Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 818 Let me accompany you

Lin Xuan was helping Xiao Runing cut vegetables, but he always wanted to take advantage of her. No, just when Lin Xuan was about to take action, he suddenly heard a little noise, and then he quickly reached out to Xiao Runing quietly from behind. Ru Ningpp's hand was retracted.

Of course Xiao Xinyue didn't see it.

Lin Xuan was also shocked. Lin Xuan thought that Xiao Xinyue would sit there for a long time. Fortunately, he didn't do anything to Xiao Runing. Otherwise, if Xiao Xinyue saw it, he would be a loser.

If you have a girlfriend outside and pursue another one, it is basically impossible. If you continue to have sex with her sister, it will be over. How can you pursue Xiao Xinyue? The news that he has a girlfriend outside can be explained by excuses. If she sees him taking advantage of Xiao Runing, it will be "self-destruction".

However, Lin Xuan was quite surprised that Xiao Xinyue's expression was managed very well. Lin Xuan even felt that she seemed to be very calm, except for the slightest hint of anger.

This is a good thing. There is only anger but no sadness, which means that she does not have much feelings for Gongsun Jun. If she really has feelings for Gongsun Jun, anger will be the second reaction, and the first reaction should be sadness, even between sadness and sadness. There has been a cycle of anger for a long time. Xiao Xinyue came over so quickly, which is good news in Lin Xuan's opinion.

"Where did you find it?"

Xiao Xinyue just looked at Lin Xuan and asked. It didn't matter to her whether Xiao Runing was there or not, and it didn't matter that it would be embarrassing to say such a thing in front of her sister.

Xiao Runing turned around in confusion when she heard Xiao Xinyue's words.

Lin Xuan said while cutting vegetables: "I got this news from the actor Gongsun Jun invited, and I got the news accidentally. Then I thought, how could such a beautiful and outstanding girl like you be deceived by that kind of guy? So I found another person through my connections. This person is cautious by nature. I heard that he would carry a voice recorder with him to record when discussing interests, although he may not be able to use it or he would not dare to use it. , but this is his habit, and it is precisely because of this habit that he can have such crucial evidence. "

Xiao Xinyue nodded.

"You believe me?"

Lin Xuan asked in surprise.

Does she believe that?

A woman's intuition is much more accurate than that of a man. Although she really shouldn't jump to conclusions before she understands everything, she feels it is! Regardless of whether it was towards Lin Xuan or towards Gongsun Jun, although Lin Xuan was indeed flirtatious and she thought so, she felt that he should be very good in other aspects of his character. This view may come from the fact that Lin Xuan saved her After getting along with her for a while, another very important aspect is that her sister Xiao Runing seems to have a very good relationship with Lin Xuan!

"Not necessarily." Xiao Xinyue shook her head and said.

Yes, she may not completely believe Lin Xuan, although she thinks it is true.

Lin Xuan said: "How many more witnesses are there? Can I take you to meet them after dinner?"


Xiao Xinyue nodded, she must confirm this matter.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand you at all?"

Xiao Runing expressed confusion.

"Oh, I plan to cuckold that Gongsun Jun, that's all." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Xiao Runing: "..."

"roll roll roll!"

Xiao Runing rolled her eyes.

So shameless.

"Hurry up and tell me what's going on!"

Xiao Runing saw that Lin Xuan didn't say anything and then asked Xiao Xinyue.

Xiao Xinyue doesn't need to avoid suspicion, it seems a little embarrassing, but she doesn't care!

Then she played the recording to Xiao Runing!


Xiao Runing slapped the marble stove, and then the stove cracked.

"I'll take you to destroy him!"

Xiao Runing said angrily!

It doesn't matter to her that her sister finds a boyfriend. No matter whether the boyfriend is good or not, at least his character must be ok, and he did such a thing,

What kind of character is this?

Although the character of Lin Xuan next to him was just that, at least he was aboveboard in everything he did.

Wait, is he really aboveboard?

"I'll do it myself." Xiao Xinyue said calmly.

"How about I accompany you?" Lin Xuan said to Xiao Xinyue.

"Need not."

"I think there are multiple people who are taking care of you. What if you ask him to pay attention to you and he just breaks up with you?"

"I'm better than him."

Xiao Xinyue said confidently.

"You are stronger than him but you have been tricked before."

Lin Xuan said.

Xiao Xinyue was stunned when she heard Lin Xuan's words.

"Right, you don't even know how you were tricked. What if you are tricked again? So I can still have someone to take care of you. Even if there is any emergency, I can still be used. The space properties keep us both safe.”

Lin Xuan said very reasonably.

"I have to go too! I'm your sister!"

Xiao Runing said angrily.

She seemed to think it was nothing if this happened to her, but she was particularly angry when it happened to her sister Xiao Xinyue.

"Okay then, trouble."

Xiao Xinyue felt that what Lin Xuan said was reasonable. Since he could do such a thing, it proved that he was an insidious person.

"Isn't it a bit unethical for me to poke people's tires like this?" Lin Xuan rubbed his chin and muttered suddenly.

"No, I feel like you finally did something personal." Xiao Runing said to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan; "..."

"It makes me lose interest in eating." Xiao Runing turned over the shovel.

"So I said I would tell you after dinner, but you, my sister, have to ask."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

"Out of the pot, there are only two dishes to cook, plus your four. If you don't cook, I'm not in the mood, go beat someone up after eating!"

Xiao Runing said angrily.

In twenty minutes, they finished their meal in a hurry. The most popular thing was the pork head meat that Lin Xuan brought. To be honest, the pork head meat with green onions is really delicious. Then the three of them left the house. Lin Xuan had prepared it beforehand. After asking out Wang Wenxuan, Ji Qiang and Ji Qiang's girlfriend, Lin Xuan felt that having them was enough!

They sat there in the cafe of the Gale Mercenary Group. Wang Qianqian and Miao Xiaomiao served them coffee, and then stood quietly at the bar.

Ji Qiang's girlfriend Zhang Lingling lowered her head and shed tears. Ji Qiang was always there to comfort him.

"Mad! I just knew about this!"

Wang Wenxuan slapped his hand on the table angrily.

"Sorry, I have touched your sore spot, but this matter is very important to me, so I hope you can tell me." Xiao Xinyue looked at them with sympathy in her heart. Their anger and sadness were extremely clear in Xiao Xinyue's eyes. reality.

"Lingling, this is the top master of Shenghui Academy, but she was tricked by Gongsun Jun and became his girlfriend. They can definitely avenge you and us!"

Ji Qiang comforted Zhang Lingling.

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