Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 829 He deceived her again

Lin Xuan hugged Xiao Longer and sat between them.

"Well, Xiao Linglong, let me discuss something with you."

I don’t know why. Before the relationship was established, Lin Xuan was very thick-skinned with them. But now that the relationship was established, Lin Xuan felt embarrassed.


Linglongxue also felt that something was wrong with this guy. He used to be this submissive person there.


Lin Xuan coughed dryly, and then said: "I want to establish a human race force, but it requires experts to be in charge, so I thought of you."

"Yes." Linglongxue didn't have any surprised expression. She just nodded slightly to prove that she had agreed.

After all, she had already stood on the human side from a neutral position when she helped humans escape from Tianhua City. Lin Xuan wanted to establish a human force, and she had a relationship with Lin Xuan in this regard. It was not normal for her to disagree.


Lin Xuan was also very surprised. He originally thought that Linglongxue would not agree because she was still a demon clan after all, but she was surprised when she agreed so simply.

"Yeah." She nodded again, and then said: "But I won't help you deal with the demon clan."

Although she is on the side of humans, she is still a monster after all. If she is not provoked, she is not willing to take the initiative to kill the monsters. Just like Lin Xuan is a human, he will not kill people for no reason. Yes, this is actually a truth.

"Don't worry, I'm just letting you sit in charge. For example, if we encounter any danger in the future, or if there are some strong people looking for trouble, at least we won't be afraid because you are here!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Then as a human being, can I join?"

Bing Lingyue asked proactively.

"Of course, I hope you will join me." Lin Xuan nodded repeatedly.

"You don't have to do anything usually, right?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "Of course, you can do whatever you normally do now. It's just that after this force is established, you may sometimes need to take action."

"Yeah." Bing Lingyue also nodded.

Then Lin Xuan looked at Linglong Yue.

"Hey, what do you need me for? You already have a sister and Sister Bing."

Linglongyue puffed up her little mouth.

"There are not too many strong men." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"What's the reward?"

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said: "I will give you money every month, and after the New Year, I will take you to Tiandu to eat delicious food."

Ling Longyue's big eyes flashed.

"Okay, remember what you said, you will take me to Tiandu to eat delicious food after the New Year!"

Lin Xuan nodded repeatedly: "Of course, of course, Tiandu is the most prosperous and largest city in the entire country of China. There are many, many delicious food in it that you can't see or eat in other cities. I will take you to eat one when the time comes. all over."

"Humph, you still have a heart."

Linglongyue said proudly.

Lin Xuan was suppressing a smile in his heart. Even if he had tricked her, she would be his little bodyguard when he went to the Ling family or the Han family. This didn't happen once or twice, but this girl could always be fooled. , so pitiful.

"Brother, Xiao Long'er also wants to help."

Xiao Longer stuck out his little head and said in a sweet voice.

"Okay, okay, you will be the ace when the time comes!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.


This girl may indeed be a trump card then. Now she seems harmless to humans and animals, but she is a dragon. She has absorbed the fire attribute power that has been there for thousands, maybe tens of thousands of years, and even swallowed a The dragon ball of a real dragon! She will be an extremely terrifying existence in the future.

"What is your name?"

Linglongxue was a little concerned, after all, this was her man's career too.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

Originally, Lin Xuan was thinking of calling him Yaxuan or something, but it was really a bit awkward for a big force to call him this name.

Trials, temples, bounty hunter guilds,

This kind of name is what a force should have. Even the Evil Temple and the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance are impressive no matter what.

"How about you help me think of one?"

"You think about it yourself." Linglongxue ate a piece of potato chips and said calmly.

Since he wants to do this kind of thing by himself, he must come up with the name himself.

"Well, there's no rush anyway. How is my son?"

Lin Xuan then reached out and touched her belly.

Linglongyue gritted her teeth when she saw this scene. She was unhappy. She was not happy to see her sister being touched by a man, even though she was wearing clothes...

Bing Lingyue couldn't help but laugh when she saw Linglongyue's expression.

They are really interesting.

Linglongxue was also helpless. She couldn't stand being so close to Lin Xuan in front of Linglong Yue and Bing Lingyue. It might be okay if she was alone, but it was okay because Lin Xuan didn't do anything except touch her belly. Whatever I do, I do it through my clothes.

To be honest, Lin Xuan became a father now. He was extremely messy and not as calm as he appeared on the surface. No one would be calm in this situation, but Lin Xuan was more focused on Linglong Xue at that time, so Showed nothing.


Linglongxue said and took Lin Xuan's hand away.

Lin Xuan smiled bitterly.

Although the relationship is indeed confirmed, this girl is still so cold. However, if they are alone together, Lin Xuan is still confident to push her down again, again, and again! Lin Xuan is really weak if he can't push him down like this.

The woman can do that before she is four months pregnant, but she has to pay attention to her posture. It is only more than one month old now, and her lower abdomen is barely bulging at all.

"While everyone is here, how about we think of a name for our son first?"

Lin Xuan suddenly became excited.

"Call Xiao Long'er." Xiao Long'er said suddenly.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but pinch her little face.

"Go, stop talking nonsense, I'm not born with you."


Then she blinked her big eyes, her little head shrank, and became quiet.

Not to mention, Lin Xuan's sudden proposal made Linglongxue interested.

"What if it's a daughter?" she asked.

"Then think of a boy's name, and then think of a girl's name."

Bing Lingyue said with a smile.

"If it's a man, how about calling him Lin Dashen?"

Then Lin Xuan got a few looks from the girls.

"Why isn't your surname Linglong? That's a descendant of our Void Fox Clan." Linglong Yue said.

"It's a joke, the child has to take his father's last name."

Of course, Lin Xuan knew that some people had the woman's surname, but most of those people were married to the woman by the man's wife and had little status. Lin Xuan was still relatively traditional, so he still felt that he could only take the man's surname.

This Linglongxue is nothing. She knows the traditions of their human race.

She was thinking carefully about the name of the child.

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