Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 963 Linglongxue’s thoughts

Linglongxue's little mouth opened slightly, then closed it again, opened it again, but still hesitated to speak.

"I...I must find out about that matter, so I must go to that place."

"I'll accompany you."

"No, you can't accompany me, and you can't go."

Linglongxue opened her beautiful eyes again and looked at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan looked at Linglongxue.

"You should have known a long time ago that there would be such a day between us, so I hope you will not focus more on me, but on other girls."

This may be one of the reasons why Linglongxue allowed Lin Xuan to have other women without blaming her at all!

Because she knew she was leaving, she couldn't lock Lin Xuan up so selfishly.

It doesn't matter if she tells Lin Xuan about this matter, the Void Fox, it was in the past! She never thought that she would have this kind of relationship with Lin Xuan in the future, that there would be such a day. Otherwise, she would never be able to tell Lin Xuan about this matter. But Lin Xuan knew it, she knew it, and she also kept it secret. Not Lin Xuan.

"Wait for me in the Heavenly Dao Realm, and I'll be with you!"

Lin Xuan gently stroked her cheek and said softly.

"When the child grows"

Linglongxue gently rubbed her belly.

"When the child has no memory and cannot recognize who his mother is, I hope you can choose a gentle and virtuous girl to be his mother."

"Xiao Linglong, what are you talking about?"

Lin Xuan pinched her cheeks.

She really didn't want to say these words to Lin Xuan, but she had to make a choice after all. Her choice was obvious. She wanted to leave, but Lin Xuan knew about this, so she had to make it clear to Lin Xuan, otherwise It was impossible for her to tell Lin Xuan that if they were not a couple, if they had no children, if they were just friends, Linglongxue might have really gone.

She just hopes that when the child is still very young, she can't remember anything. When she leaves, Lin Xuan finds a kind girl to be the mother of her child, so that the child can think that that girl is her mother since she was a child. ! In this case, even if she can't come back, she might not be so worried.

Subconsciously, Linglongxue believed that she would not survive.

Lin Xuan sighed in his heart!

He definitely can't let Linglongxue die. How terrifying is the entire Void Fox at its peak? All those people died in that place. Didn't Linglongxue go to die?

But Lin Xuan also knows that this is Linglongxue’s obsession! The obsession of her existence! He is not qualified to reject Linglongxue. His only qualification is that he is Linglongxue's man and the father of her future child, but...

He couldn't shake Linglong Xue.

However, Lin Xuan is probably the one who can understand Linglong Xue best!

Very torturous!

If one day you give him a choice to leave here, return to Earth, and meet Dongfang Xue, what choice do you want him to make?

Here, he doesn't want to let go, Dongfang Xue doesn't want to let go! He wants to go back, but he is reluctant to go back! Now, when the child is born eight months later, isn't Linglongxue's choice the same as Lin Xuan's?

For Linglongxue, the Void Fox, the death of her parents is Lin Xuan’s Dongfangxue! She must make a choice!

Maybe Lin Xuan will choose to stay because there are more people here that he loves and can't let go of, but it may just be a possibility! It’s just that if you have to choose, the possibility will be higher, but then you think about it, Dongfang Xue is there, she may be forced by her family, she may be suffering every day, she may be waiting, waiting hard... He How to choose?

For Linglongxue, it is more likely that she would choose to leave them and go to that place, because that is obsession, because that is her character!

What can he do?

What he can do is not to stop Linglongxue. Of course, the purpose is to stop her, but what he can do is to make Linglongxue even more reluctant to leave and change her choice!

Another thing you can do is go with her!

But Linglongxue definitely disagrees.

Lin Xuan was really scared. He was very afraid that after the child was born, one day Linglongxue would suddenly leave without saying goodbye!

Linglongxue's character, if she decides, she will really have such a day! At that time, it was too late for him to stop him! I can't even find her! Lin Xuan is really afraid of such a day!

Especially after listening to what she just said tonight, Lin Xuan felt that the possibility was even greater!

But at least she won't leave when the baby is born and needs milk! Lin Xuan is convinced! Then he will change Linglongxue's mind this year!

Although very selfish.

"It's okay, go to sleep."

Linglongxue finished speaking and then closed her eyes.

Lin Xuan doesn't know, really doesn't know how to say it, to be honest...

In front of Linglongxue, Lin Xuan is actually just a child! Isn't the state of mind of a person who has lived for thousands of years countless times stronger than Lin Xuan's?

Lin Xuan hugged Linglong Xue and was speechless all night.

I really wanted to have sex at first, but after talking to Linglongxue for a while, I felt quite heavy and worried, so naturally I no longer had that thought.

powerful! Hurry up and strengthen yourself!

Can you reach the realm of heaven in one year?

That is absolutely a fantasy!

Even if Lin Xuan spends three hundred and sixty-five days in a year, it is impossible to farm monsters every minute and every second! Even if there is a male god system, it is impossible! All he could do was change Linglongxue's decision.

But, hadn’t Linglongxue already made her decision?

When she said this to Lin Xuan, she had already made her decision!

Unless... when she saw her child, when she saw the child smiling at her, when she saw the baby stretching out his tender little hands towards her, calling vaguely for mother... that was the only one A moment that could change her decision.

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan was woken up by a cell phone call.

He opened his eyes drowsily, rubbed his phone and took a look.

It turns out that this girl An An came to Lin'an City and asked the lazy pig if he had gotten up.

Lin Xuan then took a look at the time.

Mist grass!

It's half past ten?

He hadn't slept so late for who knows how long and didn't wake up. Last time he slept very late with Xiao Runing in the Bing Kingdom. That was because he was too comfortable and too tired! But I wasn’t tired last night either.

What makes Lin Xuan most incredible is that Linglongxue is still shrinking in his arms.

it's beautiful.

She was still asleep at this point. This was really the first time Lin Xuan had seen her.

Linglongxue slowly opened her beautiful eyes, her pretty face was slightly red, maybe because she was covered in Lin Xuan's arms.

The next second, she put Lin Xuan's hand into her pajamas and pulled out the hand that was playing with the putao.

This bastard! She endured it all night, why didn't you take your hands out all night?

And...why are you squeezing me while you're asleep?

Linglongxue pulled Lin Xuan's hand out in the middle of the night more than once, and he just stretched it inside as if it had become a habit.

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