Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1871 The Guardian of the Evil Temple

[Renren Novel Network]

Chapter 1712: Guardian of the Evil God Temple

Lin Xuan's cell phone rang, and all the other girls stopped talking.

After a glance, it was an unknown number, but Lin Xuan should know who it was, and then Lin Xuan walked out.

When Lin Xuan walked out, the girls also knew who it was, it should be the Evil God Temple!

Because they still have Zhuge Feng here, Feng Ling, it's not that they don't trust them, but for the sake of safety, this matter must not be known to others.

"Strange, did he answer a girl's call? He didn't dare to let us hear it, old pervert."

Feng Ling took a bite of the food and muttered.

She still had a lot of resentment towards Lin Xuan, and she always wanted to defeat Lin Xuan, but it was really a bit impossible.

"I can't be perverted even if I want to."

Zhuge Feng said with a smile.

"Don't learn from this old pervert, one old pervert in the team is scary enough, and if there is another one, I'm going to kill someone."

Feng Ling scratched her hair.

Zhuge Feng smiled and nodded: "Yeah."

Outside, Lin Xuan received a call from the Evil God Temple.

"Young Master Lin, congratulations, you won the first place, let those people look at you with new eyes."

A voice came from the phone that Lin Xuan didn't know who it was.

Obviously, Lin Xuan guessed that there must be an insider in the temple!

Maybe this insider has a high position! This is also normal. It is not difficult to do this with the means of the Evil God Temple.

"You are really well-informed."

The man smiled and said: "Of course, when is Young Master Lin free? We should meet."


Lin Xuan said.

"Okay! See you at 8 o'clock tomorrow night, Tiandu Liuyun Pavilion."


Then Lin Xuan hung up the phone.

Lin Xuan didn't know what the Evil God Temple wanted to do, but it must be bad. Maybe it might not be a bad thing for Lin Xuan, but it must be bad for the human race, the three major forces, etc.

But this is what Lin Xuan must do. The Evil God Temple, whether from a personal perspective or from the perspective of a human race that yearns for peace, Lin Xuan must eradicate the Evil God Temple! Even if he has to put in a lot of effort and energy, he must do this well!

Otherwise, if the human race and the demon race go to war on the other side, they will have to worry about the threat of the Evil God Temple. That would be so uncomfortable! ?

And the Evil God Temple must be looking forward to the real war between the human race and the demon race, because the more chaotic it is, the happier they are!

Lin Xuan returned to the box and said to them: "Then everyone should rest early, and play in Tiandu by the way, and wait until the day after tomorrow... We will report to the temple and leave some information by the way. As for what to do next, it depends on the arrangement of the temple."


Then they left the hotel.

One day later...

In the evening, Lin Xuan came to Liuyun Pavilion alone.

Outside Liuyun Pavilion, before Lin Xuan entered, a man who looked unremarkable walked in front of Lin Xuan.

"Young Master Lin, the guardian has been waiting for you for a long time." The man said to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows.

Dharma protector?

What level of role does this Dharma protector play in the Evil God Temple?

Lin Xuan was not very clear.

"Well, lead the way."

Then he took Lin Xuan into a private room.

"Please come in."

Lin Xuan then walked into the private room. The man did not come in, but closed the door and stood outside.

Lin Xuan walked in and looked at a middle-aged man who was about 40 years old sitting there!

Is this the so-called Dharma protector?

He looked at Lin Xuan, then stood up with a smile and stretched out his hand to Lin Xuan: "Mr. Lin, we finally meet, come on, please sit down."

Lin Xuan then sat in front of him. The man personally poured Lin Xuan a glass of wine and looked quite kind.

"Let's get straight to the point if there is anything."

Lin Xuan threw him a cigarette.

"Hahaha, don't you want to eat something? Look at how much I've ordered."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Are you in the mood to eat?"

"We have to eat something when we talk about things."


They lit cigarettes.


Then they ate their food and chatted.

"I also know about your performance in the temple. It is really impressive."

"Do you still want me to lead the strong men of the Evil God Temple?"

Lin Xuan said.

"Hahaha, you have to change this sentence, because you are also a strong man."

Lin Xuan shook his head: "That's not entirely true. I wonder who you are?"

"Oh, yes, I'm a little too happy to see you. I almost forgot to introduce you. Wang Meng, the left protector of the Evil God Temple."

Lin Xuan stroked his chin: "Left protector? Is it the left protector of a hall in the Evil God Temple or the left protector of the main hall?"

"Of course it's the left protector of the main hall."

Wang Meng said with a smile.

What level is this protector?

For example, in the Evil God Temple, the most powerful person is the Temple Master, and the left and right Dharma Protectors are the Temple Master's left and right arms. These left and right arms are the easiest and most frequent to deal with the Temple Master, and they are even the representatives of the Temple Master. Maybe their power is not second or third in the Evil God Temple, but they are definitely top-notch.

"I see."

Lin Xuan nodded.

Wang Meng said with a smile: "Do you want to advance to the realm of heaven? I, Xie Shen Na, still have the ability to advance you to the realm of heaven in a very short period of time."

Lin Xuan shook his head; "Forget it, I still prefer to advance slowly. Forcibly destroying talents is not necessarily a good thing!"

"Okay! If you have this idea, your achievements are destined to be high!"

Lin Xuan took a sip of wine and said, "Then let's talk business."

"Hahaha, okay, I'm here this time. I mainly want to tell you three things."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"Of course, I still want to ask you something, so let me ask you something first."

"It will be all right."

Lin Xuan said.

"Okay, the first thing I want to ask you is, how are you arranged at the temple?"

Wang Meng asked.

"Don't you know this?"

Lin Xuan took a puff of cigarette and leaned on the chair and asked.

"Hahaha, you should know that the Evil Temple has an internal agent in the temple, but it is absolutely impossible for this internal agent to reach an extremely high level. It is not easy for us to know such extreme secrets."

Wang Meng smiled and said.

"Okay." Lin Xuan shrugged, and then said: "Actually, there is no secret. They just want me to join a team."

"Oh, this matter is quite clear. What else is there?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "No, let me lead the Qianlong Army, but I don't want to lead it, that's it."

Wang Meng nodded.

In fact, this already shows that the temple is very optimistic about Lin Xuan.

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