Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 50 The albatross thinks that the children in the nest are his own, and if they leave, they a

Chen Mu flapped his wings and flew up.

Flying to the female albatross, he looked at the albatross cub under the nest, which was looking at its mother pitifully. The cub was trying hard to get close to the nest and climb up.

He called for help from his mother, but the male albatross ignored him, as if he didn't hear or see him.

It was incredible.

Chen Mu looked at the female albatross.

The female albatross looked at Chen Mu, a little confused and curious.

It recognized Chen Mu, the albatross that brought it food every day.

"You are here, are you here to bring food again today?" said the female albatross.

Upon hearing this, Chen Mu's mouth twitched, and he said, "Why don't you look at your child? Don't you want the child?"

The female albatross was stunned, and she said, "My child..., I'm also very surprised. When I left, my child was still in the nest, but now it's gone."

"Ah?" Chen Mu was stunned: "What are you talking about? Your child is outside the nest, isn't that your child?"

As he said, Chen Mu looked at the albatross cub next to him who was still trying to climb into the nest.

Chen Mu was simply puzzled. When this albatross was gliding outside, its brain was caught in the gap of the mountain. Didn't it have a broken brain?

Didn't you see this?

The female albatross heard it, and it looked at the albatross cub that was babbling under the nest.

It looked puzzled, and then looked at Chen Mu: "What are you talking about, it's not my child."

Chen Mu was completely numb.

Chen Mu said, "I can guarantee that it is your child." He stared at this guy for such a long time. Could it be that he didn't know whether this was the child of the albatross in front of him?

The albatross said, "No, it is not. My child is in the nest. The one in the nest is my child. It is outside the nest, it is not."

Chen Mu was silent.

Sure enough, this guy is simply like the Queen Mother asking for menstrual leave, a psychopath.

If it is not in its nest, it is not its child?

What kind of logic is this?

At this time, there was a wind.

Another female albatross flew down from the sky and landed next to the nest.

This female albatross is the other mother of the cub, and it also came back.

When it came back, it first looked at its partner, and then touched it with its beak.

The two first fed Chen Mu a wave of dog food... or should I say, bird food.

Of course, Chen Mu doesn't eat dog food, let alone bird food, so he interrupted the spell and said, "You're back too, just in time."

The albatross that had just returned looked at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said: "Tell me, is it your child?"

Chen Mu looked at the albatross cub that was still working hard to move into the nest.

When the albatross that had just returned heard it, it looked at the cub, then looked at Chen Mu: "No, my child is in the nest."

Chen Mu was completely numb.

"Dear, I want to tell you something, our child is missing. "The albatross that could only stay in the nest stood up, revealing the empty nest.

The albatross that had just returned was stunned, as if it could not recover.

Looking at the two albatrosses with lost expressions.

Chen Mu's mouth twitched.

What the hell is this thing?

At this time, the albatross cub that was trying hard, used up all its strength, and finally climbed to the edge of the nest, and rolled into the nest.

"I'm back! The child is back!" When the royal albatross in the nest saw this scene, its eyes lit up slightly, and there was joy on its face.

It slowly squatted down, covered the child, and touched the cub's beak affectionately with its beak, looking very intimate.

The royal albatross next to it saw this and happily came over.

Chen Mu was stunned when he saw this scene.

"What's going on? ”

Many birds can recognize their own cubs. If the cubs leave the nest, they will go crazy and look for them frantically.

But the albatross is different. The albatross will not be too anxious if the child is missing.

Moreover, the albatross recognizes the cubs according to the nest. That is to say, as long as the cubs leave the nest, then in the eyes of the albatross, the cubs that leave the nest are not its children.

It has nothing to do with it.

Only when the cubs are in the nest, they are its cubs, and it will take care of them.

This is a very special way to recognize cubs.

And this method also brings problems.

That is to say, if humans take the cubs away and have a barbecue in front of the albatross.

The albatross may even think that the barbecue is very fragrant.

Chen Musuan I was shocked by the way the royal albatross recognized its cubs.

Chen Mu was too lazy to think about it.

This group of albatrosses is really amazing.

Chen Mu left on his own, returned to the ramp, ran, flapped his wings, and flew up.

Soaring with the wind.

For Chen Mu, he just wanted to accumulate evolutionary energy as quickly as possible.

And accumulating evolutionary energy naturally cannot rely entirely on tasks.

So, during this period of time, Chen Mu transformed into a giant albatross through gigantism and devoured food on the other side of the sea, while feeding the pair of same-sex stupid birds so that they had food to feed their children.

In this way, he devoured and completed tasks at the same time, taking a two-pronged approach.

Of course, the task has not been completed yet, and Chen Mu has been devouring for four months.

"System, how much evolutionary energy progress do I have now?"

"The current progress of evolutionary energy is 5%."

Hearing this, Chen Mu had a headache.

He turned into a blue whale and swallowed the krill back, threw it on the shore, and let the albatross eat it or let the albatross swallow it with its swallowing ability. It can be said that it was very fast.

But even so, it took a full four months, and it was only 5%.

In other words..., if you want to get 100%, it will take 80 months, which is...more than 6 years.

"Fortunately, there are tasks to do, otherwise, 80 months..., tsk tsk tsk..."

Chen Mu was too lazy to think about it, and now he would just continue to swallow.

Getting 50% of the evolutionary energy progress, plus completing the task, it will be 100%.

This can save half of the time, which is great for Chen Mu.

Chen Mu flew to the sea and saw the schools of sailfish below. He smiled: "Old friends, we meet again. For my evolution, I can only trouble you again."

As he said, Chen Mu's body fell from the sky and pounced on the sailfish.

Use swallowing energy as soon as you get close.

The sailfish didn't know what happened. They only saw that as the albatross approached, their companions disappeared.

A group of sailfish disappeared.

The progress of evolutionary energy increased by less than 1%.

"Although it's small, it will add up to a lot. I wonder what I will become next time I evolve..."

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