Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 831 Xiao Runing invites you

Lin Xuan was thinking about having a date with her before the Chinese New Year to cultivate their relationship, but she went home.

"Are you coming back?"

Lin Xuan asked, fearing that she might not come back to this city after she returned home.

"Yes, I will come back after the Chinese New Year."

Xiao Xinyue sent a message to Lin Xuan, and then Lin Xuan was relieved.

Then we can only wait for her to come back.

At this moment, Xiao Runing was particularly annoyed, very, very annoyed, because her family told her that if she didn't bring her boyfriend home this year, she wouldn't go back.

She was only 26 years old. For an era of cultivation, if you reach the Tianzun realm in your twenties, you may still look like a person in your twenties when you are 100 years old, and you can live for 400 to 500 years. So for some girls, finding a boyfriend is even less urgent, because they don't age.

And for some outstanding girls, they are even less anxious to find a boyfriend. They will not deliberately look for a boyfriend. There are countless suitors, but they can only find the one they like! Ling Ying, Han Chuxue, Murong Qing, Xiao Runing, etc., are all like this.

But Xiao Runing's parents want to hold their grandchildren too much. Although their daughter is very outstanding, they even think that it is enough for you to bring a man back, and it is enough for a man. This also makes Xiao Runing helpless.

Xiao Xinyue will go back tomorrow, because the Chinese New Year is the day after tomorrow, and they will spend at least a whole day on the way home, but what about this boyfriend?

Although she can go home without a boyfriend, she will probably be annoyed to death when she returns home.

After thinking about it, she can only think of one way.

That is to find a fake boyfriend to go home first to fool her parents.

This "boyfriend" she thought of was of course Lin Xuan, the stinky hooligan.

She kept pacing around the house with her mobile phone, making a choice between calling or not calling.

This time lasted for half an hour, and finally she picked up the phone and dialed Lin Xuan's mobile phone.

"Hello, dear little Ningning, do you miss me?"

Lin Xuan and Xiao Xinyue hung up the phone for half an hour, which was also to cultivate feelings. Then he received a call from Xiao Runing not long after hanging up.

"No, it's just... I just want to ask you for help with something."

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows.

Xiao Runing still needs his help?

"Just mention it, isn't my dear little Ningning's business my business?"

Lin Xuan grinned.

"Be serious!"

Xiao Runing's pretty face on the other side blushed slightly.

"Okay, okay, tell me, if you ask me to go to your house to warm your bed, then I will go directly."

Xiao Runing: "..."

"It's like this." She ignored Lin Xuan's words, and then said: "Do you have time after the Chinese New Year?"

Lin Xuan frowned.

There really isn't much time after the Chinese New Year, because after the Chinese New Year, I will go to Tiandu, the Ling family and the Han family.

"I probably won't have much time in the two days after the Chinese New Year, but at most I'll be busy for three days after New Year's Eve."

Three days should be enough for this trip to Tiandu.

Xiao Runing thought about it and thought that she might have to stay at home for more than a week this time, so Lin Xuan's words were nothing, and she had time.

"Then... can you come to my house when the time comes?"

"Warm the bed?"

Xiao Runing: "..."

"Warm your head!" Xiao Runing rolled her eyes and said, "If you have time, pretend to be my boyfriend and come to my house. Do you have time?"

Lin Xuan: "..."


His business during the Chinese New Year this year is really busy! Three companies.

"No... forget it if I don't have time."

Xiao Runing heard Lin Xuan's silence and said.

"Yes, of course!"

Lin Xuan grinned.

This kind of thing will definitely be helpful. This is a rare opportunity to take the relationship with Xiao Runing to the next level!

"Will you help?"


Lin Xuan nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Runing breathed a sigh of relief. Lin Xuan could still be useful at a critical moment.

"Okay, come over when you have time."

"Where are we going? You haven't told me the location yet. How about this? I'll go to your house. We need to talk about this in detail. If we get delayed on the road for a long time, it will be bad for uncle and aunt to wait for a long time." Lin Xuan said.

Xiao Runing nodded: "Okay, it's dinner time. Come over. I'll make dinner."

Lin Xuan smiled evilly. Xiao Runing didn't even know that she had let a wolf into the house!

"Okay, I'll go over!"

Lin Xuan hung up the phone. He knew that Xiao Runing was at home tonight and not with Xiao Xinyue. What would happen if two people who had been ambiguous with each other several times were alone in a room?

Lin Xuan was not sure what would happen, but what he was sure of was that something would happen. He might not have to go home tonight. The moment Xiao Runing and Lin Xuan told this, a way to take advantage of her emerged in Lin Xuan's mind. Maybe this was a top pervert.

Xiao Runing put down her phone, and then couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly. She was happy from the bottom of her heart, and felt a little relieved!

As long as Lin Xuan helps, there shouldn't be any big problem, and her parents can make it right. Although she can hide for a while, she can't hide forever, but she wants to live a good life this year, but she doesn't want her parents to ignore her. Keep nagging.

Little did they know, that stinky gangster Lin Xuan had already come with evil intentions.

Lin Xuan bought another two kilograms of pork head meat on the road.

Dong dong dong——

After knocking on the door, she heard the sound of slippers running inside the house. Xiao Runing then opened the door.

"Come in quickly."

The heating in the room was on, it was warm as a yuppie, and the house was beautiful, very clean, and the sofa was big, but there was one man missing.

"You sit down for a while, I'm about to finish cooking the dishes." Xiao Runing threw a bottle of water to Lin Xuan and ran into the kitchen.

Lin Xuan then wandered around her house. People say that you can tell a girl's personality by looking at her home. The decoration in Xiao Runing's home is relatively simple, very warm and homely, and there is nothing in her room. With pink wallpaper and the like, that bed must be particularly soft and comfortable.

There are more books in the room. After all, she is a mentor, and what she knows must be beyond most people.

Xiao Runing walked out of the kitchen with soup and saw that bastard Lin Xuan in her room, and then she hurried over.

"Come out! It's shameless for a grown man to enter someone else's bedroom without a girl's consent!"

Xiao Runing rolled her eyes at Lin Xuan, then pulled him out and closed the door of her bedroom.

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