Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 904 Ye Qianling’s Test

Xiao Xinyue next to her was really holding back her laughter when she saw her miserable sister. To be honest, it was quite difficult to make her smile, but this home is the warmest place in the world, and she was also very happy. At home, in front of relatives, you will feel relaxed and laugh.

Sister, if you say you don’t bring your boyfriend home, you’ll be blamed for death, but if you do, it’ll be even worse! How miserable.

"Why are you laughing? If your sister doesn't live up to her expectations, you have to live up to my expectations and bring me a boyfriend home next year too!"

Ye Qianling pinched Xiao Xinyue's cheeks and said.

It seemed like she just said that, but in fact her tone was joking and authoritative, but not threatening.

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

"I deserve to make you laugh at me."

Xiao Runing felt relieved.

"Xiao Xuan, if you have any outstanding brothers, you can introduce them to Xinyue."

"I know, Auntie."

Ye Qianling is very satisfied with Lin Xuan and actually knows something about Lin Xuan.

Although she said that her daughter would only need a man to find a partner, in fact, she would not like him if his character was not good. However, Xiao Runing told her a lot about Lin Xuan, including the fact that Lin Xuan had saved her before. She and he have the three attributes of space, thunder, and ice, and she also knows that Lin Xuan is the Lin Xuan of Yaxuan Group, which must be very satisfying.

Then they happily cooked a table of delicious food. After finishing it, it got dark. This is the country of ice, and it gets dark very early almost all year round. Then they served the table as a family. As for the other servants at home, etc. , they have their own canteen, cook and eat by themselves, and the treatment is also very good.

"Eat, let me try Xiaoxuan's craftsmanship first."

Ye Qianling then eagerly picked up a piece of braised pork made by Lin Xuan himself.

Lin Xuan looked at her expectantly.

"How about it?"

"Hmm...very good. I can see that you cook a lot!"

Ye Qianling nodded with satisfaction, and somewhat believed that Lin Xuan often cooked for Xiao Runing.

Xiao Xinyue was the first to take a piece of Lin Xuan's dish.

It's really good.

"Hey, hey, no one wants to taste me?"

Xiao Runing said aggrievedly.

"Okay, don't be jealous. Let's eat, otherwise it will all get cold." Xiao Zun smiled and said to his daughter.

Because this was a rather special moment, the whole family also drank a lot of wine.

Forty minutes later, they were full of food. During the whole afternoon and a meal, they talked about many things.

"By the way, Xiaoxuan, how did you meet Ningning and my family, and how did you get together?"

Ye Qianling asked.

In fact, she has always suspected that Lin Xuan was hired by Xiao Runing to pretend to be her boyfriend, because Lin Xuan is her student, which she also knows, and her daughter actually has relatively traditional ideas. , she should not accept this kind of thing easily.

So, in fact, she has always been suspicious, and she only asked this question to see if she could find any flaws! Of course it would be best if it were true.

Xiao Runing and Lin Xuan both passed Qi on many things, such as this issue.

"That's right, it's indeed fate. I was still Xiao Ningning's student at that time. I'm embarrassed to say it. Then our college organized an assessment and encountered danger there, but I happened to have the spatial attribute, so we Just run away!"

After a pause, Lin Xuan continued: "Because I saved Xiao Ningning, and then in addition to the teacher-student relationship, we became good friends, and then I pursued her for a long time. ”

What Lin Xuan said was the same as what Ye Qianling heard from Xiao Runing, and she didn't see any flaws.

"I've heard about this too. Your spiritual power was insufficient at that time. You only sent others out but you were trapped there, right?"

Lin Xuan nodded.

"It's just luck, okay?

That's why he didn't die. "

Ye Qianling is particularly satisfied with Lin Xuan for this reason. In today's era, a person dares to sacrifice himself to save others. This kind of quality is really admirable. There is absolutely no problem with his character, at least if Both of them were in danger, and he wouldn't be the kind of person to abandon his daughter and run away alone.

"If one survives, there will be future fortunes!"

Lin Xuan nodded; "Who says it's not the case? Houfu just caught Xiao Ningning." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Xiao Runing: "..."

Wow! Why do I feel that this bastard's words are quite touching?

Ye Qianling nodded with satisfaction.

But she really wasn't sure whether this Lin Xuan was the one her daughter found to pretend to be! Another big reason is that my daughter said she had a boyfriend so suddenly! It was a few days before the New Year that she called Xiao Runing and told her not to go home for the New Year if she didn't have a boyfriend. That's when she said she had a boyfriend! Just a week ago, she called Xiao Xinyue and asked Xiao Xinyue if Xiao Runing had a boyfriend, and she said no.

So this was her biggest suspicion.

Could it really be such a coincidence that we only confirmed the relationship a week or two before the Chinese New Year?

She asked Xiao Runing about this, but Xiao Runing didn't say that. She said that they had been dating for a long time, but they had never told anyone else, including Xiao Xinyue, so it didn't matter. Revealing the flaw, Xiao Xinyue said that she could explain it without a boyfriend because she didn't know.

So what can really clear her doubts is tonight! My daughter is very conservative. If Lin Xuan is not her boyfriend, then they must not be too close.

Xiao Runing's acting skills really exploded in this scene! Although she was criticized by Ye Qianling in various ways, some small details were performed very well, such as picking up food for Lin Xuan, helping Lin Xuan get slippers, and occasionally helping Lin Xuan sort out his clothes, etc., just like The little daughter-in-law, part of it was acted, but there was also part of it that came out quite naturally.

These are also the points that Ye Qianling pays attention to. If they have really been together for a long time, these small details will definitely be exposed.

But I really can’t see anything!

There is indeed a reason for the ambiguity between Xiao Runing and Lin Xuan.

"How old are you, Xiaoxuan?"

After eating, they sat on the sofa drinking tea and chatting.

Really, there was too much chatting on this day, and Lin Xuan also knew a lot of little things about Xiao Xinyue and Xiao Runing. For example, Xiao Xinyue was disobedient, loved to fight, and became the eldest sister of a group of boys at that time. Head, of course that was when she was quite young. To be honest, compared to now, you would never have imagined that she was like this when she was a child. I feel that if it was Xiao Runing, there would still be a chance, but how could it be possible for Xiao Xinyue with this kind of character?

Because it is really difficult to change a person's personality. Basically, something must happen that can change her life. Then Lin Xuan also knew why Xiao Xinyue became taciturn.

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