Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 51 I am a weak dove that can crush an eagle to death

With Chen Mu's help and care, the albatross cub grew up day by day.

Month after month passed.


Chen Mu saw that the down on the albatross cub had fallen off and was replaced by the adult feathers of the adult albatross.

After seeing the adult feathers on the albatross cub gradually increase.

Chen Mu realized that he was close to completing the task.

Sure enough.

The next day after noticing those adult feathers.

A voice sounded in Chen Mu's mind.

"Congratulations on completing the task, and you will get 50% of the evolutionary energy progress as a task reward."

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu smiled.

While gaining the evolutionary energy progress, Chen Mu's body grew larger for a while.

The body length of an adult albatross is generally more than one meter, and the wingspan is more than three meters.

After a long period of devouring and the evolutionary energy progress obtained from completing this task.

Chen Mu's body has changed from the original 1.5 meters in length to a behemoth of three meters in length.

The wingspan stretched out, it has exceeded seven meters.

You know, a human floor is only more than three meters tall.

And Chen Mu's body is long enough to stand up, which is close to the height of a floor.

For humans, Chen Mu is now a super giant bird.

Of course, this is when Chen Mu did not use the gigantism.

If he used it, it could be doubled.

"System, what is my current evolutionary energy progress?" Chen Mu asked.

The system replied to Chen Mu with that intelligent voice: "Your current evolutionary energy progress is 61%."

In addition to the 50% obtained by completing the task, the remaining 11% was obtained by Chen Mu through swallowing.

"It has been almost seven months since those albatrosses laid eggs." Chen Mu muttered.

Chen Mu originally analyzed that he could only obtain 5% of the evolutionary energy in four months. The analysis was correct, but the problem was that Chen Mu forgot to calculate his body size. The larger the body size, the larger the food that can be swallowed with the swallowing ability, and the more evolutionary energy can be obtained.

So after the past seven months, he has already had 11% of the evolutionary energy progress.

Now the mission has been completed, and there is still more than 30% of the evolutionary energy progress left.

This is not difficult for Chen Mu.

Just go to the sea and find prey to hunt.

The only thing he cares about is time.

Forget it.

Chen Mu is too lazy to think about it.

The albatross spends its entire life on the sea, except for reproduction.

No matter what kind of weather it faces, the albatross soars above the sea.

Food comes from the sea, fresh water also comes from the sea, and rest can be rested in the air or on the sea.

Although Chen Mu is an albatross, he can become a giant great white shark or a giant blue whale. These creatures match the albatross' habit of soaring on the sea.

It can be said that it fits very well.

In other words, he is not in danger at all, and he does not need to think too much. He eats and swallows to obtain evolutionary energy.

Then as time goes by, he just needs to wait for the evolutionary energy to be filled.

Time passed quickly, in a blink of an eye.

More than a year has passed.

On this day, Chen Mu was flying in the air.

Soaring in the sky.

With a piece of fish meat still in his mouth, he swallowed it.

It tasted good.

"Sure enough, fish meat is better than tuna meat."

Suddenly, he heard a voice in his ear.

"The current evolution energy progress is 100%."

As the voice sounded.

The golden light enveloped Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly.

Is the next evolution finally about to begin?

"What will I become this time?"

The golden light enveloped Chen Mu's body and carried Chen Mu's body away from Antarctica.

The speed of the golden light leaving was very fast.

Not long after.

Chen Mu appeared in another place.

Chen Mu came back to his senses.

He found that he was still in mid-air, but the sea was no longer below.

He was still soaring, but this time the feeling of soaring was not as good as the albatross, but it made Chen Mu feel very slow.

It was so slow that Chen Mu felt a little strange.

He felt that his body had become smaller.

"What's going on?"

Chen Mu subconsciously used his conscious vision and looked at himself through the perspective of his conscious vision.

When Chen Mu saw himself, he was stunned.

"What am I doing..."

A streamlined pigeon was flying in the air.

And the pigeon itself was Chen Mu.

Chen Mu evolved this time and became a pigeon!

Chen Mu was feeling a bit annoyed, but the current situation did not give Chen Mu any chance to think about it.

Because, through his conscious vision, he also found that behind him, a bird that looked like an eagle was fiercely swooping down on Chen Mu.

He was being hunted.

The big bird was not actually a common eagle, but a creature called a gray-backed falcon. Because it often caught pigeons to eat, some humans would call it a 'pigeon hawk'. An adult gray-backed falcon is about 30 cm long.

"Heh." Chen Mu laughed.

Since Chen Mu became an adult blue whale, he has rarely been hunted by others.

I didn't expect that this time he would be regarded as prey by such a small thing with a body length of only 30 cm.

This made Chen Mu feel funny.

However, now Chen Mu is a pigeon. If he is the size of a pigeon, he is definitely no match for the Merlin.

But... Chen Mu doesn't necessarily have to be a dove.

The merlin in front of him was about to catch Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's body suddenly turned into a giant albatross.

As the Emperor Albatross, Chen Mu, after two years of development, has grown from a height of 1.5 meters at the beginning to a terrifying size of four meters in length.

The merlin was startled and stopped subconsciously.

Chen Mu raised his paws and used them as human hands to directly grab the Merlin and closed his sharp talons.

The sharp claws dug directly into the Merlin's body.

Blood poured out of the Merlin's body. It struggled a few times and then stopped moving.

Chen Mu released his paw.

The Merlin's body fell from the sky.

Chen Mu's body returned to the posture of a dove.

He flapped his little wings, which were much smaller than the Emperor Albatross, and observed himself through the field of consciousness.

It was indeed a pigeon. Although it was different from the pigeons that Chen Mu had often seen when he was a human, it was indeed a pigeon.


Chen Mu looked around, but saw no other pigeons.

"Aren't you going to let me be a boy's mother this time?" Chen Mu muttered.

Just then, a voice sounded.

"Congratulations on your successful evolution and your evolution reward, Twinkle."

"Huh?" Chen Mu was slightly startled: "Flickering?"

"The flickering ability allows you to instantly move to a position five meters away from you. After using it once, there will be a one-second interval between the second use." The system's voice sounded.

Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

"Isn't this just teleportation?"

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