Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 933 Reassuring Information

||-\u003e-\u003eLin Xuan picked up the phone and took a look.

Xiao Runing next to her quietly looked at Lin Xuan's cell phone screen!


Although I couldn't see it clearly, it was obvious that the person he was chatting with on WeChat had the avatar of a real girl!

Bastard bastard! Chatting with the girl again.

Lin Xuan was still confused. Why did the system prompt that Xiao Runing was unhappy sounded?

Xiao Runing and Xiao Xinyue then went to the side to talk.

Lin Xuan looked at the message and found that it was from An Xin.

To be precise, she sent two messages at eight o'clock in the morning, but Lin Xuan slept too soundly, and Lin Xuan muted his phone!

Why mute it?

There are too many girls on his WeChat account. He may not know how many girls will come to him and then be seen by Xiao Runing. Wouldn't that be detrimental to the development of their relationship?

Anyway, it doesn’t matter. People with whom you have a real relationship have their own phone numbers. If you really have something more important, just call! And Lin Xuan doesn't play much. He doesn't like playing with mobile phones. He prefers girls to mobile phones! Plus eating, chatting, and shopping with the Xiao elders, you can't play with your phone, right? How rude is that? So it’s almost the same as not looking at my phone for a whole day, not even opening WeChat, just checking the time.

That is to say, Lin Xuan just turned up the small mute button next to the phone and heard the sound.

An Xin sent a message to Lin Xuan at eight o'clock this morning... Are you there?

At 8:30, she sent another sentence: "Is she still sleeping?"

Then at eleven o'clock in the morning, she sent another message.

"Hey, hey, do you want to see the concert? I'll give you a ticket."

Lin Xuan still didn't reply.

"Hey, hey, are you dead?"

Still no reply...

Then there is this one.

"If you don't reply, you won't reply. You won't even reply a word... Goodbye, delete your friends (Zuo Heng)."

It's obvious that An Xin is having some random thoughts. It feels like you haven't replied to the messages he sent for a whole day. Does he not care about me at all? Just very frustrated.

Although they have known each other for a short time, they have experienced life and death, and she is also a beautiful girl, so why doesn't she reply even a word?

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

"The phone was turned off. I just turned it on, so I didn't pay attention."

Lin Xuan sent a message.

An Xin replied instantly: "If you don't believe me, you just don't want to reply to me."

"Yes, there are so many beautiful girls around me, who do you think is the oldest?"

Lin Xuan sent a message.

Anxin: "..."

I really want to hit someone.

"Hey, are you going to watch the concert or not?"

Lin Xuan then asked.


Lin Xuan frowned.

She called An Xin, and she happened to ask herself this. The celebrity concert they were going to now was An Xin's, so there seemed to be no need to guess.

"you guess."

Lin Xuan: "..."

Then Anxin said again: "Want to watch it? If you want to watch it, I will give you a ticket."

"Okay, look!"

An Xin showed a happy expression on the other side.

"Bingdu Stadium, when the time comes, you go in through Gate 8, and there will be someone waiting for you there. I'll give you a front-row ticket, the one at the very front."

"Are there three? I still have two friends."


"Okay, thank you, I'll be there soon."

An Xin put down her phone and gave herself a slight cheering gesture, feeling very happy.

Although this bad guy is a scumbag, I feel good getting along with him. Maybe I misunderstood him. After all, I didn't feel that he was a scumbag, and he even saved his life. Anyway, he is very special.

"An'an, why don't you go change your clothes? Your concert starts in more than an hour. Don't keep your fans waiting for too long."

An Xin's manager Zhang Ling came out and said with a smile.

"I know, Sister Ling. By the way, Sister Ling, I have three friends coming later.

Please, Sister Ling, please arrange for someone to wait for them at Gate 8 and give them the front row tickets for these three chapters. "

An Xin handed her the ticket.

"It's your first time in Bingdu. Do you still have friends here?"

" was Lin Xuan who saved me on the plane."

"So that's the case, then I really have to thank you!"


Zhang Ling smiled: "Okay, then prepare first."

Lin Xuan on the other side put away his phone and looked at the beautiful sisters next to him with a smile.

"How do I get tickets for this front row area?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"The number of votes in the front row area is the least. Although it is also the most expensive, it is impossible to get it normally through the software. It just depends on luck. Some of them have even been sold to tens of thousands in the hands of scalpers. tickets, so it’s basically impossible to get tickets for the front row area.”

Xiao Runing said.

"I think it shouldn't be difficult."

"How can you, a person who has never been to a concert, understand the difficulty of getting tickets?"

Xiao Runing rolled her eyes.

"What if I can get you tickets to the front row area?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"How is it possible? At this time, there is only one way to get tickets for the front row area, and that is to buy the tickets of those who have front row area tickets. But for those people who have hundreds of thousands of dollars, you have to find one or two thousand. How can it be so easy? And since they bought the front row area, how can they change hands, especially when it starts in more than an hour?”

Xiao Runing said.

"Bet or not?"

Lin Xuan asked.

Xiao Runing; "..."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

Why is this happening again?

Now when Xiao Runing and Xiao Xinyue heard about Lin Xuan's bet or not, they inexplicably felt that they were going to lose.

There is a shadow.

"Asshole, what are you doing again!"

Xiao Runing stared at Lin Xuan.

"I'm not doing anything. I'm just asking you if you want to bet on whether I can get three tickets in the front row before the start. And they are the ones in the front row where I can touch hands with big stars and interact with them." Oh." Lin Xuan said.


"Don't cut it, don't you dare to gamble?"

Lin Xuan said.

"Just bet, but the prerequisite is, you can't buy it with money!"

Xiao Runing said.

Xiao Xinyue nodded.

Spending money to buy is actually a method. Can a ticket sell for 500,000? Those people must sell it, and Lin Xuan is not short of money, so as long as they don't spend money to buy it, they can't think of any way to get the three top tickets inexplicably!

Lin Xuan gritted his teeth...

"Huh, are you being touched by what I said?"

Xiao Runing laughed.

"Do you think I can just do it?"

Lin Xuan said.

"Fake it!"

"Would you like to bet?"


Xiao Xinyue: "..."

In fact, she didn't want to gamble for some reason, but her sister did it without hesitation.

"Okay, if I win, each of you owes me a condition. If I lose, I owe each of you a condition."


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