Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 53 Can male pigeons produce pigeon milk?

The wood pigeon lives in the jungle and bushes.

Pigeons are mainly omnivorous herbivores, and they can eat all kinds of grains, fruits, etc. Chen Mu is in the bushes. As a pigeon, he mainly eats wild fruits and berries in the bushes.

Pigeons can eat meat, but not too much. They prefer fruits.

It is not easy to find berries hidden in the bushes, but it is easy for Chen Mu.

Chen Mu opened his consciousness and found that there were only berries within a kilometer.

Chen Mu spent some time eating and drinking, and then flapped his wings and returned to the nest.

There are three ways for Chen Mu to gain progress in evolutionary energy. The first way is to eat naturally, the second way is to devour, and the third way is to obtain progress in evolutionary energy through tasks.

Eating..., eating fruits to obtain progress in evolutionary energy, I don’t know how long it will take.

As for devouring, Chen Mu’s current small body, even if he uses giant energy to devour animals, can only be some small things, and the time required is estimated to be much longer than that of the albatross.

These two methods were abandoned directly.

In other words, Chen Mu only had one method left, which was to complete the task.

"Now, I finally understand why the system has to create such a task that can obtain 100% of the progress of evolutionary energy. If there is no such task, I will probably die before the next evolution can be completed." Chen Mu muttered.

Flapping his wings, he returned to the nest.

He looked and found that the pigeon in the nest was still on its nest, hatching eggs for him.

Chen Mu released his control ability.

The pigeon came to its senses and flapped its wings to leave.

Chen Mu replaced it and covered the two pigeon eggs below.

He entered the hatching mode.

"Since I can only complete the task, I will hatch the eggs. Anyway, I am idle."

If he can sit, Chen Mu will never stand; if he can lie down, he will never sit.

Pigeons are creatures with strong homing instincts, and their nature makes them like to stay at home.

Chen Mu feels very comfortable staying in this nest.

Although Chen Mu knew that this was because he was a pigeon and had an attachment to the nest, he had to complete the task anyway, so he just followed his nature.

Chen Mu didn't care.

The female wood pigeon flew to her spouse.

The male wood pigeon spouse looked at the female wood pigeon pitifully.

"Why did you just go to someone else's nest and hatch eggs for someone else?"

The female wood pigeon heard it and said, "I don't know, I was confused and went there... I made a mistake."

"Is that so?" The male wood pigeon was aggrieved.

"What?" The female wood pigeon stared at the male wood pigeon and said, "Do you suspect that I'm cheating? Do you believe that I'll skin you and you won't get up and go find food?"

The male wood pigeon was startled and quickly got up and gave up the nest.

After exchanging positions, the male wood pigeon, who had been waiting for a long time, flew away to find food.

Chen Mu closed his eyes and incubated the eggs comfortably. As for the situation of other pigeons, he was not interested in paying attention to it, nor was he interested in knowing it.

Of course, sometimes, incubating eggs is too idle, so he will use his conscious vision to look around.

At this time.

Chen Mu saw an interesting scene.

A male pigeon chased a female pigeon.

"Don't chase me, why are you chasing me?" The female pigeon was a little confused by being chased.

The male pigeon said: "Don't run around, go back to the nest to lay eggs."

"You..." The female pigeon was a little confused.

The male pigeon said: "If you don't go back, I will follow you all the time."

The female pigeon was a little angry, but there was nothing she could do. She could only hum and then flap her wings back to the nest.

The male pigeon followed back.

Some male pigeons with excellent production performance will show "wife-chasing" behavior. This behavior means that when the female pigeon leaves the nest, the male pigeon will chase it and force it to return to the nest to lay eggs.

Chen Mu also noticed that the pigeons that hatched eggs earlier than him.

After hatching eggs for a while, they suddenly left, dropped the eggs in the nest, and then built a new nest somewhere else.

Seeing this, Chen Mu subconsciously looked at the two pigeon eggs in the nest.

"They actually built a nest somewhere else. Don't they want the two eggs?"

It is obvious that the two pigeons really don't want the two eggs, not even the nest.

Because after a few days, Chen Mu saw the two pigeons building nests and laying eggs in other places, and started a new round of hatching.

The incubation time of pigeons is 17 days. When the pigeons are incubating eggs, if the time exceeds 20 days and they have not hatched, then the pigeons will abandon the eggs and nests, build nests somewhere else, and lay eggs and hatch again.

"Really decisive, they even changed their homes when the eggs couldn't hatch." Chen Mu muttered.

At this time, Chen Mu felt a movement under him. He felt the movement, subconsciously stood up slightly, and looked at the pigeon eggs below.

I saw a small hole on the pigeon egg, and the little thing inside began to peck at the shell.

Chen Mu could see the little thing inside through the eggshell.

As soon as he saw it, Chen Mu felt a blood connection.

It seemed that it was a part of his body.

This feeling was very wonderful.

But this feeling was directly ignored by Chen Mu, because Chen Mu knew very well that this egg had nothing to do with him, it was just made by the system.

Chen Mu waited quietly.

At the same time, another egg also began to peck at the shell.

An eggshell cracked, and a small pigeon came out of the eggshell.

The pigeon chick in front of him was red all over, with its eyes closed, not opening at all, and looked weak.

Chen Mu suddenly felt the "motherly" overflowing.

It felt like something was coming out of his body.

It was pigeon milk.

Pigeons are different from mammals, penguins and albatrosses. They do not feed by regurgitating some food in their stomachs.

Instead, they use pigeon milk.

Pigeons secrete pigeon milk in their bodies, and then spit out the pigeon milk in their bodies in a way that looks similar to regurgitation to feed the chicks.

Not long after, the chicks from the other egg also came out.

The two chicks stayed under Chen Mu, covered by Chen Mu to keep them warm.

As time passed little by little.

Three hours later.

The young bird rubbed Chen Mu's body, making a very, very small cooing sound.

It also opened its mouth wide at Chen Mu, obviously asking for food.

Although Chen Mu was somewhat disgusted with being a wet nurse, he had to risk it for the sake of his evolutionary energy progress.

He opened his mouth, and the two young birds put their beaks into Chen Mu's beak.

A feeling of nausea came over him.

Pigeon milk gushed out, and the two young birds began to eat.

After feeding.

Chen Mu's mouth twitched.

This feeling of being a male mother is really not pleasant.

Looking at the two young birds eating their fill, they looked satisfied.

Chen Mu felt a strange feeling in his heart: "Am I a wet dad? A pigeon wet dad?"

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