Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 61 The super gangster comparable to the crow is actually the magpie?

Magpies, this kind of creature has a tradition of announcing good news since ancient times.

However, the magpie, which is considered to be auspicious, has another alias, called the Oriental magpie.

The name of the magpie that Chen Mu saw now is the black-backed bell magpie, also known as the Australian magpie.

If you want to distinguish between the Oriental magpie and the Australian magpie, you can look at their eyes.

Although they are both magpies, the Oriental magpie has black eyes, while the black-backed bell magpie, also known as the Australian magpie, has red eyes.

Of course, for Chen Mu now, he doesn't care what kind of magpie this thing is, he only knows that this thing is a flying animal.

"After eating this, there are only four left."

Chen Mu saw the magpie through his conscious vision, and the distance was nearly one thousand meters.

Chen Mu flapped his wings and rushed towards the direction of the magpie.

Just then.

The magpie's eyes were fixed on a house below.

Inside the house.

Two children, wearing baseball helmets, looked at the magpie outside.

The scars of being scratched by the magpie can be seen on the two little faces.

One of the blond children looked at the black-haired child next to him and said, "It's still guarding us outside. What should we do? We can't go out to play now." It was a rare holiday, and he planned to go out to play with his little friends.

The black-haired child said helplessly, "I don't know what to do..."

The blond child said with a bitter face, "As soon as we go out, it pecks us. We didn't do anything. Why did it peck us..."

The black-haired child said bitterly, "Before, my sister was also pecked by magpies when she was riding a bicycle outside. These magpies attack people indiscriminately, regardless of whether we have done anything bad."

In order to protect their young birds during the breeding season, magpies will become extremely aggressive.

In fact, Oriental magpies will also attack people during the breeding season, but the reason why Oriental magpies attack people is because those people have hurt magpies. If they have not hurt magpies, they will not attack them. Oriental magpies have a strong memory ability. They can recognize the person who has hurt magpies through face recognition. When they see that person approaching their nest, they will attack.

But the Australian magpie is different. Like the Oriental magpie, the Australian magpie also has a strong memory ability, but it attacks indiscriminately.

When the Australian magpie attacks, you cannot resist. As long as you dare to resist and hurt it, it will rely on its strong memory to remember your face, and the next time it sees you, it will give you a soul-shattering "surprise".

And this thing attacks people's noses, eyes, and ears.

Some children have had their eyes pecked by magpies, and there was another incident in which a baby several months old died because of harassment by magpies.

The two children stayed at home, staring at the magpie in front of them, hoping that the magpie would leave.

And the magpie stared at the faces of the two children with its red eyes.

It seemed to be waiting for the two children to come out.

And at this moment.

Chen Mu, a white-bellied sea eagle, had arrived.

He locked his eyes on the magpie, approached it suddenly, stretched out a pair of sharp claws, and grabbed the magpie on the roof.

The magpie seemed to have noticed something, raised his face, looked, and flapped his wings.

"Gah." The magpie let out a panicked scream.

Chen Mu grabbed the magpie with his sharp claws, flapped his wings, and left.

The scene in front of him was seen by the two children who had been paying attention to the magpie in the house.

"Is that a white-bellied sea eagle? Such a big white-bellied sea eagle." The black-haired child's eyes trembled, and he seemed a little shocked.

"Hero! That's our hero!" The blond child was full of joy and ran out of the house. He shouted happily: "It's so big, it must be the king of white-bellied sea eagles, the king of sea eagles! It saved us, it's our hero!"

"Yes!" The black-haired child was also excited when he heard this: "It must know that we are in trouble, so it came to save us!"

"Sea eagle king, hero! Hero!" The blond child shouted in the direction where Chen Mu left, his face full of excitement.

The black-haired child looked at Chen Mu's back as he left, his eyes full of admiration.

Chen Mu was holding the struggling magpie with his sharp claws. He heard the sound coming from behind him, but he didn't hear it clearly because there was a distance.

Through the conscious vision, I saw the two jumping children, looking at this side, calling excitedly.

Chen Mu was a little puzzled: "What are these two two-legged ape children calling..."

Forget it, Chen Mu was too lazy to pay attention and retracted his sight.

He grabbed the magpie and flew to the branch of a big tree not far away.

The human buildings in this place are relatively far away, and the greening is very good, resulting in tall trees, which is just a place for Chen Mu to rest.

The magpie under the claws was chirping and struggling.

Chen Mu stretched out his beak.

After a while, the magpie stopped moving.

Chen Mu ate it bite by bite.

"This tastes just average, there is not much meat." As a white-bellied sea eagle, Chen Mu disliked this food full of muscles and no fat at all.

"It's not as delicious as tuna." Chen Mu muttered in disgust.

"The task is completed 60% of the way." The voice of the system sounded.

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu kicked the dead magpie to the ground.

He flapped his body and flew up.

Continue to enter the reconnaissance mode, looking for the seventh flying animal.

When passing by the place where humans stayed, Chen Mu saw some humans holding their mobile phones towards him.

They were probably taking photos or something.

Chen Mu was too lazy to pay attention to these two-legged apes.

Suddenly, Chen Mu saw a new species again.


When Chen Mu was a human, he had only seen koalas on TV before. This creature was slow.

In Chen Mu's impression, it was a cute and adorable thing.

Under normal circumstances, koalas live almost all their lives on trees and eat eucalyptus leaves. Koalas seem to have evolved to eat eucalyptus leaves.

Eucalyptus leaves are poisonous, but koalas are not afraid of the toxicity of eucalyptus leaves. At the same time, the nutrient content of eucalyptus leaves is extremely low, so if koalas use eucalyptus leaves as their main food, they must eat a lot of eucalyptus leaves.

At the same time, it also reduces energy consumption, which leads to koalas sleeping for a large part of the day, up to 20 hours a day, and the other four hours are eating.

This thing should stay on the eucalyptus tree for its entire life.

But now Chen Mu saw that koala sitting on the human street. The cute koala was now like an uncle, sitting there, dirty and messy.

It really gave Chen Mu a lot of experience.

Chen Mu shook his head and was too lazy to pay attention to this thing.

It's not a flying animal.

Chen Mu flew for a while, and suddenly, a target came into view.

"Cuckoo?" Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

Obviously this is Chen Mu's seventh target.

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