead, and more than half of the four teams are left!

This gap is a bit big.


When everyone saw this result, they found it difficult to accept it!

The four teams were already slightly weaker, so why did they win in such a crushing situation?

Lin Xuan's mouth curled up slightly!


"team leader!"

Qingyu and the others smiled and ran to Lin Xuan.

"Well done, I'll treat you tonight."

"What if we win later?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "You can make whatever conditions you want."

"Hehe, okay!"

That Tian Heng frowned as he watched the battle!

On the contrary, he didn't pay so much attention to his own team's battles!

Really won!

It’s incredible!

Murong Feng walked to Lin Xuan's side,

He patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You really didn't disappoint me."

Lin Xuan scratched his head and said, "It has nothing to do with me, it's all about their strength."

A group of people also walked over in a depressed mood.

The strong man in the Heavenly Realm came over and said: "I saw such a battle today, and I admire it very much."

"You're welcome, I really didn't do anything."

Lin Xuan knew that these people were not convinced, and they were just complimenting him.

Tian Heng also came over and said, "Hahaha, it's really wonderful."

"So does your team!"

"Then... let's compete between the two teams."

Of course, Tianheng's second team won the two teams on the other side.

"Okay! Everyone, go get ready!"


Then the second team and the fourth team started fighting again!

"Take a good look at their performance, and then summarize the reasons for your defeat to me!"

The old man in the Dao realm said to a group of people that day.

Those people lowered their heads in shame!

An hour later, everyone stared at the four teams on the screen who were about to win this battle again!

"This?? These four teams have become the strongest among the four teams!?"

"How? How on earth is this done?"

That Tian Heng frowned!

He lost!

But why?

Normally, even if he loses, he can accept it. After all, the entire team has lost!

But, think about it again, what were these four teams doing before? They go to clubs, stay in hotels, and play games online, and what are they doing? They spent all their time training, fighting, and simulating! On the contrary, they never played against the fourth team!

This is unacceptable.

"It looks like these four teams are going to win again!"

The head of the Tian family said.

"Yeah, it's really unbelievable. It's only been half a month, but the four teams have improved so much in team battles? They may not have good results in individual battles, but as a team, they have crushed all the others. !”

Murong Feng looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Lin Xuan, can you tell us how you made the fourth team undergo such a qualitative change in the past half month?"

"Yeah, it's so shocking. At first, I didn't understand why Murong Family Master did this. But now, seeing the ending, to be honest, I can't accept it. This will have a negative impact on the development of some forces in our temple and even the entire human race. It’s very important, little brother Lin, share your experience with us.”

To be honest, I really admire you!

At the beginning, many people said that Lin Xuan was a genius, while more people thought it was just a gimmick and scoffed!

He is indeed not simple, but if you ask him to do such a thing, how can he be competent?

But now, the facts slap them in the face!

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Actually, I didn't do anything."

"Brother Lin, stop being so modest and tell us something so that everyone can learn from it!"

"Yes, little brother Lin, you take them to eat, drink and have fun, but how can you make them stronger? Is it possible that having fun, living comfortably, and living a comfortable life can make them stronger?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Actually, my idea is very simple. I believe everyone can see it. If I want to improve their strength in a short period of time, half a month, then I can't do it. Let them cultivate cooperation. , I can’t do it either. They are all arrogant geniuses. To be honest, it is already difficult for them to obey management.”

"That's right! This is also something that is difficult for me to achieve. I also know that a team needs a tacit understanding, but it is not easy to cultivate a tacit understanding among more than a hundred people!" said the Tiandao.

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