Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 54 What? Dad Pigeon is being urged to get married by his own children?

After the pigeon chicks are born, they are fed for the first time, usually three hours later, and then every two or three hours.

Some experienced old pigeons will be very skilled, but a novice like Chen Mu is naturally not so skilled.

Chen Mu naturally didn't know about this.

Chen Mu didn't think about it anymore, and continued to cover the chicks in the way of incubating eggs.

Although the chicks have hatched, they have not opened their eyes yet and are still very, very weak.

At the same time, they can't keep warm by themselves.

If I am outside and there is no parent pigeon to help keep warm, I will freeze to death.

"Dad, I'm hungry." Suddenly, Chen Mu heard a voice.

Chen Mu came back to his senses, and he looked down at the two chicks who were sticking their heads out and looking at Chen Mu.

He was a little confused.

Then, Chen Mu came back to his senses, and he knew what was going on.

Animals have their own unique way of communicating with each other, and after the system turned Chen Mu into an animal, it gave Chen Mu a default ability, that is, the ability to translate.

The ability to translate can turn the various ways of communication of these animals into language, so that Chen Mu can hear the voices of those animals.

Obviously, the chick just expressed his thoughts, so Chen Mu heard it.

"Dad, I'm hungry too." Another pigeon chick also poked out its little head.

But they haven't opened their eyes yet.

Both voices are milky.


Chen Mu has no choice.

Newborn pigeons can't eat by themselves, they can only eat pigeon milk from the parent pigeons.

As the parent pigeon, Chen Mu can only let it secrete pigeon milk to feed them.

Chen Mu lowered his head and opened his beak.

Regurgitated the pigeon milk.

The two chicks came over and ate the pigeon milk.

After feeding, the two chicks stayed in the nest comfortably to rest, with a satisfied look on their faces.

Chen Mu retracted his gaze.

The following life was similar to the previous incubation of eggs. When the time came, other pigeons would take care of it.

The only difference was that it changed from incubation to feeding.

Under the care of Chen Mu, the pigeon nanny, the pigeon chicks grew up day by day.

Four days later, the two chicks opened their eyes.

"Dad, were those who fed us before our mothers?" The chicks looked at Chen Mu curiously.

Chen Mu coughed: "No, those are just nannies."

"Nanny?" Another pigeon chick poked its head out and looked at Chen Mu curiously: "What is a nanny?"

Chen Mu said: "A nanny is someone who helps me take care of you."

"Oh, then dad, who is our mother?" The pigeon chick raised its head again and looked at Chen Mu curiously.

Chen Mu said: "Of course it's me, I am your father and your mother, are you happy?"

The two pigeon chicks were stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and then shook their heads together: "Unhappy."

Chen Mu's mouth twitched: "There is nothing you can do if you are unhappy, this is the fact."

"Okay, good boy, go to sleep after eating." Chen Mu coaxed the two chicks.

"Oh." The two little things responded and went back obediently.

As time goes by, these two little guys are more and more curious about the outside world, always asking some weird questions.

It is not easy to coax them.

As time goes by.

Time goes by day by day.

"Dad, when will you find a mother? I feel so pitiful for you alone." The growing pigeon chicks are showing their little heads and looking at Chen Mu.

Pigeons are monogamous, and in the nature of pigeons, mates are necessary.

Generally, the mates of pigeons are a pair of male and female. Of course, if there is an uneven ratio of males and females in a population, there will also be females with females, males with males, and so on.

Therefore, in the nature of pigeons, it is a bit strange to have only one pigeon without a mate.

Chen Mu's mouth twitched: "..., not pitiful, I'm used to it."

"You can't get used to this, we also want a mother." Another pigeon chick said in a milky voice: "Maybe, Dad, you can find another dad."

Chen Mu's forehead was sweating... Although the pigeons didn't sweat, Chen Mu felt that his heart was sweating.

"Don't talk nonsense." Chen Mu said: "Go to sleep."


The two pigeon chicks went back.

Chen Mu shook his head helplessly.

These two little guys are really good at dealing with things.

It's better to let Chen Mu find a thicker tree and hit it headfirst than to ask Chen Mu to find a mother pigeon. Isn't this nonsense?

When Chen Mu is free, he will carefully observe how the pigeons feed their children.

Chen Mu found that after feeding their children for a certain period of time, those parent pigeons no longer feed their children with pigeon milk, but choose to feed them berries and the like.

Chen Mu calculated the time, and then when the time is about the same.

He also prepared to feed the pigeons with berries.

"Dad, what is this?" The pigeon chick looked puzzled when he saw the berries that Chen Mu brought to his mouth.

Chen Mu put the berries in the nest and said, "Eat."

"Eat?" The pigeon chick looked at it in confusion.

Chen Mu said, "Well, try it."

"Well." The pigeon chick took a bite of the small fruit and said, "Hmm, it tastes bad."

Another pigeon chick ate one and also showed a bitter look.

The first pigeon chick came over and said coquettishly: "Dad, I want to drink from grandma and not eat this, okay?"

Chen Mu said: "Good boy, when you grow up in the future, you have to leave the nest and grow on your own. You can't keep eating pigeon milk."

"Oh..." It grimaced.

Looking at this scene, the corner of Chen Mu's mouth twitched.

These two little guys….

Although these two little pigeon chicks were a little unaccustomed to the sudden weaning, they were still very obedient.

Seeing these two little guys eating the berries he sent with bitter expressions on their faces, as if they were eating poison, Chen Mu felt inexplicably funny.

This little guy had no down at all at first, but now it is full of down, and some of the down has even grown quills.

It's not long before they reach adulthood.

They must learn to eat on their own, and then when they reach adulthood, they will naturally follow other wood pigeons to find food.

Chen Mu doesn't need to worry anymore.

As time passed, under the care of Chen Mu and some temporary 'nanny' pigeons.

The final moment finally came.

Chen Mu stood on the nest and looked above.

Two adult pigeons, one female and one male, were flying in the air, hovering.

This is the first time for both of them to fly.

And when they fly, it means they are adults.

At this time, a voice sounded.

"Congratulations on finishing..."

"Wait a minute." Chen Mu interrupted the system's spellcasting.

Chen Mu said: "The task will be completed later."

The system has no sound.

After the two pigeons flew for a while, one of them slowly flew over and landed next to Chen Mu.

He rubbed Chen Mu's feathers with his head, and said with a coquettish look, "Dad."

Another pigeon also came over and landed next to Chen Mu, watching this scene.

Chen Mu said: "Okay, don't be naughty. Now that you are adults, you will have to find your own spouse and reproduce. From now on, you will have to rely on yourself."



The two pigeons responded and looked at Chen Mu one by one.

There was confidence in his eyes, but also reluctance.

Chen Mu nodded slightly.

He flapped his wings and flew up.

Under the watchful eyes of two pigeons.

Chen Mu's figure flew into the air.

After losing sight of the two pigeons, Chen Mu said: "System, complete the task."

"Congratulations on completing the mission, gaining 100% evolution energy progress, and starting to evolve."

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