Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 879 Something is wrong

Lin Xuan and Zhao Yazhi then walked towards the dining table.

"Xiaoxuan, let's go meet Chuxue's grandparents later."

Zhao Yazhi said.

Lin Xuan shook his head and said: "Auntie, just disappear this time. Wait until next time. I have to go back today."

"Huh? Going back so soon?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "Yes, there are still some things to do, otherwise I will definitely stay here for a few more days."

"That's okay. Since you have something to do, I can't delay you. Eat quickly, and I'll give you the first snow after you finish."

"Well, thank you aunt for understanding."

After eating, Han Chuxue went out with Lin Xuan.

"I won't go to Ling Ying's side. I'll just ask Ling Ying to help him talk to his parents when the time comes." Lin Xuan said to Han Chuxue.

"What are you so anxious about?"

Han Chuxue asked puzzledly.

Then she said: "Ling Ying's parents won't be too happy if he just leaves like this."

"It doesn't matter. I've got my daughter anyway, what else can they do, hahaha!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Han Chuxue rolled her eyes slightly at Lin Xuan.

The main thing is that Ling Hai told him all about it and has identified him. They probably won't care too much about such a small thing.

To be honest, Lin Xuan was not in a hurry, but the Xiao family was in the Bing Kingdom, and it would take more than a day to simply travel. He should finish what he should do and return to Lin'an City as soon as possible. He also had to accompany Lin Ya, Ling Longxue and the others, and We also need to develop our own power, and the most important thing is the mission! !

Bing Ling Yue, Ling Long Yue, Murong Qing...

Ahhhh! ! !

Han Chuxue sent Lin Xuan to Xingyun Station.

"Here here!"

Lin Ya came ahead of time, and Ling Long Yue stood next to them. When she saw them, she waved and said hello and walked over.

Linglong Yue gave Lin Xuan a white look.

"You lied to me."

Lin Xuan: "..."

"What did I lie to you about?"

Linglong Yue then said unhappily: "You said you would take me to eat all the delicious food in Tiandu, but you haven't eaten much yet."

Lin Xuan: "..."

"But did you enjoy it?"

"Well enough."

"That's right. If not, you stay here and go back with Xiao Yingying and the others?"

"don't want."

Linglongyue still shook her little head.

"Okay, let's go. You two should go back early."

Lin Xuan smiled at them and said.

"I know." Ling Ying rolled her eyes, and then Lin Xuan took Ling Longyue to the station.

In the darkness, Ouyang Jing watched this scene with a frown.

He saw with his own eyes that Lin Xuan and Han Chuxue came here together. What did this mean? But he didn't think much about it.

After all, there was no way he would ever think about their relationship, and since Ling Ying and Han Chuxue had such a good relationship, it should be nothing.

He hated Lin Xuan extremely much, and this time he was going to let Lin Xuan die there!

Xiao Yun also hated Lin Xuan, but he didn't have the support of his family, so he could only find an opportunity to talk again, but he didn't know that someone had already taken action against Lin Xuan.

"Father, they're getting in the car."

Ouyang Jing made a phone call and said coldly.

"Well, don't worry. I have sent people to secretly kill the driver of that car and the flight attendants from the three major forces. Now they are our people. When the time comes, we will drive the car to our Ouyang family's secret base. At that time, Lin Xuan could only be at our mercy."

Ouyang Hao's voice came from the mobile phone.

"But he has spatial attributes..."

"Don't forget that our Ouyang family's secret base has a top-notch space blockade device. Even ordinary Tianzun realm cannot easily break through the space blockade!"

"That's good!"

Then Ouyang Jing hung up the phone, his eyes flashing with viciousness.

In fact, if the normal forest

Xuan had a conflict with them, because if it was just about Han Chuxue, it really didn't matter. They wouldn't pay such a high price and risk to kill Lin Xuan, but Lin Xuan didn't give them any face, and there was already a hidden secret between them. The most important thing is that once Lin Xuan's Yaxuan Group fully develops and their grievances are resolved, the Gongsun family will definitely become Lin Xuan's target, especially after the marriage between Lin Xuan and the Han family! Then Gongsun Jun will definitely be squeezed out!

Therefore, for the sake of Long Night and Duo Meng, killing him directly is the best way, and it can also help Ouyang Jing.

"I will never come out with you next time."

Linglongyue wrinkled her nose cutely and said to Lin Xuan.

"Hey, I did take you to eat a lot of delicious food and play with you. It's just that the time I stayed here was a little short. If I stayed here for a longer time, I would definitely take you to eat all the food, but I really don't have time. ”

Ling Longyue was actually just complaining, but she really enjoyed eating these two days.

"Then you have to replenish me."

"Sure, don't worry."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"There are so few people in the car today."

Linglongyue looked around.

"On the third day of the Lunar New Year, there will definitely be fewer people. They are all still at home. In two days, there will be more people. And this Nebula train can only be reserved by rich people. You think rich people don't stay at home more often. How many days will it take for those who are working hard for a living to go home and leave in a hurry?" Lin Xuan said with a sigh.

"You humans are so exhausted."

Linglongyue muttered.

"That's life."

Two hours later, Lin Xuan was woken up by a voice.

"Flight attendant, flight attendant!"

A man in a suit yelled multiple times.

There were only three people in the entire carriage, not counting Lin Xuan. I'm afraid there were only dozens of people in the entire Nebula carriage this time. It was very quiet.

A man came over.

"Excuse me, sir, what can I do?"

"Is this the way back to Lin'an City? Where are we going?"

The man asked quickly.

Lin Xuan frowned and looked outside.

He didn't know the road, and he couldn't tell, but the area outside was so deserted, but Lin Xuan didn't remember whether he passed by such an area when he came here.

"Sir, this is the way to Lin'an City."

"Fart, I have to go back and forth between Tiandu and Lin'an City dozens of times a year. Where can I pass by a place like this?"

The man said again.

A hint of gloom flashed slightly in the man's eyes, but it was fleeting.

"It's like this. Something happened on the original road yesterday and it was temporarily closed to traffic. We took another route to ensure everyone's safety."

"This doesn't mean anything happened." The man mumbled and believed it.

"If you have any more questions, feel free to call me."

The man smiled and walked away.

"That's not right."

Ling Longyue looked out the window and showed a puzzled expression.

"What's wrong?"

"Look, we came from south to north. Normally we should go back from north to south, but now we are driving due west. Even if there is a problem on the road ahead, there is no need for railroad tracks. There are thousands of roads. Why? Why go straight in such a weird direction?"

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