Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 820 Gongsun Family Manor

Xiao Xinyue then shook her head.

"No, I'm not interested."

"I mean, girl, this girl still needs a boyfriend. Look at how beautiful you are, how many outstanding boys want to take care of you." The driver heard their conversation Then he couldn't help but smile and said.

Lin Xuan also smiled and agreed: "Uncle, you are right, these girls, especially beautiful girls, do need to be taken care of."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

What does Lin Xuan mean?

"Young man, are you her suitor?"

The driver asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's just a little hard to chase."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Xiao Xinyue:? ? ?

"This girl is so beautiful. If you want to catch up with her, you will probably have to put in a lot of effort."

Lin Xuan: "Yeah, he's so hard to chase. He doesn't say a word all day long."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

Well, she thought it was Lin Xuan who was teasing her on purpose, so just pretend she didn't hear it.

"Hahaha, uncle has also come from your age. You have to be sincere to girls. Girls feel very clearly whether a man is sincere, right?"

Xiao Xinyue was stunned for a moment, and then said "hmm" slightly.

"Oh, this girl is so pretty. I haven't seen such a beautiful girl in all these years. Young man, you are really discerning."

Lin Xuan scratched his head and said with a smile, "I won't chase her if she's not pretty, right?"

"Hahaha, if you are ambitious, I wish you good luck."

Xiao Xinyue didn't know what Lin Xuan was going to do.

"You see, all the uncles think highly of us."

Lin Xuan came close to Xiao Xinyue's face and said with a smile.

"Do you believe I told Ling Ying?"

Xiao Xinyue didn't know what to say, so she just said this directly.

Lin Xuan: "..."

Wow! Why do women do this?

"Just tell me, I'm not afraid."

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders as if he was really not afraid.

Xiao Xinyue glanced at Lin Xuan, was he really not afraid?

Pretending, this is definitely a pretense!

"Okay, I'll tell you then."

Xiao Xinyue said lightly and then did not look at Lin Xuan, where she was actually waiting for Lin Xuan to beg for mercy.

Who knew that Lin Xuan never gave in? He was really not afraid?

I don’t know why, but I was in a very bad mood at first, but somehow after talking to Lin Xuan for a while, my mood actually relaxed.

Soon they arrived at the Gongsun family's manor.

I'm afraid there are indispensable domestic servants in this huge manor. This is a big family. In fact, the so-called domestic servants will never have human rights like in ancient times. In fact, they work in the homes of wealthy families and help with some odd things. As for It is unknown who is in the Gongsun family, such as Gongsun Jun's father, but even if his father is here, Xiao Xinyue will never give in.

Standing at the door of the manor, Xiao Xinyue pressed the doorbell, and then several security guards came out.

"It turns out to be Miss Xiao, please come in."

They obviously knew Xiao Xinyue, and naturally they had received instructions that she could enter here at will, and then they quickly opened the door for her.

When their eyes saw Lin Xuan behind Xiao Xinyue, they all had puzzled expressions.

They all know that Xiao Xinyue is their young master's girlfriend, and there is absolutely no problem for her to come, but what's going on with a man of about the same age following her? Even if he is Gongsun Jun's friend, he cannot enter without permission!


They stopped Lin Xuan.

"What? Still not allowed in?"

A bodyguard said: "The young master only allows Miss Xiao to enter at will. Others, even if they are friends of the young master, need to inform the young master!"

"I brought him here."

Xiao Xinyue looked back and then said lightly.

"Miss Xiao, we are following orders."

Be reasonable,

If she were even more angry now, Xiao Xinyue would directly attack Gongsun Jun's bastard!

"I say it again, I brought him here!"

Xiao Xinyue's tone was cold, making those people feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

They looked at each other.

Indeed, Gongsun Jun said this, if it is a girl, then they will definitely allow Xiao Xinyue to bring it in, but it happens to be a boy... I don’t know what he is doing, but in their eyes, Xiao Xinyue is their young master’s most beautiful girl. A woman who loves, her words are also commands.

"Please come in."

After thinking about it, they decided to let Lin Xuan in. If they made Xiao Xinyue unhappy, then they would have to walk around without consequences even if they were following orders.

"Where is your young master?"

Xiao Xinyue asked.

"The young master is waiting for Miss Xiao in the back garden."

Then Xiao Xinyue and Lin Xuan walked over together.

Lin Xuan was looking around to see what the situation was like in this manor. There were a lot of people, but they were just servants, cleaning the yard and houses, watering flowers and planting grass, etc. They were all very ordinary people. Those who come to work every day do not belong to Gongsun's family.

"There are people from the Gongsun family living in this manor, but it's just the Gongsun family. The Gongsun family is a larger family, and there are other direct and direct families, but they are not here. I don't know how many masters there are here. clear."

Xiao Xinyue said something to Lin Xuan on the way, because there will probably be a fight next! She doesn't just come here and talk things over, so what's the point?

"Will the people from Shura Palace be here?" Lin Xuan asked.

"No, Shura Hall is Shura Hall. Even if he is the hall master, he can only use people from White Tiger Hall, and he cannot use them in large numbers. And this is their home. It is obviously against the regulations to use people from White Tiger Hall to visit their home. So there should be no members of the Shura Palace, and some are just simple warriors from the Gongsun family."

Lin Xuan didn't know what kind of master such a family could have, at the Tianzun level?

There may be, there should be domain realm, but Lin Xuan, who has advanced to the law realm, has spatial attributes, and he will definitely not be able to defeat him in the domain realm, but he can use the space attributes, and the domain realm can no longer limit the space attributes of the law realm. Lin Xuan, so safety must be no problem, even the Tianzun realm cannot limit it, as long as he has no special means to limit the space.

There is no way, Lin Xuan has to help Xiao Xinyue vent her anger. If he helps her vent her anger, it will be easier for him to seduce Xiao Xinyue. He still doesn't know what to do after that. There is also Murong Qing, which is so annoying!

Although it sounds annoying on the surface, I am actually very satisfied and looking forward to every reward. Maybe this is what a man is.

Soon they came to the beautiful back garden. Even in winter, there were still flowers of various colors here, plus the white snow, it was really beautiful.

"new moon!"

Gongsun Jun didn't expect Xiao Xinyue to come to him. Then he stood up happily and frowned suddenly.

:. :

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