||-\u003e-\u003eDownstairs, Xiao Xinyue was sitting quietly on the sofa reading a magazine. She and Han Chuxue were really similar. Every move she made was polite, but she and Han Chuxue were not very similar. The same thing is that Han Chuxue is colder than her, while Xiao Xinyue is more like... the cold girl next door with a bit of a strong woman feeling, and she is more serious! It's not that Han Chuxue is not serious, but sitting there, one is an iceberg beauty and the other is a cooler girl.

Anyway, they each have their own characteristics. Putting them together, you wouldn't feel that they were carved from the same mill.

Xiao Zun was sitting on the other side, drinking tea and reading newspapers and magazines, while Ye Qianling and a few maids were busy going back and forth. Xiao Xinyue and Xiao Zun were drinking tea quietly and calmly, reading newspapers and magazines, as if they were in two worlds. It's the same feeling as a human being, who just doesn't care about what's going on in the world.

"I asked you two, can you help me with something? Your grandparents will be here at noon!"

Ye Qianling rolled her eyes at them.

"What can we do? Later he said that we were causing trouble, right, daughter!"

Xiao Zun asked Xiao Xinyue.

Xiao Xinyue nodded: "Yeah, and didn't Lin Xuan and sister do nothing?"

"Are you comparing yourself to your sister? Your sister has more important things to do!"

Ye Qianling said.

Then she looked at the time.

"It's already ten o'clock, and your sister and Xiaoxuan haven't gone downstairs yet. It seems that they did go to bed very late last night."

Ye Qianling said with a satisfied look.

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

This mom is really unreasonable.

"I said the child is fucked, don't always push others for this kind of thing."

Xiao Zun said helplessly.

"No urging? Is it okay not to urge? It's not like you haven't heard what Xiaoxuan said. After being in love for so long, our eldest daughter has not been touched by him a few times. You said that if I don't urge, when will our grandson Can I hold it?"

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

Xiao Zun: "..."

"Okay, okay, as long as you're happy."

At this time, Lin Xuan came down from upstairs, and their eyes looked at Lin Xuan intently.

"Xiaoxuan is awake. Hurry up and eat something to cushion your stomach!"

Ye Qianling said cheerfully.

"Thank you, aunt."

"That girl Ning Ning hasn't gotten up yet?"

"I'm up, I guess I'm going downstairs soon."

"Well, let's eat something quickly."

The family had a meal together at noon. Xiao Qingcheng and the others also chatted a lot with Lin Xuan. Anyway, they were very satisfied with Lin Xuan!

The Xiao family doesn't value such things as being well-matched. The Xiao family is a big family. They don't need their daughter's other half to be rich and powerful. He only needs to be pretty good. As long as his daughter Just like it.

To be honest, in today's era, no... no matter what era or world, there are really few such families!

After eating, they went shopping again and then went home!

"Mom, we went to a concert."

Xiao Runing put on her training clothes and shouted.

"Well, go ahead and have more fun."

Then Lin Xuan, Xiao Runing and Xiao Xinyue walked out together, without even driving, because the distance to the stadium was not very far, and they just happened to take a walk and chat on the road.

The concert started at seven o'clock in the evening, and it is now after five o'clock, but due to the weather, it is already getting late.

"When are you going back?"

Lin Xuan asked Xiao Runing.

Xiao Runing said: "It's just these few days. I've done everything I need to do. After the concert, there won't be anything else to do. I don't want to stay at home anymore."

"I feel good staying at home."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Get out!"

Xiao Runing rolled her eyes.

Hello, but what about her?


"Little Xinyue, look at your sister. As a daughter of parents, she actually wants to leave like this. She doesn't even want to spend more time with her parents. Do you think this is right?"



Xiao Xinyue said lightly.

"Na na na, little Xinyue said it was wrong."

Xiao Runing: "..."

This guy definitely feels that he can take advantage of him in all kinds of ways in Bingdu and the Xiao family, but he won't be able to take advantage after he leaves! asshole!

"But...it's time to go back."

Xiao Xinyue then added.

"Buy a ticket tomorrow and leave the day after tomorrow."

Xiao Runing said.

Still want to stay in Bingdu and take advantage of her? You think beautifully.

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders; "Okay."

There are a lot of vehicles and pedestrians on the road today. Lin Xuan has been here for several days and has gone out a few times. Logically speaking, it is just after the New Year. The closer to the New Year, the more people there are. , this is also true, but today is an exception! There is already a traffic jam on the road, and there are a lot of pedestrians. They are all young people, mostly couples, and their direction is the same as that of Lin Xuan and others!

"Aren't these all going to the concert?"

Xiao Runing nodded; "The Bingdu Gymnasium can accommodate 130,000 people, which is considered a top gymnasium, and 130,000 people must be full, so in the future, 130,000 people will go to the ice capital one after another. Metropolis Stadium.”

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Holy crap! What kind of star is so famous?"

A sold-out concert with 130,000 people?

Even if Lin Xuan doesn't chase stars, doesn't watch dramas, and doesn't listen to music, he can probably hear some news. A normal first-line star holds a concert in a stadium with a price of 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, because there are too many, and to be honest, thirteen Wan's stadium is packed with seats...

This should be a super A-list star.

"An Xin, never heard of it?"

Lin Xuan; "..."


Lin Xuan suddenly remembered that the beautiful girl he met on the plane when he triggered the mission was called An Xin.

Could it be her?

Not so coincidental, right?

And don’t all celebrities have to show off with great pomp? How could she be the only one flying on the plane? You said it's normal for her to charter a plane or fly privately.

That shouldn't be her.

"It's a pity that her tickets are too difficult to buy. Even the first second after the tickets were sold, it was difficult to buy them. The software got stuck directly. When it was not stuck, they were already sold out. I asked the talent to buy the three infield tickets. Although it is an infield, the location is very average, in the back row of the infield. It would be nice if I could get the front row area.”

The front row area is the kind of area where you are so close that even celebrities can interact with each other! It's a pity that it's impossible to buy it in this kind of area. Those who can buy it are the children of destiny.

"A stadium with 130,000 people, the back row of the infield...that's quite far away. There's a P to see."

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no choice but to do my best." Xiao Runing said helplessly.

"But are you also chasing stars?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"It's not like I'm chasing stars, I just like her songs very much. There must be a lot of her songs in the New Moon playlist. Since there happens to be a concert in Bingdu, I'll go and check it out right now."

At this time, Lin Xuan's cell phone rang.

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