Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 828 Damn it! Forgot her

Lin Xuan then asked, "What are the steps needed to create your own power?"

"No, if you have this idea, just develop your own. No one will care except your competitors, but you must be legal."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"I haven't asked you yet, where is your confidence?"

Murong Qing felt that she and Lin Xuan had known each other for a long time. From what she knew about him, it seemed that this person would not be so brainless and would never say such nonsense. Either he was joking or he was serious, but Lin Xuan knew so much about her, it was no longer a joke.

"Let's talk about this later. What should I pay attention to? Or, how about you help me?" Lin Xuantian said shamelessly.

Murong Qing was in a high position, even in the existence of the temple, so she must know a lot. It would be great if she could get Murong Qing's help.

"Come on, let's talk about it when the time comes." Murong Qing thinks that Lin Xuan simply relies on the Yaxuan Group?

Yes, Yaxuan Group is indeed at its peak. It only takes time. She thinks it can bring Lin Xuan level 3, which is the eight major families and forces like Shura Palace, but it will take time. What Lin Xuan wants is like the three major forces. In any case, in her opinion, it is impossible to achieve the power in this era.


If Yaxuan Group can withdraw from a series of unparalleled things, it is really hard to say. Others have no possibility, but it is possible that Lin Xuan can do it!

But does he have so many good things to offer?

The attribute-enhancing potions that the Nine-Colored Spiritual Lotus can produce will definitely set off another wave, but that thing is destined to not be mass-produced, and something that cannot be mass-produced will not be accepted by everyone.

"Okay, so you agree?"

"I can definitely help. After all, I am also a member of the Yaxuan Group."

"Then let's just say it." Lin Xuan curled his lips.

Murong Qing didn't seem to care too much. She felt that Lin Xuan was just on a whim. With the ability of Yaxuan Group, it would be easy to build a T3 level force in just time, and she wouldn't need any help.

"By the way, where is Xiao Long'er? I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much."

Murong Qing suddenly thought of something.

"Damn it! I forgot about her."

Suddenly mentioning Xiao Long'er, Lin Xuan scratched his head in embarrassment.

We agreed to pick her up in the evening, and then...

"I've finished eating. I'll take Xiao Long'er home." After saying that, Lin Xuan slipped away.

Murong Qing and Lin Ya watched Lin Xuan leave, and then Lin Ya smiled and said, "Xiao Xuan is getting busier and busier now, but I am really happy with his change."

"You didn't do your job properly before?"

Murong Qing added a piece of braised pork and put it in her mouth and asked with a smile.

"It can't be said that he is not doing his job properly. In the past, Xiaoxuan didn't have the Divine Son System, so he always felt inferior to others. He only obtained the Divine Son System more than three months ago. I don't know how he got it again, and then he changed into a different person. It’s very human-like.”

"No system?"

Murong Qing frowned.

To be honest, countless powerful people from the three major forces are studying the problems of this system. How did it come about? Why do people carry a system with them when they are born? This was not the case many years ago, but this kind of elusive thing is simply not possible. I can’t figure it out through research, and the final conclusion is that there may be gods beyond this plane paying attention to Sky Blue Star. The demon race is strong, but the human race is still ordinary. Without the existence of the system and lack of understanding of cultivation, the human race will surely perish, so that person God has given everyone a system, and there is only this explanation! Because you can practice cultivation, everyone feels that some things that were previously illusory may become real, such as gods.

And Lin Xuan doesn’t have a system?

This matter is not ordinary warriors. The people are too concerned about it and it cannot spread far. Murong Qing didn't know about it until now, so she was surprised when she heard Lin Ya said it. An existence like her is really capable. Curious as to why.

"Well, didn't he tell you?"

Lin Ya felt that this was not a secret, and many people in Tianhua City knew about it.

"No, but this is really amazing. I have never heard of such a thing!"

Does Murong Qing think Lin Xuan's specialness is due to this reason?

Hard to say.

"I don't know either, but I'm really satisfied now. I don't even ask Xiaoxuan to be great, but he is a man, and men should be ambitious, as long as he can live in peace." Lin Ya Sighed softly.

Yes, every time she sees that Lin Xuan has improved a lot and become more and more powerful, and even his company's daily profit is now very exaggerated, she should be happy, and she is actually happy, but the more this happens, she is actually happy. The more uneasy I felt, especially when I heard Lin Xuan just said that he wanted to establish a force similar to the three major forces, the uneasiness became even stronger.

"Yes, this world is much more complicated than we imagine."

Murong Qing also sighed.

"Let's go shopping after dinner? Buy some more New Year's goods and some New Year's things. The house is very lively during the Chinese New Year today."

"Okay! Let's go now, we're almost done eating!"

Then the two beautiful women packed up and went out to buy things.

For Lin Ya, this year's Chinese New Year is also very different. In the past, she and Lin Xuan spent the Chinese New Year together. She tried very hard to make the family lively, but there were so few people there was really nothing she could do. However, this time she heard Lin Xuan say that Linglongxue and the others were also coming, and Murong Qing was not going home to celebrate the New Year here, which meant that there were six of them in total this year! This was a feeling she had never felt in her entire life. Of course, except when she was in the orphanage, she was also looking forward to it and being happy.

On the other side, Lin Xuan went to Linglongxue's home. Their home was specially decorated today. It was very warm and beautiful.

"elder brother--"

Seeing Lin Xuan coming, Xiao Long'er, who was sitting on Ling Long Yue's lap, flew over excitedly, happy and aggrieved, and threw himself directly into Lin Xuan's arms.

"Xiao Long'er thought that big brother wouldn't come to pick me up."

Xiao Long'er raised his cute little head in Lin Xuan's arms and said to Lin Xuan aggrievedly.

"How could it be? I will definitely do what I promised you." Lin Xuan smiled softly and scratched her cute little nose.

But I felt ashamed in my heart. If Murong Qing hadn't suddenly mentioned her, Lin Xuan might have really forgotten about her.

I came here this time to tell them about Lin Xuan’s idea of ​​establishing her own force! Although Linglongxue is now his wife, she still has to tell others.


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