Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 964 I even dare to mess with her sister, why are I still afraid of you? ...

Although Linglongxue didn't know much, she obviously knew that this was a habit, and it was definitely not a habit developed from her, because they had only been intimate a few times in total, and most of the time she wouldn't let Lin Xuan sleep or touch him. Yes, so it must be a habit developed with other girls.

Yes, this is really a habit!

You have developed this habit after sleeping with your girlfriend for a long time! How terrible is this habit?

It's like sleeping on the same bed as your brother, and you always stick your arms under his clothes when you sleep at night! This is the scariest! (I have personal experience and it has been confirmed.)

There is no way, Lin Xuan has really developed this habit.

Lin Xuan smiled bitterly.

It turns out that it was because of this that my face turned a little red.

So beautiful, so cute!

Come on, come on! Such Linglong Snow is really unbearable!

Although the girls around Lin Xuan are all beautiful and absolutely top-notch. Each of these top-notch girls has their own merits. You can't tell who is more beautiful, but...

Linglongxue’s appearance is really outrageous! That really is a fairy! It shouldn't be in the mortal world!

Lin Xuan feels that she is really the most beautiful anyway. Although everyone in Lin Xuan's heart is beautiful, there must be such a feeling...

Moreover, Linglongxue’s temperament and fairy spirit are special bonus points, anyway.

Want to bang.

It’s hard to imagine what Linglongxue would look like if she put on the professional attire that Lin Ya would wear, obediently...

But she may not be suitable, she may be more suitable... the kind of luxurious fairy dress that the empress wears that is full of fairy spirit...

"It's... quite handy."

Lin Xuan smiled bitterly.

Linglongxue's pretty face turned slightly pink, and then she sat up.

"Do you want to have lunch? If you want to eat, I will make it. If not, just go and do your work."

She naturally heard the sound of Lin Xuan's cell phone ringing. Although she didn't read the content, she probably guessed something.

Although she didn't know the names on his phone, she could guess that they were all girls.

This Linglongxue really misunderstood Lin Xuan.

Although there are many girls on Lin Xuan’s mobile phone, there are also many men!

Ling Ying's father Ling Hai, Han Chuxue's father Han Guang, Xiao Runing's father Xiao Zun... and his brother Wang Fugui!

It seems...just these four...

But when I think of Wang Fugui, I haven’t seen him for a long time. He is very happy with his girlfriend Liu Junjun now. They are traveling around the world and posting affectionate updates on WeChat every day. He often chats with Lin Xuan, although he doesn’t have much time to chat. But for Wang Fugui, Lin Xuan is really his lifelong friend and his respected elder brother! To put it simply, although they have very little contact now, if Lin Xuan asks him for help with anything, he will definitely be super attentive!

"Eat, I will definitely eat the lunch made by my wife."

Lin Xuan said sweetly.


Linglongxue nodded slightly, then walked into the bathroom to wash up.

Lin Xuan walked in. She had even squeezed out the toothpaste for Lin Xuan and placed the toothbrush on the toothbrush.

To be honest, this small detail really moved Lin Xuan.

When the two people walked out, Xiao Longer flew directly onto Lin Xuan's shoulders.

"elder brother……"

Xiao Longer shouted sweetly.

"Are you hungry?"

Lin Xuan gently scratched her delicate little nose.

"Yeah, sister Bing's cooking is not delicious, so I want my brother to cook."

Xiaolonger nodded his head and said.


Bing Lingyue coughed slightly in embarrassment.

This girl is really upright.

But because they have such a good relationship, it really doesn't matter.

After all, Bing Lingyue is a generation empress. It cannot be said that her cooking is not delicious, it is just very delicious. Although she is also learning, there must be some gaps.

"It's not delicious, but you ate more than half of it and took all of mine."

Linglong Yue pouted her little mouth.

It's actually quite delicious.


Xiao Longer stuck out her pink tongue cutely.

"Let your sister do it. I'll feel comfortable at noon today.

Enjoy it orally! "

Lin Xuan smiled.

Linglongxue is a true disciple of Lin Xuan. When they are at home, everything is cooked by Linglongxue. Bing Lingyue and the others are the starting pointers. The more they do this cooking, the better and better they will naturally be. Maybe with Lin There is still a little gap between Xuan and Xuan, but it can definitely be said to be at the level of gourmet food.

Then Lin Xuan lay comfortably on the sofa, with his feet up on the coffee table, holding Xiao Long'er in one hand, and stealing potato chips from the Linglong Snow potato chip bag next to him with the other.

Linglongxue then tied on her apron skillfully and walked to the kitchen.

"Xiao Bingbing, you need to practice your cooking skills. My Lin Xuan women have great cooking skills. I have a huge appetite." Lin Xuan smiled at Bing Lingyue.

Bing Ling Yue; "..."

What do you call Lin Xuan's woman?

"Hey! What are you talking about! When did Sister Bing become your woman? You rascal!"

Linglongyue was not happy.

"Don't worry, don't forget our bet."

Lin Xuan smiled.


Linglongyue snorted.

It's already half the time for the bet, let's see who wins and who loses!

Yes, it was indeed halfway through her bet with Linglong Yue. There was still half a month left. I don’t know if she could catch up with Bing Lingyue. It was quite difficult. Lin Xuan had also been using his male god points to exchange for time, but failed. It doesn't matter, with Linglongyue's IQ, Lin Xuan can make her another bet with the same stakes in a minute! Anyway, this girl will get it sooner or later!

"What bet?" Bing Lingyue asked curiously.

"Just bet on whether I can catch Xiao Bingbing and make you my wife." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Of course, to Bing Lingyue's ears, it was more likely that Lin Xuan was joking.

"Aren't you afraid that Linglong will be angry if she hears it?"

Bing Lingyue said helplessly.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, Xiao Linglong supports me."

Bing Lingyue: "..."

I really don’t know which of Lin Xuan’s words is true and which is false! But why is there an inexplicable sense of expectation in my heart?

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm going to help Linglong, you guys can chat."

Then Bing Lingyue walked away.

Bing Lingyue walked away feeling a little at a loss. Faced with what Lin Xuan said, she really didn't know what to do.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, Bing Lingyue is really a magical person. She is obviously the empress, but she is particularly gentle, virtuous, and considerate. But when she is really angry, the feeling of superiority in her body comes from the empress. The momentum is really powerful! No less than Linglong Snow! She is the empress after all! And she looks really beautiful.

To be honest, in Lin Xuan's eyes, he thinks a girl's temperament is a very important thing. Temperament can add points to a girl, and it can add many, many points.

"You're really not afraid that your sister will know."

Ling Longyue looked at Lin Xuan in confusion and asked.

"What are you afraid of? I want to fuck her sister, but I'm afraid she knows I want to fuck her best friend?"

Linglongyue: "..."

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