Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1873 Their news

[Renren Novel Network]

Chapter 1714 Their news

When Wang Meng heard what Lin Xuan said, he smiled.

"Of course there is no problem. After all, it was the palace master who asked me to come to see you. The palace master is personally paying attention to everything that happens to Mr. Lin."

Lin Xuan nodded: "Isn't it just perfunctory for me?"


Wang Meng smiled and said: "How is that possible! If Mr. Lin wants to meet with the palace master, then I will make arrangements and I can go and meet him whenever I am free."

Lin Xuan shook his head: "Forget it, let's talk about it later. Now, I need the capital support of the Evil Temple."


If you use his money, then he won't let you spit it out?

“Didn’t Yaxuan Group receive capital support from the Temple?”

Lin Xuan said: "It's true, but I don't think it's enough, because next, I not only have to defend the Yang family, I also have to continue to acquire Lin'an City, so I need a lot of capital!"

"Now that the Yang family has the intervention of the Holy Temple, they should not continue to compete with you for Lin'an City."

Wang Meng said.

"What if? After all, you also said that Lin'an City is located in the Dragon Vein. Do you think the Yang family will stop? Maybe it's just on the surface, but in fact they will definitely not stop. They may be hindered by their status. They won’t take action anymore, but won’t they control another family to take action against Yaxuan Group and Lin’an City?”

After hearing Lin Xuan's words, Wang Meng pondered slightly.

"Well, what you said makes sense. You are now a member of the Evil Temple. The Yaxuan Group is also part of the Evil Temple. The Evil Temple should help the Yaxuan Group tide over the difficulties. I will discuss this matter with them as soon as possible after I return. Yes, I should be able to send you the money within a few days.”

Lin Xuan nodded; "Okay, is there anything else you need me to do?"

Wang Meng said: "I'm sorry for not being able to come up with something that satisfies you. If you need any help, please feel free to mention it to the Evil God. This is the way to contact me. All you need to do is crush this bead."

Wang Meng handed Lin Xuan a bead: "In addition, what you need to do is to protect Lin'an City so that you can hand over to the Evil Temple in the future. Also, that is to improve your cultivation as soon as possible, reach the realm of heaven, and fight against Entering the interior of the temple will make it easier for you to coordinate with us later!”

Lin Xuan nodded.

"I feel like I don't have much power."

Lin Xuan said.

"Don't worry, I'll give you a secret. The palace master is already looking for his successor. There are three in total. You are one of them. Improve yourself and show yourself. It won't take long, and you may even be on the throne. I am the master of the Evil Temple, and I told you that if you need any help, please mention it to the Evil Temple at any time, and the Evil Temple will help you. "

Lin Xuan said: "It is available now."


Then Lin Xuan said: "I need your Evil Temple to investigate the traces of several people."

"Do you mean……"

Lin Xuan said: "You should know what I am referring to."

Wang Meng smiled and said: "That still needs to be stated clearly, after all, if I understand it wrong..."

"The whereabouts of my sisters and the others."

Lin Xuan said.

"Oh, um, it just so happens that we have some clues."


Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"Because someone from them came to the Evil Temple to talk about cooperation before."

"They all know where the Evil Temple is? But I don't?"

Lin Xuan looked unhappy.

"Master Lin, don't get me wrong. Of course they are not contacting people from the main palace." Wang Meng said.

"Then I can't know where the main palace is now?"

Lin Xuan asked casually after taking a sip of wine.

"Master Lin, of course there is no problem, but now Master Lin will not go to the main hall. When the day comes when we really need Master Lin's cooperation, we will definitely tell Master Lin."

Wang Meng smiled.


Lin Xuan didn't say much.

I can tell,

They don't seem to trust him very much, even if he takes the poison pill.

After all, although this poisonous elixir can make people die if they tell the secret, but... what if the fish is dead and the net is broken?

He died, but he also exposed the location of the main hall of the Evil Temple...

After all, this Lin Xuan is considered a ruthless person in their eyes.

"What's their news?" Lin Xuan asked.

"The news is... they should be in the Monster Clan now. If what they said is right, they should be planning to form some kind of cooperation with the Monster Clan. Their ambition is to rule the human race, maybe even the continent. Come The purpose of finding the Evil Temple is also to cooperate with the Evil Temple, disrupt the three major forces, and thus replace the three major forces! "

To be honest, these three major forces are really the entire protective umbrella of the human race. Without these three major forces, the human race would be vulnerable to a single blow.

"The demon clan...the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance?"

"It should be the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance! The worst it should be is the Demon Temple."

Wang Meng said.

"Okay, I get it."

Lin Xuan nodded and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Lin Xuan nodded: "If nothing happens, I'll leave first."

"Okay, Mr. Lin, please pay more attention to our affairs."

"I know, and I don't care, but I don't want the Evil Temple to bother them."

Lin Xuan said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin. After all this time, has Mr. Lin ever seen us bother them?"

Lin Xuan nodded and walked away.

"Demon Temple, Ten Thousand Demons Alliance..."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

Lin Xuan is probably aware of their current progress, which is basically complete. Next, Lin Xuan also knows that it will be their time to show off their ambitions.

The added human race is in a very bad situation!

The demon clan, Zhao Mengyue and the others also have the Evil Temple!

The pressure from the three major forces is extremely high, which is why Lin Xuan wants to join them and form a team to share some things with their strength!

Fortunately, this evil temple has not asked Lin Xuan to do something that he is extremely unwilling to do for the time being. Now, it is nothing more than the so-called going deep into the temple to cooperate with others. This is the kind of thing that Lin Xuan does not have to do at all. He Doing his own thing, in the eyes of the Evil Temple, he is also helping the Evil Temple.

What surprised Lin Xuan was the news from Lin'an City brought by Wang Meng.

"Dragon Veins..."

Lin Xuan pondered slightly.

"I have to ask Xiao Linglong and the others about some specific things about this dragon vein."

On the other side, Wang Meng made a phone call.

"Palace Master, I saw Lin Xuan."

Wang Meng said.

"Well... nothing special. Everything has been explained. It seems that he is a little dissatisfied with our Evil Temple."

There was a voice coming from inside.

"It's normal to be dissatisfied. The Evil Temple didn't give him enough benefits, right?"

"Yeah, those benefits that other people call crazy, he doesn't care about."

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