Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 52 What? Give me an egg and let me hatch it?

Although the distance is only five meters, and there is a one-second interval, but with this ability, it is definitely an instant movement, just a short-distance instant movement.

Chen Mu said: "That's good now."

After being a royal albatross for two years, he has become somewhat accustomed to the extreme speed brought by the royal albatross's gliding. Now he suddenly becomes a pigeon. Although the speed is okay, he still feels a little uncomfortable.

With this instant movement, even if he maintains the body shape of a pigeon at this speed, he can move quickly or escape.

..., of course, Chen Mu does not think he needs to escape.

The size of the albatross can be said to be one of the largest birds in the world.

In addition to the size that Chen Mu obtained by swallowing evolutionary energy before, Chen Mu is now a monster after becoming an albatross.

Even if the original body is a pigeon now, it is not easy to bully.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded in Chen Mu's ears again.

"Choose one of the two tasks, find a spotted-tailed wood pigeon to reproduce until the offspring reaches adulthood, and the reward for completing the task is 50%."

"No, next one." Chen Mu almost didn't need to think and refused directly.

After refusing, he started to think again.

Wood pigeon?

There are many kinds of pigeons, and wood pigeons are one of them. At present, Chen Mu's body is a wood pigeon, which is slightly larger than domestic pigeons. It likes to live in jungles and bushes and belongs to wild pigeons.

Because of different types of pigeons, they like to live in different places.

Like domestic pigeons, which have been domesticated by humans, they basically stay where humans are. Wood pigeons live in jungles and bushes, foraging or breeding. There is also a kind of rock pigeon that likes to build nests in the cracks of rocks.

"The second task is to hatch a pigeon egg alone and raise it to adulthood. This can get 100% of the evolutionary energy reward."

"Huh?" Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

Although pigeons are late-maturing birds, the time for hatching and feeding is longer than that of ordinary birds, but in fact, the time for hatching and raising to adulthood is about 47 days.

Compared with the royal albatross, the dullard is nothing.

Besides, isn't it just hatching birds and raising birds? It's not like humans haven't hatched eggs and fed chicks before, not to mention Chen Mu himself is a pigeon! ... Chen Mu comforted himself who might become a male mother in this way.

The reason why Chen Mu would consider so much is mainly because... 100% of the progress of evolutionary energy is really tempting.

However, Chen Mu thought of a question: "What about the eggs? Do you want me to grab the pigeon eggs?"

"No." The system gave an explanation: "If you accept the second task, the nest and pigeon eggs will be automatically generated, and you will hatch them."

Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

There is such a good thing!

That's easy.

"Okay, I accept the second task."

As soon as Chen Mu finished speaking.

Chen Mu only felt a memory sinking into his head.

He instantly had a strong impulse.

There was only one thought left in his head.

I want to go home! !

Pigeons are extremely home-loving creatures.

Almost all pigeons have the habit of returning to their nests.

Pigeons have a special ability compared to other birds, that is, returning to their nests. No matter how far away from home they can return home.

And this is something that many other birds cannot do.

For this reason, scientists have conducted various experiments and studies, and made many guesses, saying that pigeons have a natural navigation system in their heads, which can use the earth's magnetic field, landmarks, the sun, and infrasound waves for navigation, but these are only guesses at present, and the real truth has not been found.

But no matter what the truth is, one thing is certain, pigeons are a very special kind of bird.

After these memories flooded into his head, Chen Mu suddenly realized that he had a nest, and there were two pigeon eggs waiting for him to hatch in the nest.

He had a strong urge to go back and take care of the pigeon eggs.

Chen Mu certainly knew that this was caused by the nature of being a pigeon.

"Forget it, anyway, I really have to go back and take care of it now." Chen Mu used flashing to hurry while flying.

The speed of pigeons is not slow among birds, and it can even be said to be very fast. There are even racing pigeons that are specially used for competitions.

With this speed and flashing, Chen Mu can quickly return to the nest.

It was in a bush.

As soon as Chen Mu entered the bush, he heard a cooing sound.

He looked around and found that there were many pigeons gathered in this bush.

There are many nests built by pigeons on the tree.

These pigeons are the same kind as Chen Mu, belonging to the wood pigeon.

"Is this my species?" Chen Mu retracted his gaze and flew in.

He landed on a nest and entered the nest.

He suddenly felt familiar.

It seemed that the nest in front of him was built by him bit by bit with branches in his mouth.

There are two small pigeon eggs in the nest.

These two eggs in front of him seem to be his own children.

This feeling is very strong.

Chen Mu naturally knew that this was the system's trick.

Forget it.

Chen Mu was too lazy to think about it.

"Now it's time for me to hatch the eggs. I have to hatch them first." Chen Mu muttered, then slowly adjusted his body and sat on the egg.

It felt strange to feel an egg pressing under his abdomen.

Chen Mu adjusted his posture to make himself more comfortable and avoid hurting the two eggs below.

"Hmm..., wait a minute?" Chen Mu suddenly found a big problem.

According to the pigeon's memory.

It is indeed his time to hatch eggs.

But the problem is that he needs to eat. If the time is up, who will hatch the eggs?

Pigeons are monogamous and lay two eggs at a time.

After laying eggs, male pigeons and female pigeons will take turns to hatch eggs.

Generally, from nine o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock in the evening, it is the time for male pigeons to hatch eggs, and female pigeons will come back at nine o'clock in the evening to take over.

Chen Mu is a male pigeon, so his memory tells him that it is daytime now, and it is his time to hatch eggs.

But the problem is..., Chen Mu only has one pigeon.

How to hatch eggs?

Isn't this nonsense?

"It would be great if there was an incubator." Chen Mu muttered.

"Hua La La..."

Suddenly, Chen Mu heard the sound of wings flapping.

He subconsciously raised his face, but found a female pigeon flying past in front.

Chen Mu was slightly startled and looked around.

This is a shrub forest. In this shrub forest, there are many wood pigeons. They all have their own nests, and some are even hatching eggs like Chen Mu.

Seeing this, Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

A smile appeared on his face: "There is a way."

Time passed quickly.

It was nine o'clock in the evening.

Chen Mu was flying in the air, looking at his nest.

In the nest, a wood pigeon was hatching Chen Mu's pigeon eggs.

Chen Mu flapped his wings and left, muttering: "I almost forgot to control this ability. Now it seems that it is quite useful."

When Chen Mu left, in another nest, a male pigeon who was waiting for the female bird to come back was looking at his wife who was hatching eggs for others with a confused face.

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