Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 880: Taking advantage of the situation

Linglong Snow is originally a space attribute, and space attribute warriors are particularly sensitive to the direction. The position of the sun, the shade of trees, etc. will all make them very sensitive! Linglongyue also discovered something was wrong!


The Nebula train does not need rails. It normally returns to Lin'an City from north to south. Even if there is a problem with the road that we usually take, it only needs to be slightly off by one degree. After a few hundred kilometers, this one degree deviation will definitely not be encountered. , however this is 90 degrees off! That's what's completely wrong, that's what it's like to be somewhere else entirely.

Ling Longyue said this, and the person just realized that something was wrong, Lin Xuan also realized something.

Something is definitely wrong.

"Xiao family? Ouyang family?"

Lin Xuan thought.

In Tiandu, Lin Xuan basically provoked these two families, and with their abilities, they could definitely do it quietly in the Nebula Car, even though the Nebula Car was under the jurisdiction of the three major forces.

They know that they have space attributes. If they are from the Xiao family, they know that his space is not weak! And since they dared to take action, they must have a way to deal with his spatial attributes, but no matter who they were, they never expected that Lin Xuan would be accompanied by Linglong Yue, who was about to enter the Taixu Realm with spatial attributes!

"How to do?"

Linglongyue looked at Lin Xuan.

"Let's just follow the plan. Aren't you here?"

"Hmph, you need my help again!"

Linglongyue said unhappily.

"Hey, isn't that because we have a good relationship? And you will be my girlfriend by then. Isn't it normal for you to help your future man?"

Linglongyue: "..."

"Go to hell!"

She then bit her silver teeth and twisted Lin Xuan's arm.

"Wow! Are you going to renege on your debt?"

"Hmph! You didn't win!"

"Sooner or later we will win."

Lin Xuan shook his shoulders and said.

"go to hell."

Linglong Yue rolled her eyes at Lin Xuan angrily.

The car drove to a desert-like area, and when it reached this area, the speed of the car suddenly increased sharply, as if it wanted to rush somewhere directly.

At this time, some people in the carriage realized something was wrong!

"Where is this! What on earth is going on with you!"

Someone left their seats and shouted.

Lin Xuan and Linglong Yue were relatively calm. Lin Xuan looked out the window and saw a base-like place in front of him. He even saw hot weapons like missile vehicles!

"We have entered a place blocked by space."

Linglongyue then said to Lin Xuan.

"What about intensity?"

"The Tianzun Realm can also be blocked, but this lady is fine!"

"That's okay, let's see what they are going to do."

Lin Xuan said.

Already knowing that they had arrived at a space-blocked place, there was no need to hide anything. At this time, the man came over.

"Hey! Who are you? What are you doing?"

The man in the suit, who had noticed that the road was not right before, stood up and pointed at the man and said angrily.

The man smiled sinisterly, reached out and pinched his neck, and then...


There was a sound of bones breaking, and a trail of blood flowed from the corner of the man in the suit's mouth. Then he tilted his head and lost his vital signs.


In other carriages, Lin Xuan heard screams, and those people must have met with something unexpected.

Maybe their death has something to do with Lin Xuan, but it's also luck. Life and death are determined by fate and wealth.

Then the man looked at Lin Xuan, and more than a dozen people from both sides rushed in, surrounding Lin Xuan and Ling Longyue.

Sure enough, it was for them.

"Boy, get out of the car!"

The man sneered and looked at Lin Xuan and said.


People from all over the country? "

Lin Xuan said pretending not to know.

"You'll know when you go down. Don't think about escaping, because the surrounding area has been sealed by a powerful space blockade. You can't get out with your strength. Maybe you can survive by being obedient."

Lin Xuan shook his shoulders, and then walked down with Ling Longyue.

If it was normal, Lin Xuan might have already taken action halfway, but now, he wants to find out whose place this is! The Xiao family is still the Ouyang family.

Then, take revenge on those people.

In fact, Lin Xuan has a chance to save these people, but Lin Xuan is not a saint. On the contrary, he is very selfish. He hopes to be sure which family it is, because if he does not do this, the people around him may be in trouble in the future. He feels that He is right!

He can sell the potion for the sake of the mainland, but rather than for the mainland, it is actually for himself, to make money, fame, and power!

To be honest, some people can give up everything for human beings. Lin Xuan admires such people, but he has to be called stupid. Lin Xuan will never become such a person anyway! Whatever happens, the people around him must be the biggest concern. Only after ensuring their safety will Lin Xuan think about protecting other humans! If their safety has not yet been determined, it is impossible for Lin Xuan to do anything else!

After the two people got out of the car, Lin Xuan glanced around.

This is really a base, and an armed base at that!

Although there are many warriors and they are very strong, there are still some powerful thermal weapons that can kill warriors. Some thermal weapons are even so terrifying that even beings in the Tianzun realm may be killed instantly!

Moreover, ordinary warriors cannot resist thermal weapons and are very dangerous. Just like before, only the three major forces and some specific entities can develop and manufacture thermal weapons. Otherwise, it is illegal, because you may develop a powerful weapon. Thermal weapons might be able to blow up the temple's headquarters.

So when a very large-scale thermal weapon appeared here, Lin Xuan knew that things were not simple.

"Stop looking around!"

A group of people gathered around them. Lin Xuan and Ling Longyue were tied up by Wu Hua Da, but they could move around on their own. But to be honest, although this kind of rope was very strong, Lin Xuan could easily break free, not with brute force of course. , this rope is specially made, and the law realm cannot break free, so they don't panic, but Lin Xuan has several methods, fire with fire attribute, creates the law! Not to mention Linglong Yue, she managed to break free with just a little effort.

But they have to pretend that there is no room for resistance.

It would be enough for them to bring Lin Xuan here.

"Which family in Tiandu are you from?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Huh! You'll find out soon!"

The two were then locked in a small steel dark room.

He found out in a moment, which was good news for Lin Xuan, because it might mean that people from that family would come here! Xiao Yun from the Xiao family, or the Gongsun family! Lin Xuan determined which family he should pay special attention to and target that family, otherwise the people around him would be in danger, and he came here only for this reason!

(There is still one chapter not finished, I will post it later)

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