Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1868 Establishing a Team

Not to mention more than a hundred people, it is actually difficult for a few people to develop a tacit understanding!

Lin Xuan said: "Actually, I have not cultivated a tacit understanding between them. In fact, there is no tacit understanding between them."

"Well, I can see that tacit understanding is not so easy to cultivate."

Lin Xuan nodded; "Well, so what I think is that each of them is not bad, and they are not bad compared to other teams. The overall combat power is actually about the same. Then what I think is, how can we build on such a basis?" Let them show off their stronger combat power, let them show it off!”

"So, little brother Lin, what do you mean by taking them to the club and the Internet cafe?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "In fact, from my simple point of view, it is easy for men to develop feelings by going to that kind of place to play, play games, and curse. Smoking, playing games, scolding teammates, and then the fight is over. Looking back later, it’s actually quite comfortable.”

Then Lin Xuan continued: "They just know each other, then I will let them become friends based on their acquaintance. Everyone, one team is all colleagues, and the other team is all friends. Which of these two teams is better?" Which one is stronger?"

After hearing Lin Xuan's words, those strong men suddenly realized!

"I understand, there is intrigue among colleagues, and among friends, even if there is intrigue, at least in many things it is mutual consent."

Lin Xuan nodded; "Yes, so they are willing to help others, they are willing to fight for others, and when they see a person in danger, they step forward to help block it! A few people are nothing, but more than a hundred people If they can do this, in a team battle, facing opponents with the same starting point, even if they have no tacit understanding and teamwork, the overall effect they achieve is enough!"


Someone gasped.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Murong Feng laughed loudly and patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder: "Good boy, you really did not disappoint me."

"It's really not simple. You don't play according to common sense!"

"No, no, no, this is not unreasonable, it's just that little brother Ye thought of things that we guys wouldn't think of. This is what young people are."

"Hahaha, young people may not be able to do this. I have to say that the outside world's evaluation of you as a genius is indeed correct!"

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose and said: "There is no such thing as a genius. In fact, this is easy to think about."

"It's very easy, but why can't so many people think of it? Why are you the only one who has thought of it?"

Lin Xuan scratched his head.

"That's because he's thick-skinned."

Ling Ying muttered.

But I have to say, after hearing these people's comments about Lin Xuan, they were still very proud of Lin Xuan.

"But to be honest, will such an approach cause some bad situations for these players?"

That Tian Heng pondered slightly.


They looked at Tianheng.

"Tian Heng, just tell me if you have any questions."

Tian Heng said: "I just mentioned it casually. What is important for warriors is to improve themselves and improve in all aspects. Will such things make them feel that enjoying a better life and not go there too much?" Are you paying attention to cultivation? Hahaha, I’m just saying this.”

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, everyone's realm is already so high, they are all geniuses, and their family backgrounds are also very strong. These so-called enjoyments are not only known to them by me. They are no longer children. They want to enjoy life and have the capital to enjoy life, but they still come, so I don’t think there is anything to worry about. "

"Yeah, you're right."

Many others nodded.

"So can this method be used?"

"Everyone still has their own management methods and methods. Although this method does seem to be very effective, if it spreads and becomes the status quo, wouldn't there be a big problem?"


That's right! "

In fact, this is not important. What is important is that originally they just wanted to see Lin Xuan's ability and whether he was a so-called genius. Now it seems that he is really!

"Lin Xuan, the fourth team of Qianlong Army will be handed over to you from now on, how about it?"

Murong Feng looked at Lin Xuan and asked.

Others are actually still worried. Although Lin Xuan has shown his ability, but...are they really going to hand over more than a hundred geniuses to him? Is it a good thing?

Lin Xuan said: "It's better to say goodbye. I still like to enjoy life. I don't like this. That...Uncle Murong, half a month has passed. What you promised me, ah, no, it was what the temple promised me." , ahem...should I agree? "

Lin Xuan said with a smile!

What is he doing here? Do you really think he is here to train others?

Lin Xuan thinks that he does not have this ability.

He is just because the temple told him to come over and give it a try. As long as he comes over, no matter what the result is, he will lend Yaxuan Group a sum of funds!

Borrowing this fund is actually nothing, and Lin Xuan is not interested in this fund. Yi Renbing and Huang Xi can give Lin Xuan enough money, mainly because the Yang family is one of the Twelve Presbyterians of the Temple, and this Temple Other elder families lent money to Lin Xuan, so how dare they go after Yaxuan Group and Lin'an City?

Lin Xuan is not afraid of what they will do, but Lin Xuan is annoyed, he doesn't want to focus on it.

"Well, of course it's no problem, but are you sure you don't want to give it a try? We still hope you can continue to give it a try, and I believe they hope so too."

Murong Feng looked at Lin Xuan and said.

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders: "First, I don't have the ability. Second, I find it troublesome. Third, I'm worried that my decision will ruin them."

"There's nothing we can do about it."

Murong Feng then looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Lin Xuan, come with me."

Lin Xuan then followed Murong Feng to the side alone.

"What's wrong with Uncle Murong?"

Murong Feng nodded; "Well, actually it doesn't matter whether you take them or not. Now the temple wants to set up a few top teams, but there are not many. These teams will be a very powerful force in the entire human race in the future, and they will also gain The temple and even the Light Association have the most abundant resources to cultivate, and I want you to join.”

Lin Xuan scratched his head.

"Lin Xuan, your realm has improved very much, but this world is not as simple as you imagined. I hope you can think about it. Others are preparing for this matter. In the end, there will only be 440 people in the Qianlong Army. Ten people enter such a team, and I hope you choose your team yourself.”

Lin Xuan frowned.

"Is the mainland about to experience a catastrophe?"

"Coming soon! So a lot of things are imminent."

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