Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 908 You have changed, you would not have been cruel to me before

Originally, Xiao Runing was really wondering, why did she take the initiative last night? I get it now! Everything is clear!

It was this mother who did it!

It was extremely uncomfortable at first, but now...

It's not Lin Xuan's fault, it's her. If she hadn't snatched the milk that Ye Qianling originally gave to Lin Xuan last night, she wouldn't be like this!

Woo woo woo...

She is so miserable.

Lin Xuan really wanted to give this mother-in-law a thumbs up!

Awesome! So awesome! With a mother-in-law like this, isn’t picking up girls a trivial matter?

"Ning Ning is here too, let's have breakfast."

Ye Qianling waved to Xiao Runing.

Xiao Runing walked over with a wry smile.

"Mom, can you be more serious? How old are you, and you still use this kind of thing?"

Xiao Runing was angry, ashamed and helpless.

What else could she say at this point?

"What?? You don't care about yourself and don't give me a grandson. Do you blame me?"


Xiao Runing ate breakfast helplessly.

Lin Xuan was holding back his laughter the whole time.

If the world is full of mothers-in-law like this, wouldn’t it be heaven everywhere?

"Your father and your sister are out busy. In the morning, we, mother and daughter, took Xiaoxuan to visit the Bingdu Bar. We will go to the Imperial Palace to attend the banquet tonight."

"Oh, got it."

Xiao Runing muttered.

"After dinner, go change clothes. I'll go upstairs to change first!"

After saying that, Ye Qianling walked away.

"dare you laugh!"

Xiao Runing glared at Lin Xuan angrily.

"Xiao Ningning, you can't blame me for this, but I will be responsible for you."

Lin Xuan said.


Xiao Runing said angrily.

"I'm serious, I'm responsible for you!"

"Nothing happened to us, nothing was done to us!"

Xiao Runing said.

"Why deceive yourself."

Lin Xuan muttered.


"Okay, okay, nothing happened to us, we didn't do anything." Lin Xuan shrugged.

Fortunately, by the time Xiao Runing's mission is triggered, they already have this relationship, so it should be easy to get it with a little effort.

But Lin Xuan will definitely maintain a close relationship with her.

Xiao Runing was helpless and skinny.

For almost the whole day that followed, Lin Xuan, Xiao Runing and Ye Qianling walked around the ice capital, and Xiao Runing's mood gradually improved.

It was getting dark slowly, and they went home from outside.

In the living room, Xiao Xinyue and Xiao Zun were sitting there reading magazines.

"Why haven't you changed your clothes yet?"

Ye Qianling glanced at them and asked.

"You guys are not in a hurry after a day out. Why are we so anxious?"

Xiao Zun said.

Somewhat jealous.

They agreed to come back at noon, but they still didn't wait and left them alone.

Xiao Xinyue nodded.

"Okay, okay, I bought you some clothes."

Ye Qianling threw the clothes to Xiao Zun.

"Bought specifically for me?"

"Of course!"

Xiao Zun showed a smile, very easy to satisfy!

"Then what are the dozen big and small bags you are carrying?"

He then asked again.

"Oh, I bought it for Xiaoxuan."

Xiao Zun: "..."

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

I'm sorry, my father-in-law, this is how I'm treated now.

"Don't be so straight-faced. Why are you jealous of your child? Are you short of clothes? Xiaoxuan came with all he had, why don't you buy more? Besides, you're not the worst off."

"Who is the worst?"

"Crescent Moon, no one buys her clothes."

Ye Qianling said.

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

Lin Xuan suppressed a laugh, it was so interesting.

Xiao Xinyue said calmly: "No, I will buy it myself."

"So I didn't plan to buy it for you."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

"Xiao Xuan,

You and Ning Ning went to the room to change their clothes first, and you also went to change. "


Then Lin Xuan and Xiao Runing returned to the room.

"Madam, please help me undress and undress my husband."

Lin Xuan then opened his arms and said to Xiao Runing.


Xiao Runing said angrily again.

"No face at all. I am your boyfriend at tonight's banquet. You are making it difficult for me to act like this. Hey." Lin Xuan sighed.

Xiao Runing: "..."

Brother, you’ve done so much to me, and you’re still not satisfied!

Xiao Runing roared in her heart.

"Wear it yourself, really."

Xiao Runing glared at Lin Xuan.

"Okay, okay, let me see you change first before putting on your clothes." Lin Xuan said with a grin.

Xiao Runing: "..."

"Get out! Go outside! Come back in after I finish changing!"

"You have changed. You would not have been cruel to me before." Lin Xuan said aggrievedly.

Yes, Xiao Runing was indeed not cruel to Lin Xuan in the past, and she even said "get out" to Lin Xuan. But this time Lin Xuan came to Bingdu, she really couldn't help it many times! This guy is so infuriating! !

In fact, Lin Xuan also knows that this is a way for her to discover the grievances in her heart!

What happened to an innocent young girl who was tricked by her own mother?

"Then can you go out first?"

"No." Lin Xuan shook his head.


"Think about it, aunt asked us to change clothes. If I go out, will aunt know that the relationship between us is not that close? If you change clothes and I still have to come out, will it be exposed?"

Xiao Runing: "..."

It still...makes sense.

But why does Mao always feel that he is just trying to take advantage of her?

"Then you go to the bathroom and stay there. I'll tell you after I've finished changing."

"Okay, okay!"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and walked to the bathroom.

"The door is closed!"

Xiao Runing shouted.


Then she exhaled, slowly unbuttoned her clothes, and put on the attire in her wardrobe for such a big occasion.

After about fifteen minutes, she breathed a sigh of relief. She looked very beautiful in a light blue dress. She didn't need to put on makeup because she was really exquisite. She couldn't help but look at herself in the mirror. Be intoxicated! What a pity, that bastard got the better of him!

The most important reason why girls are slow to go out is makeup, but she saves a lot of time without makeup.

Her temperament is perfect for white and blue.

"I'm fine, please come out..."

Xiao Runing turned around as she spoke, and then stopped talking because she saw Lin Xuan's head sticking out, and the two of them were staring at each other!

"you you you you!"

Xiao Runing pointed at Lin Xuan and was speechless with shame and anger.

When did this bastard peek?

"Don't get me wrong, I just opened the door. I've been thinking about it for fifteen minutes. You should be fine. It's really a coincidence."


Xiao Runing didn't quite believe it.

"I swear!"

Lin Xuan said.

"Forget it, just change your clothes!"

swear? Is there any use in swearing?

Lin Xuan thought to himself.

Then he silently glanced at the male god whose value had increased by one million, feeling very happy in his heart!

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