Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1872 Is this the benefit?


Chapter 1713 Is this the benefit?

For the Evil Temple, the effect that such a character can achieve is unimaginable!

Therefore, the Evil Temple is extremely optimistic about Lin Xuan. Putting aside everything else, this value is unparalleled.

"Well, is there any action?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "No, even if there is, I don't know."

"Okay, then let's talk about another thing, which are the three very important things I want to tell you."

Lin Xuan said: "I don't care about anything for now, I just want to know now, what are my benefits?"

"I work for you, and you keep saying that you want me to get what I deserve. But so far, I haven't gotten anything. Instead, I have been doing things for you. What? In your eyes, I am just a tool, right? ?”

Lin Xuan looked very unfriendly.

"Hahaha, don't worry, Mr. Lin. Isn't this protector going to talk to you about this matter?"

Wang Meng smiled and said.

"Besides, one of the benefits I just told you is that it allows you to advance to Heaven. This is an irresistible temptation for anyone."

Lin Xuan shook his head: "I don't think this is a benefit. In my eyes, it is only a matter of time before I advance to the realm of heaven, so why bother to encourage others?"

"Yes, yes, let's finish talking about other things first and then tell you these benefits. What do you think?"

Lin Xuan nodded.

"Okay, the first thing is that I need you to work hard to penetrate into the temple. The higher the status you have in the temple, the greater the benefits for us. The Evil Temple needs you to do To this point, you are absolutely capable and qualified to do it!”

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"Is it possible that the Evil Temple wants to destroy the temple? Does the Evil Temple have this ability?"


Wang Meng smiled and said: "That's still a bit difficult, but it has great benefits after all, doesn't it?"

Lin Xuan nodded; "That's no problem, but I have a request. My request is that no matter what you want to do, first, I must know our purpose, and second, if it harms the interests of most people, life ,I reject."

"Hahaha, don't worry, that won't happen." Wang Meng smiled.

Lin Xuan nodded.

"Okay, let me talk about the second thing. This matter is very important. There is one thing I have to tell you, and that is about Lin'an City, and about why the Yang family wants to compete with you for the ownership of Lin'an City."

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What's the reason?"

"That's because Lin'an City is located at the heart of the entire continent."

Wang Meng said.

"Dragon Veins!"

Lin Xuan frowned and thought for a moment!

So that’s it!

Even if Lin Xuan doesn't know what specific benefits it will bring, Lin Xuan knows that as a location in the center of the continent, this place must be very exaggerated.

No wonder! No wonder the Yaxuan Group is such a tough opponent. The Yang family even has to pay this price to take down the Yaxuan Group and compete for the ownership of Lin'an City. So that's it!

No wonder Lin'an City is a city on the verge of demon clan, and they still want to fight for it!

If this matter is exposed by then, then the human race will desperately protect Lin'an City, because it is impossible to give up this dragon vein to the demon race, right?

"What benefits will this dragon vein bring?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Right now, the dragon vein has not exploded yet. Once it does, the spiritual power of heaven and earth in the entire continent will be even more abundant, and the center is in Lin'an City, so at least one thing is that Lin'an City is the center of the spiritual power in the entire continent, and it is also the most powerful. This place will become the best place to practice! This is just the most basic benefit!”

Lin Xuan; "..."

"So, Lin'an City, Yaxuan Group must not lose it, and must speed up the pace of continuing to acquire Lin'an City and completely acquire Lin'an City.



Lin Xuan pondered slightly.

"How did the Evil Temple know about this?"

Obviously, few people knew about this matter, otherwise it would be impossible that no one had told him about it, not even Linglong Xue and the others knew about it.

But why does the Evil Temple know this? Is it that the good guys are no match for the bad guys? That’s impossible, right?

"We captured a member of the Yang family in Lin'an City two days ago. Well, the young master of the Yang family, Yang Tian, ​​got the news from him."

"Good guys, did you catch this Yang Tian?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing.

It's also quite sad.

"Yeah, killed."

Lin Xuan thinks this is normal.

However, if he was killed, would the Yang family think it was Lin Xuan who did it?

Forget it, it doesn’t matter.

"Okay, I understand!"

Lin Xuan then nodded and said.

"Well, you must pay attention to this matter. As far as I know, the crisis caused by the Yang family in Lin'an City should be nothing, right?"

Lin Xuan nodded; "Well, yes, if it weren't for your Evil Temple, there wouldn't be such a big crisis at all!"

"Hahaha, after all, the Evil Temple also needs to develop. After all, I didn't know about you at the time. Otherwise, let alone the Evil Temple using Yaxuan Group's money, I, the Evil Temple, would even have to spend money on you! But now Okay, just don’t worry about it. The rest is to take control of Lin’an City. By then, Lin’an City will be the stronghold of the Evil God Temple.”

Lin Xuan didn't say anything.

"The third thing is about the benefits you want!"

After saying that, my brother Wang Meng handed Lin Xuan a token.

"This is?"

"The Order of the Palace Master of the Evil God Fire Palace, from today on, you are the Palace Master of the Evil God Fire Palace. The entire Evil God Fire Palace will be used by you. There are several heavenly beings and countless powerful people among them. At the same time, I will tell you when the time comes." I will give you a piece of information. This information is information about all the core members of the entire Evil God Fire Palace. The people you have been to in the Evil God Fire Palace, that is, the Xiao family, are now your subordinates. "

Lin Xuan; "..."

"So, this is my benefit? Is this a benefit? It's a burden. I've said it before, I don't want these things. I'm not interested in so-called rights and power."

Lin Xuan threw the token to Wang Meng.

Wang Meng smiled and threw the token to Lin Xuan again.

"There are people over there to help keep an eye on it, so why don't you just hold it in case you need it?"

Lin Xuan took it.

"What's the benefit?"

"What benefit do you want?"

"Me? I really don't know what benefits I want." Lin Xuan shrugged.

He doesn't need the benefits!

Now he just needs to know where the main hall of the Evil God Temple is, but he can't ask directly, right? Lin Xuan is not sure.

"I should be a core member now, right?"


"Then can I meet the master of the main hall of the Evil Temple?"

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