Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 854 Arrive at Tiandu

The sky gradually grew brighter, and by noon, the Nebula Car had already entered a huge city!


Linglongyue looked outside through the window, her big eyes shining with countless little stars.

She has been in Tianhua City and Lin'an City for a long time, but when she saw the scale of this city, she was really super surprised!

She thought the previous city was very good, with all kinds of high-rise buildings, very beautiful, but here...

Everything you see is high-rise buildings. There are countless types of buildings that you have never seen before. They are extremely exaggerated and magnificent. At a glance, you can super intuitively see the difference between the two cities, and it is not just a little bit. .

Lin Xuan also looked out!

This is Tiandu! He has never been to Tiandu, but he has seen it on TV, but when he saw Tiandu with his own eyes, he was still extremely shocked!

The largest and most prosperous city in the entire country of China truly deserves its reputation!

When you come to such a city, you may not be able to offend anyone you casually mess with. To put it simply, the house price in Lin'an City may be as high as 15,000 yuan per square meter, because it is a border city. You will always be threatened by monsters, so it won't be too high, but in today's capital, the most rubbish houses start at 100,000 yuan per square meter. Even the area where we are now can be regarded as the second most prosperous area. After all, Your station can't be built in the city center. The holiday here may exceed 200,000!

Lin Xuan and Ling Longyue got out of the car one after another.

"Really, it's so big and beautiful! Lin Xuan, can we live here in the future?"

Linglong’s big, moon-shaped eyes were full of little stars, looking through the station at everything bustling outside.

"It's not impossible, but it will definitely be impossible in a short time. But if you want, you, your sister and Xiao Bingbing can live here first." Lin Xuan said.

"Then forget it." Ling Longyue shrank her head. If it was really just the three of them living here, it would be very boring. She still hoped that Lin Xuan would be there.

"Come on, I'll take you to eat delicious food first. You must be craving for something after riding in the car for so long, right?"


Linglongyue nodded her little head excitedly.

Then Lin Xuan took Ling Longyue to the five-star hotel next door. Lin Xuan was not afraid of spending money. It didn't matter if he spent more, just let this girl eat happily! As for Ling Ying, Lin Xuan only told her that she had arrived after getting off the car. To be honest, Lin Xuan really missed them.

Not long after, a white supercar stopped at the door of the hotel. Ling Ying got out of the car and walked into the hotel. Then he saw Lin Xuan and Ling Longyue eating and drinking in the corner. look.

"Hey, why didn't you tell me in advance that you were coming? I'm here to pick you up."

Ling Ying sat next to Lin Xuan angrily.

Ling Ying's appearance immediately attracted the attention of the people around her. She was known to almost everyone in Tiandu, including the eight major families, so Lin Xuan was also noticed by them for a while.

"No, it's just right now. Xiaoyue'er and I still need to eat delicious food."

"By the way, why did you bring Yue'er?"

Ling Ying was a little puzzled, and then she quickly said: "I don't mean anything else."

Ling Longyue then wiped her mouth and said, "He asked me to be a bodyguard."

Ling Ying: "..."

Sure enough, this Lin Xuan doesn't play by the rules.

Lin Xuan then said helplessly to Ling Ying: "Didn't you say that your father has a bad temper? I'm afraid he will tear me alive."

Ling Ying also laughed helplessly.

"Then you really have to be mentally prepared to be ravaged by my father in all kinds of ways."

"Then will your mother help me?"

Lin Xuan still likes Qin Lan's mother-in-law. Her personality is very similar to that of Ling Ying. They are both carefree, playful, and childlike. Anyway, Lin Xuan will not be nervous when meeting Qin Lan again. Yes, this mother-in-law is very interesting.

"No, although my mother likes you very much, after all, my father is the head of the family."

"Hey..." Lin Xuan sighed.

"I don't know what Xiao Chuxue's father is like."

Han Chuxue's mother, Zhao Yazhi, was much more troubled than Qin Lan. Her family education was very strict, otherwise Han Chuxue's character would not be like this. Lin Xuan also used extreme means to make Zhao Yazhi accept him in a short time, but this Will this extreme method really be useful later? Lin Xuan didn't think so. Since Han Chuxue was not pregnant, she also knew that her original intention was definitely not to let herself and Han Chuxue be together.


Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Ling Ying pouted angrily. The rich lady wore very beautiful clothes in Tiandu. She still needs to pay attention to her image. Indeed, Lin'an City and Tianhua City have changed a lot. When she is not in Tiandu, she dresses very casually.

"What? You're already thinking about Chuxue before you even go to my house, right?"

Ling Ying's jealousy was overturned.

", you don't have to do your homework in advance."

Lin Xuan smiled bitterly.

Ling Ying then said: "Chu Xue's parents are very strict and very old-fashioned. You should be able to tell some of it from Chu Xue's character."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"So when the time comes to go to Chuxue's house, don't take Yue'er with you."

"Hmm...that makes sense."

Lin Xuan nodded.

Moreover, he and Zhao Yazhi were in tit-for-tat at that time. Ling Longyue was responsible for protecting him at that time, and she also took action. Then she took Linglong Yue to the Han family. Zhao Yazhi must have been hostile the first moment she saw her. what do you mean? Did you come with bodyguards again?

Linglongyue thought it didn't matter, as long as she gave her delicious food, instead of just making soy sauce.

"Let's not talk about it for now. What gift do you think I should give to your parents?"

Lin Xuan is in trouble.

"It's up to you."

Ling Ying said while playing with the spoon.

"Then do you know what your father will do to me?"

Lin Xuan sighed.

To be honest, he was really nervous to death! If it was just acting, then you really wouldn't be nervous. But this is not acting. He and Ling Ying are real boyfriend and girlfriend. From now on, they will really be their father-in-law and mother-in-law. Lin Xuan doesn't want to cause any trouble. scattered.

You said that you were nervous to meet your parents, and then you became even more panicked when you knew that the other person's family background was very powerful and his father was not very satisfied with you.

"I don't know either. It won't be easy anyway. I really can only rely on you. I don't dare to say anything in front of my father."

Ling Ying said embarrassedly.

"I know!" Lin Xuan nodded.

At this time, two people walked down from the upstairs of the hotel talking.

"Xiao Ying? Why are you here?"

A voice suddenly came from behind.

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