Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 855 The person who came here is evil

Two handsome men wearing expensive suits came over from behind with smiles.

Seeing them, Ling Ying sighed helplessly, then smiled and said, "Oh, come and pick up my boyfriend to meet his parents."

Hearing Ling Ying's words, the man's brows suddenly furrowed, but they relaxed in an instant, and he looked at Lin Xuan.

Ling Ying quickly walked towards Lin Xuan, then supported him and said, "Lin Xuan, this is my cousin Xiao Yun, and the other one is Tian Chuhe, the eldest son of the Tian family."

Lin Xuan smiled at them and stretched out his hands to shake them one by one: "Nice to meet you. I am Lin Xuan, Xiao Yingying's boyfriend."

"Nice to meet you!"

Xiao Yun smiled and shook Lin Xuan's hand, then looked at Ling Ying and said, "Xiaoying, I'll go back first. Uncle Ling asked me to go over there, so you should go back early."


Then the two of them walked away.

"Xiao Yingying, who is it?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Well, Tian Chuhe is the eldest son of the Tian family, and the Tian family is also one of the eight major families in Tiandu. As for Xiao Yun, he is the eldest son of the Xiao family. The two of them have a good relationship, but Xiao Yun is my suitor."

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Damn it! Did you just call him cousin, a promiscuous woman?"

Ling Ying: "..."

"Get out of here, sister!"

Ling Ying couldn't help but uttered a curse word and kicked Lin Xuan with her foot under the table.


Lin Xuan smiled bitterly.

Linglongyue just ate the delicious food quietly, and everything had nothing to do with her.

Ling Ying then said: "The reason why I call him cousin is because there is a slight relationship. Mainly because he has been used to screaming since he was a child. In fact, he shouldn't call him that. Anyway, it's not the kind of relationship you think!" After that! She couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Lin Xuan.

"We've been our childhood sweethearts since we were little? And they're so handsome, so why aren't you attracted to me at all?"

Lin Xuan thought it was quite magical.

"It feels like it's really hard to explain this kind of thing. I have always regarded him as my most respected brother since I was a child. I didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect him to want to fuck you."

Ling Ying: "..."

"Get out! Bastard! He's getting more and more perverted!"

Ling Ying really wanted to go over and have a fight with Lin Xuan, but her image as the daughter of the Ling family had to be maintained at least in heaven, otherwise her parents would be embarrassed.

"Just kidding." Lin Xuan chuckled.


Ling Ying frowned slightly, looking at the two people who got into the car and drove away, and then said to Lin Xuan: "He just said that my father is looking for him, and you are going to my house in the afternoon, and he is my suitor." …”

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"Could it be..."

Ling Ying nodded; "I guess so."

"What is your dad going to do? He's not the only one, right?"

Ling Ying said helplessly: "As far as I know, my father likes him the most. He has always treated him as if he had found a son-in-law. But once I say it, he is indeed very good. At the age of twenty-three, he has reached the level of Domain realm, although you can definitely do it in one year, but the most important thing is... he also has space attributes, as well as wind attributes. In addition, he seems to have understood very powerful laws and realms, and he is among the most geniuses in the entire Tiandu. One of those few..."

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Wow! Xiaoyingying, are you hitting me on purpose?"

"Hmph, if I don't let you feel the crisis, you won't know how popular this lady is!"

Ling Ying looked at it proudly.

"The combination of space and wind attributes is useless. It is not as powerful as imagined. It is far worse than Lin Xuan."

Ling Longyue, who was eating delicious food, suddenly muttered.

Relatives, Linglong Yue has become a relative inexplicably.

Of course, Ling Ying didn't mean to laugh at Lin Xuan. She just said this to make him a little prepared, because she felt that her father must have called Xiao Yun over at this time to give Lin Xuan power!

"But why is the combination of space and wind not very useful?"

Because Ling Ying is not a spatial attribute,

She didn’t know much about space, but she felt that the attribute of space must be very powerful when combined with the rare attribute of wind.

Linglongyue then said: "Lin Xuan's space and thunder can use space to transmit the power of thunder to achieve attacks that normal thunder cannot achieve. This is the simplest cooperation."

Ling Ying nodded. She knew this. Her mother also said this when she met Lin Xuan.

Then Linglong Yue said: "The greater function of the wind attribute is to increase one's speed. It is indeed strong, but simply speaking, the combination with space is far from the thunder attribute."

Ling Ying nodded slightly. She knew that Ling Longyue was a powerful master, so of course she would choose to believe it.

Then Ling Ying looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Anyway, my father will definitely give you a blow by asking him to go. What are you going to do?"

"Soldiers have come to cover up the water and earth. What else can we do? But I am worried that he is not the only one. What should I do?"

"'s really possible."

Lin Xuan; "..."

Anyway, she will have many suitors, and since she dares to pursue her, she must be very good! Lin Xuan already roughly knew what he was going to face.

"I actually think these can all be solved, but do you know what I'm most worried about right now?"

Lin Xuan looked at Ling Ying.


"You said that your Ling family has such a good relationship with the Han family. I went to your home to meet with the parents today. What if your father really invited some other young talents, and what if they have the Han family? Or because they will It will be very dangerous for your family and the Han family to know that I am alone."

Lin Xuan was helpless.

As the second member of the eight major families, how many people are paying attention to this kind of thing? Lin Xuan went to Ling Ying's house today and Han Chuxue's house tomorrow, and he was the only one meeting the parents. Do you think such a thing would happen in Tiandu? Can such a place really be hidden?

Lin Xuan felt it was impossible, unless it was really a coincidence.

But it’s not necessarily true. After all, not many people can know about the eight major families. Everyone can only know that today Ling Ying’s boyfriend went to the Ling family, and tomorrow Han Chuxue’s boyfriend went to the Han family. For ordinary people, Or for people like paparazzi, as long as Lin Xuan doesn't make too much of a show, it's really hard to know that they are the same person. It's rare that they are members of the two families, or other respectable people who are guests, the chances are quite high.

"Then who can be blamed? Aren't you the one to blame? If you could control your lower body, wouldn't you have to worry about it?"

After hearing what Lin Xuan said, Ling Ying became angry.


Lin Xuan embarrassedly hugged her slender waist, and then held her on his lap.

"Don't be angry. Every mistake is my fault alone. Don't worry, I can fix everything!"

Next to her, Ling Longyue’s little mouth opened wide!

Bastard, bastard, bastard! In addition to my sister, this bastard actually dated other girls...

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