Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 832 Pretending to be a boyfriend?

Lin Xuan smiled in his heart.

Now that the door is closed, I might be in this bed tonight.

Then Lin Xuan said: "Is there some little secret hidden in your bedroom?"

"Even if there is no little secret, you can't just enter a girl's room!" Xiao Runing rolled her eyes at Lin Xuan again, and then said: "Go wash your hands and eat."

Xiao Runing then plated the pork head meat brought by Lin Xuan.

"Why do you always like to eat such strong-flavored food? Pork head meat with green onions, I won't want to kiss a girl in the future." Xiao Runing muttered while arranging the plate.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and walked out, then said with a smile: "My dear Xiao Ningning, do you want to kiss me while I haven't eaten yet?"

Xiao Runing: "..."

"Go, go, I realize it was a mistake to let you come here!"

Lin Xuan sat down with a smile, and Xiao Runing made three dishes and one soup, fried pork with chili, shredded cabbage, braised beef with cabbage, and shredded yam soup. They were all very homely dishes. They were not big dishes. It doesn't take too long to make one dish, but Lin Xuan likes to eat it.

"Taste it."

"I've eaten your cooking several times, it must be delicious."

Lin Xuan then took a big mouthful.

Xiao Runing was really a little happy when she heard such words.

Then the two of them chatted and ate.

"By the way, which city is your home? I feel like you two sisters are so outstanding, it should be a big city, right?"

It is really easier for a big family to cultivate outstanding women, and this is not discrimination.

"It's not bad..."

Xiao Runing didn't know what to say, and then said: "My home is in the Ice Country."

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Holy shit!"

Lin Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Really, from the beginning to the end, Lin Xuan always thought that Xiao Runing's home was also in a city in the Hua Kingdom, and even in Tiandu, he was not surprised. However, he was in the Ice Kingdom, one of the five great empires!

Although it doesn't matter, it is too exaggerated for you from the Ice Kingdom to come to other countries. In such an era, it is really very rare to go abroad, because there will be a big gap between the five major empires. , this gap is the realm of monsters, which is a relatively dangerous area.

Therefore, it is rare to go abroad.

"Isn't he from the Ice Kingdom? What's all the fuss about." Xiao Runing rolled her eyes.

"No, you are from the Ice Kingdom. Why do you want to come to China? The hundreds of cities in the Ice Kingdom are not enough for you to wander around?"

Xiao Runing said: "Because the border cities of China are the ones that really border the realm of monsters. If monsters launch a riot that can truly threaten the country, the first thing that threatens the country must be China. I just think that I want to be the first to do so. Let’s do our best, Xinyue also had the same idea, and then we came to China, but Xinyue was relatively independent and didn’t want to be in the same city as me, so I was in Tianhua City and she went to Lin’an City.”

"You sisters are really interesting."

Lin Xuan sighed, but to be honest, he was very impressed. Whether it was them, Ling Ying, Han Chuxue, Miao Xiaomiao or the others, they clearly had a good family background and could enjoy the wealth of their daughter without any worries. Life, but they just gave up all this and came to the most dangerous place, hoping that they could do their part for the human race.

It's really remarkable that one person out of ten thousand people has such an idea, especially a girl, so Lin Xuan admires her.

"So how big is your family? You are not a very big family, are you?"

I feel that Xiao Runing and Xiao Xinyue are quite elegant, and they don't look like an ordinary family.

"It's not bad, it's just a little bit of money."

"Then give me an accurate address then."

Xiao Runing nodded.

"By the way, what do you need me to do then?"

Lin Xuan asked.

In fact, it has been his routine since this sentence.

"I'm just pretending to be my boyfriend.

Because my parents told me not to go back if I don’t bring my boyfriend home this year, so..."


Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing.

"Large-scale marriage promotion scene."

Xiao Runing sighed helplessly.

"My parents are like this. They are so eager to have a grandson that even Xinyue is urged to do so. But now that she has broken up with that scumbag, she will probably be tortured in a year."

"Do you have any requirements?"

Xiao Runing smiled helplessly: "No, just a man."


"dare you laugh!"

Xiao Runing glared at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Xiao Runing's parents were open-minded, so there was a big gap between their parents. Son-in-law really depends on luck sometimes. Sometimes you need a gift of tens of thousands, Otherwise, people are not willing to marry their daughter to you, but some parents, who may be from the same family background, do not want the bride price, but will return it to you when the time comes, and maybe even give you a house in return. So, you are indeed lucky. Very important.

"If you don't laugh, don't laugh." Lin Xuan said while suppressing a smile, and then asked: "Will I have to live in your house then?"

Xiao Runing nodded; "Yes, with my parents' situation, I have to keep you here even if you can't live there."

"one room?"

Xiao Runing's face turned slightly red, then she nodded.

"A bed?"

Xiao Runing: "..."

To be honest, she knew her parents too well. They were just two old naughty boys. It was estimated that even if they got to the same room, they would not be able to lay the floor for Lin Xuan, otherwise the secret would be exposed, because they would definitely eavesdrop at the door, and maybe even They also peeked, because they would also know that maybe they had found a fake boyfriend, so Lin Xuan would really have to sleep in the same bed with her.

She then nodded helplessly: "You will understand after getting in touch with my parents, but then even if they are a bed, you can't even think about doing anything, it's just acting."

"Do you mean... uncle and aunt are still eavesdropping?"

"Maybe they'll take a peek, or try their best to come in with a glass of milk or something to see if there are any clues."

Lin Xuan held back his laughter.

"Do not laugh!"

She glared at Lin Xuan again.

"Then we can't reveal the truth."

Lin Xuan really laughed to death in his heart. This was simply the opportunity Xiao Runing gave him to do that tonight.

"Yeah, so you have to behave better when the time comes."

"No, no, no." Lin Xuan shook his chopsticks.

"Huh?" Xiao Runing looked at Lin Xuan doubtfully.

"Think about it, uncles and aunts are all people who have been there, right?"

"Then what?"

Lin Xuan then said: "When we are on the same bed, it is inevitable that there will be clues. Whether it is body, expression, or eyes, they will definitely catch it. Do you believe it?"

Xiao Runing thought for a while and nodded: "That's true, what should we do?"

She always felt that Lin Xuan had a way.

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