Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 907 Mother! My mother!

real! He almost wanted to curse!

It doesn't matter whether the young couple has sex or not! That’s what people think about, forget it if they don’t! you……

What do you give him to eat?

Chun medicine!

It can't be said to be a chun medicine, but it is almost the same. It will greatly increase the sexual pleasure of the user. Xiao Zun is usually very tired from work and so on, but this woman is like a wolf and a tiger. Sometimes she doesn't think about that at night, so... Well, Ye Qianling secretly put some of that stuff in his tea, and then...

I didn't expect that she would...

"You...hey, it would be bad if this got out."

"What's there? It won't be discovered anyway. Did you notice it when I gave it to you? You didn't know it until I told you later! And I usually put one tablet in the milk. This time I put four tablets in the milk. We must let our daughter conceive a baby for us tonight!”

Xiao Zun: "..."

"Sleep, sleep, silly old bitches!"

Xiao Zun was extremely angry.

In the room, Lin Xuan happily hugged Xiao Runing's delicate body and smelled the fragrance of her body, which was not too pleasant.

It's just...a bit of suffering.

"Lin Xuan... why don't you turn off the air conditioner."

Xiao Runing opened her beautiful eyes and suddenly said softly.


"A little hot."

She gently and unconsciously pulled her pajamas.

Lin Xuan scratched his head and then turned off the air conditioner.

"I want a kiss."

Then Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Go to hell."

Xiao Runing glared at Lin Xuan.

"No matter what, I just want to kiss."

Then Lin Xuan kissed her directly, but this time it wasn't a kiss on the face.


Xiao Runing's beautiful eyes widened and her hand unconsciously hit Lin Xuan, but Lin Xuan refused to let go.

If you don't take advantage at this time, when will you take advantage?

Gradually, Xiao Runing lost all her strength, and Lin Xuan became more and more unrestrained, reaching out to sacred parts of Xiao Runing's body that he had never touched before.

What puzzled Lin Xuan was that she didn't refuse, she really didn't refuse!

Damn it! Master, am I so charming now?

Lin Xuan thought to himself.

Then he didn't bother to think about it anymore and took full advantage of Xiao Runing.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes...

Lin Xuan has been honest with her.

Lin Xuan: "..."

real! He thought it was amazing, so why did he push Xiao Runing down inexplicably?

"Ding... successfully pushed down the young lady, the male god value +100000o0."

"Ding...the male god value is +50000o0."



Outside Xiao Runing's room, Ye Qianling's ear was pressed against the door, listening to what was going on inside, her eyes twinkling.

"Hmph, why don't you give me a baby now?"

Then Ye Qianling walked back to the room with satisfaction.

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Runing in his arms, feeling a little doubtful about life.

Something is wrong!

He came here just to take advantage of her, so why did he push her away?

And in fact, Xiao Runing was also very strange last night. Lin Xuan found it super strange. It was good that the relationship between them was good, but it was definitely not to the point where he could push Xiao Runing down. But last night she actually took the initiative... ...fuck! The girl has already taken the initiative, how could Lin Xuan think too much? I just followed the trend and gained a lot of male god points.

"'s a sin to be charming."

Lin Xuan sighed.

Xiao Runing's long eyelashes in her arms trembled slightly, and then she slowly opened her eyes.

And then...she got messy!

The memory of last night was very clear, and she wasn't drunk or anything. She knew clearly what she was doing, but she knew even more clearly that she was taking the initiative.

Oh my God! why is that?

When she opened her eyes, she was puzzled!

impossible! Is Lin Xuan really so charming?

"Are you awake?"

Seeing Xiao Runing opening her eyes and thinking wildly,

Lin Xuan asked.


The next second, Lin Xuan called out.

Xiao Runing twisted a piece of his flesh and then turned it 180 degrees!


She pushed Lin Xuan away, then gritted her teeth and stared at Lin Xuan.

"Hey, hey, why am I such a jerk! I just wanted to kiss you last night, so you took my hand and put it to you, and then..."

Before Lin Xuan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Runing with a blushing face.

"Go to hell!"

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore."

Lin Xuan shut his mouth.

Xiao Runing is really messed up!

Why did you lose your mind in such a daze?

"Xiaoxuan, Ningning, are you awake?"

The voice of Lin Xuanshen assisting his mother-in-law Ye Qianling came from outside.

Xiao Runing tensed up and then gave Lin Xuan a look.

"Ah...Auntie, we just woke up."

"If you wake up, get up and have breakfast."

"Yes, I understand, auntie."

Then Ye Qianling walked away.

"You go out first."

"Then what are you doing?"

"I'll hide the sheets!"

Xiao Runing said helplessly.

There must be blood stains on the sheets. It would be bad if her mother saw it.

Lin Xuan suppressed a smile.

"You're still laughing! Nothing happened to us, nothing was done!"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders.

"My dear, you have to be good."

Lin Xuan then smiled and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Xiao Runing then lay there doubting her life.

She felt uncomfortable, but not angry, because she knew that she was the one who took the initiative last night and was just thinking about it. She was wondering why?

It's hard to lose your virginity, but there is no way to recover it.

"Bastard bastard bastard!"

Xiao Runing kept hammering the pillow to vent her anger.


What a big loss!

Lin Xuan walked out smoothly.

"you you you you!"

Xiao Runing blushed when she saw him like this.

"Why...there's no bath towel."

Lin Xuan then used the power of fire to evaporate the water and put on his clothes.

"You should rest first. I'll tell Auntie that it's inconvenient for you."

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he walked out.


Xiao Runing took a deep breath and rushed into the bathroom to take a bath. When she came out, she looked at the blood stains and doubted life, and then quickly put away the sheets.

"Xiaoxuan, did you sleep well last night?"

In the living room, Ye Qianling and Lin Xuan were having breakfast, and Xiao Xinyue accompanied Xiao Zun out to do something early in the morning.


Lin Xuan smiled and said.

"How's it going? Can Ning Ning be able to have a baby this time?"

Lin Xuan; "..."


"You know, there were four pills in the glass of milk that my aunt gave you last night. The effect of the medicine should be taken three times."

Lin Xuan; "..."

Xiao Runing had just walked down and suddenly heard Ye Qianling's words, and then she froze there, completely confused!

Oh my God! Mother! My mother! It’s all you, you gave away all your daughters!

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

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