Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 905 Cover me up

Xiao Xinyue was naughty when she was a child, but she had a good relationship with her grandma. Her grandma almost brought her up when she was a child.

When she was eleven years old, Xiao Xinyue went on an adventure to the realm of monsters with several of her friends. However, she was not very strong. Her grandma discovered this and anxiously went to look for Xiao Xin. moon.

They happened to be in danger, but Xiao Xinyue's grandmother was not too strong. She finally rescued them at that time, but she died of serious injuries.

After that incident, Xiao Xinyue's temperament changed drastically! Because she always felt that she had killed her beloved grandma, and this became the only pain in Xiao Xinyue's heart in her life.

Lin Xuan secretly sighed after knowing this!

It is true that she is also responsible for this kind of thing, but who can say clearly? This kind of thing can indeed completely change a person.

It turns out she has such a story.

Lin Xuan looked at Ye Qianling and said, "I am twenty-two this year."


Ye Qianling pondered.

"My Ning Ning is almost twenty-five years old. Isn't this an old cow eating young grass?"

Ye Qianling muttered.

Xiao Runing: "..."

Ahhhh! ! !

"It's okay, it's okay, the female junior is holding the gold brick." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Hahaha, that's right, just don't suffer a loss."

Ye Qianling said with a smile.

Xiao Runing: "..."

real! How unhappy! How could Lin Xuan still suffer? She is her mother, so she should be worried about not suffering a loss, right?

"What's wrong with you? Xiaoxuan is three years younger than you and you still let him cook?"

Xiao Runing lowered her head.


Xiao Xinyue shook her head secretly.

What a miserable woman.

"I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to bed."

Xiao Runing then went upstairs angrily.

"Well, it's getting late. Xiaoxuan, you should go up and have a rest."

"Auntie, I'll go up first."

After saying that, Lin Xuan walked away.

"I also went back to my room to rest."

Xiao Xinyue said.

"You stay first."

Ye Qianling called out to Xiao Xinyue.

Xiao Xinyue looked suspicious, and then sat down again.

"Let me ask you, is Xiaoxuan hired by your sister to pretend to be your boyfriend?"

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

Is it because they didn't perform well?

"Why do you ask?"

It is naturally impossible for Xiao Xinyue to betray Xiao Runing. In a way, they are like grasshoppers on a rope. If they are betrayed now, Xiao Runing will come back and betray her in the future.

"It's okay, I'm just asking. After all, the news of your sister finding a boyfriend is too sudden, and although you and I are not from the same generation, your mother still knows that one of the tricks used by children of your generation is to find pretend men and women. Friends support me.”

Ye Qianling said.

"Mom, where did you see this from?"

"There are novels and TV series too."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

"I don't know. I met Lin Xuan not long ago. They met in Tianhua City, and I was in Lin'an City. They came to Lin'an City after the fall of Tianhua City. They dated in Tianhua City and they should be very close. It’s normal.”

Xiao Xinyue said.

"If you dare not report the information, I will post the photo of you wearing crotchless pants as a child on WeChat Moments."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

Wow! So cruel!

"I really do not know."

Xiao Xinyue said helplessly.

"Okay, okay, let's go rest."

Ye Qianling waved, and Xiao Xinyue hurried upstairs as if she had received amnesty.

"Honey, how can there be so many possibilities? I think you are just overthinking. Xiaoxuan is a very nice person, and our daughter gets along very well with him."

Xiao Zun shook his head helplessly and said.

"What do you know? If Xiaoxuan is pretending, won't our grandson have to wait for several more years? So I have to make sure!" Ye Qianling muttered.

"The two children have returned to their rooms.

What else do you want to do? "

"No hurry, what time is it now? It's just after eight o'clock. All of them young people are night owls and sleep late."

Lin Xuan smiled and followed Xiao Runing back to the big and beautiful room.

Xiao Runing's room was also relatively girlish. Anyway, Lin Xuan discovered that no matter what kind of girls they are, in fact, they always have a girlish heart hidden in their hearts. Maybe they are women.


Lin Xuan kicked off his slippers and jumped onto the huge bed.


Xiao Runing closed the door and stared at Lin Xuan angrily.

"Hey, why are you scolding me?"

Lin Xuan sat on the bed and looked at Xiao Runing, asking with a smile on his face.

", you, you bastard! You did it on purpose all day today!" Xiao Runing pointed at Lin Xuan and said angrily.

"Who said that? Did I do it on purpose? And it's obviously Auntie who is targeting you, okay? Then go find Auntie." Lin Xuan stretched and smiled.


Xiao Runing couldn't defeat Lin Xuan, so she swallowed the bitter water in her stomach.

I'm so angry. I'm so angry.

"Get up." Xiao Runing pushed Lin Xuan away unhappily, then got into bed, got into bed, took out her mobile phone and prepared to play games.

"Hey, give me some quilt."

"Go to the closet and get another bed."

Xiao Runing said unhappily.

"Okay, you said so!"

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he walked to the closet.

Xiao Runing suddenly thought of something.

"Hey, hey, hey, come here!"

Xiao Runing quickly called out to Lin Xuan.

"What? I'm going to get the quilt."

"Don't take it. "

Xiao Runing suddenly thought that if they had one quilt per person, her mother would be suspicious when she came in and saw this scene! So they can only have one quilt.

"I don't care, I'm going to build my own bed."

Lin Xuan said.

Xiao Runing: "..."

"No, come in."

"Come in?"

Lin Xuan showed a wicked smile.


Seeing the evil smile on Lin Xuan's lips, Xiao Runing knew that this bad guy was thinking of something bad again.

Then Lin Xuan shook his head: "I don't care, I won't go in, I will build a bed by myself! Unless you beg me."

Xiao Runing: "..."

"Get out!"

Then Lin Xuan walked to the closet and opened it.

"Please, please!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Runing said without tears.

"Then are you wrong?"

"Wrong, wrong."

Xiao Runing nodded repeatedly.

"Then give me a kiss."

Lin Xuan smiled and moved his face closer.

"Lin Xuan!"

Xiao Runing looked at Lin Xuan angrily.

"I'll get the quilt."

Xiao Runing: "..."

"I kiss, I kiss!"

Xiao Runing then closed her eyes and chewed on Lin Xuan's face.


She glared at Lin Xuan with a slight blush on her face.

"Hey, I'll kiss you too."

Then Lin Xuan leaned over and took a sip.

"roll roll roll!"

Xiao Runing pushed Lin Xuan away.

Lin Xuan got into her bed.

"It's so warm."

Lin Xuan let out a long sigh, and then his feet under the quilt looked for Xiao Runing's feet and rubbed them.

Xiao Runing: "..."

"There's something wrong with you!"

She glared at Lin Xuan.

"My feet are cold, please cover them for me.

Xiao Runing: "..."

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