Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 819 Do you want to find another boyfriend?

Lin Xuan went to the bar and talked to Miao Xiaomiao. There was nothing he could do about the matter there, so it was up to them to judge for themselves!

Zhang Lingling wiped her tears. Although this incident was difficult to talk about and she didn't want to recall it, Ji Qiang didn't blame her. She also wanted revenge. Then she told Xiao Xiao about what happened that day in great detail. Xinyue and Xiao Runing.

The two girls became more and more angry as they listened.

"This is his blood, and there is his DNA. If you need confirmation, you can go and identify it."

Zhang Lingling took out a small section of nail that had been cut off. There was a trace of blood in the nail. She must have injured Gongsun Jun while struggling when he was forced to do so.

She also wanted to take revenge, otherwise she wouldn't have cut off the nails with a trace of his blood and kept them as evidence, but she didn't dare and knew it was useless, but now someone had done all this for her, she Thank you very much.


Xiao Xinyue has completely believed it, and there is no reason not to believe it.

Then she stood up, turned around and walked out with a cold face.

"You guys have a good rest and leave the rest to us. Although we may not be able to guarantee that he will be brought to justice now, we can definitely make you feel bad!" Xiao Runing comforted them and followed.

Lin Xuan said to Miao Xiaomiao: "I'll go with them first, so don't go." After that, Lin Xuan said to Ji Qiang and the others: "Don't worry, I may not be able to do anything big now, but I believe it won't be necessary. How long will it take before they are brought to justice and even disappear from this world forever!”

Lin Xuan is still more ruthless, because after Lin Xuan knows that this matter comes out, he will definitely be really hated by Gongsun Jun, and he will definitely want to kill him. At that time, Lin Xuan can kill him.

"Thank you, Brother Xuan."

Zhang Lingling wiped her tears and bowed to Lin Xuan.

"No, thank you too. You guys have some coffee and the rest will be left to the three of us!" After saying that, Lin Xuan followed.

Lin Xuan caught up with Xiao Xinyue and Xiao Runing.

"Hey, what are you going to do?"

Lin Xuan asked Xiao Xinyue.

"have no idea."

Xiao Xinyue said while walking forward.

That's right, she really didn't know what to do. Let's talk about it then. Anyway, she would confront him first.

Of course Lin Xuan cares about it. After all, Xiao Xinyue means something different to Lin Xuan, although they don't seem to be particularly familiar with each other.

"Where is Gongsun Jun?" Xiao Runing asked.

"At his house."

Xiao Xinyue had obviously just asked him.

Lin Xuan said to Xiao Runing: "Teacher Xiao, I think you should not go."

"I dont go?"

Of course Xiao Runing was unwilling.

"Yes, although you are Xiao Xinyue's sister, you are also a teacher. You and Gongsun Jun are in the same school, and you are his teacher. At this point, you are not suitable to go."

"What does that mean? It's enough that I am Xinyue's sister, no matter if he is a teacher or not."

Xiao Xinyue suddenly realized this when she heard Lin Xuan's words.

She knows that Xiao Runing likes to be a teacher. If this incident comes out, her relationship with her sisters will be exposed. At the same time, she may not be able to be a teacher because of the Gongsun family. Although in theory she can go to other colleges. But with the Gongsun family here, at least no college in Lin'an City wanted her, because they didn't want to provoke the Gongsun family, which would be very troublesome.

"You'd better not go."

Xiao Xinyue said to Xiao Runing.

Xiao Runing: "..."

I go! Since when did these two wear a pair of underpants?

"I'll help you." Xiao Runing said.

"No need."

Xiao Xinyue said slightly.

Although she looked cold, she actually just didn't want her to pay the price. Although the price was really nothing to them, she didn't want to trouble Xiao Runing.

"Okay, okay, if you don't let me go, you won't let me go!"

Of course Xiao Runing knew what she meant,

He sighed slightly, and then said: "But be careful, but don't make too much noise in other people's homes, especially you!"

Xiao Runing then glared at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan expressed his innocence, why did he remind him again?

"You are the one who causes trouble the most. Remember to exercise caution. Although what he did is despicable, don't do it too harshly. Otherwise, you may be the one who gets hurt. Do you understand?"

She just couldn't trust Lin Xuan, this guy could really cause trouble, and he could be particularly cruel sometimes.

"Don't worry, it's not like he cheated on me. I don't have any big grudges with him. I just went over to protect Crescent Moon Beauty. I don't have anything to do."

Lin Xuan said.

"That's good."

Xiao Xinyue frowned slightly.

Lin Xuan called her several different names, why did it feel like he was so understated when he said it? Is this the power of shameless men?

But she didn't think about this anymore. What was more important was Gongsun Jun's incident.

Then Xiao Xinyue went straight away, Lin Xuan followed her, while Xiao Runing stayed where she was, and then returned to the Gale Mercenary Group.

She believed in Lin Xuan. She knew that Lin Xuan's space power was very powerful. Even if something went wrong, he could at least run away, so she didn't go. Going instead made Xiao Xinyue feel bad. He knew it very well. .

On the other side, the two took a taxi and drove to Gongsun Jun's home.

Gongsun Jun's home is a very large manor. There are few manors in Lin'an City. Only the top families in Lin'an City can afford it. Of course, the manor is located in a slightly remote place. After all, You can't build a manor in the city center. If you want, the government represented by the three major forces will not agree.

"When the time comes, I will act as your strongest defender."

Lin Xuan, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, said to Xiao Xinyue.


Xiao Xinyue said calmly.

Lin Xuan smiled helplessly. A cold girl was the hardest to chase, but Lin Xuan took a look at her favorability score, which was twenty points.

The twenty points of favorability seem to be quite high. Lin Xuan knows that there should be a big reason why he saved her. Girls are indeed like this. No matter how cold the girl is, she actually has a soft heart. Of course, it is limited to that A kind-hearted girl. If you are a bitch-hearted, that's a different story.

"Then when you break up, do you want to consider finding another boyfriend?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

It felt like Lin Xuan said what she said, as if she was a romantic woman who wanted to find a new boyfriend after breaking up. She didn't think about finding a new boyfriend in the first place. It wasn't because Gongsun Jun acted in such a drama and pursued her. After two or three years, she was fooled and was too embarrassed to refuse his pursuit anymore.

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