Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 62 Do I need a secret code to get food from an adult bird?

Under Chen Mu's conscious vision, the cuckoo was in a bird's nest.

It was looking around furtively, as if it was on guard against something.

After looking around, the cuckoo retracted its sight and was under Chen Mu's gaze.

The cuckoo picked up an egg in the nest with its mouth, then it walked to the edge of the nest and threw the egg down.


The egg fell directly to the ground, accompanied by a slight sound, and the egg broke, and the egg white and yolk splashed.

Seeing this, Chen Mu was stunned.

"What is this?"

At this time, the cuckoo slowly lay in the bird's nest and laid an egg in the nest.

The egg laid by the cuckoo was very similar to the other eggs in the nest.

Although very similar, Chen Mu understood after seeing the cuckoo's behavior just now and the egg laid quickly.

That bird's nest was not the cuckoo's nest, but that of another bird.

There are many species of cuckoos in the world, and one-third of them lay their eggs in other birds' nests.

Eggs laid in other birds' nests will hatch first because cuckoos have a shorter incubation period.

After hatching, cuckoo chicks will be driven by nature to squeeze other eggs out of the nest and occupy all the food.

And many parent birds will think that cuckoo chicks are their own children, so they will give food to them and feed them until they grow up.

The cuckoo that Chen Mu saw was obviously laying its eggs in someone else's nest.

After laying eggs, the cuckoo flapped its wings and was about to leave.

At this time, Chen Mu had arrived.

The cuckoo was about to fly away.

Chen Mu pounced on it, raised his claws, and directly grabbed the cuckoo.

"Chi!" The cuckoo made a panicked cry.

Chen Mu didn't care, and grabbed the struggling cuckoo and flew to a branch not far away.

Chen Mu pecked the cuckoo to death and then began to eat.

While eating, Chen Mu stared at the bird's nest not far away through his conscious vision.

That bird's nest must belong to another bird, which means that the bird that flew out will definitely come back in a while.

As long as it comes back, Chen Mu's eighth flying animal will be found.

"The mission is 70% complete."

Chen Mu threw the body of the cuckoo aside.

The cuckoo is similar to other birds, all of which are shriveled. Chen Mu is not interested in the type. Just eat a few bites to complete the task.

"Hua La La."

Suddenly, Chen Mu heard the sound of wings passing through the air, and he looked closely.

I saw the small bird flying over the leaves from a distance and landed next to the nest.

Chen Mu looked closely: "What kind of bird is this?"

Chen Mu did not know the identity of this bird, after all, Chen Mu was not an ornithologist.

The bird was very small.

The body was relatively round, gray-brown all over, and the belly was white.

The name of this bird is the gorgeous fairy-tailed warbler.

The name is very long. This is a unique bird in this area.

However, this bird has a characteristic.

After research by scientists, it was found that after hatching, the young birds of the gorgeous fairy-wren will learn a unique pronunciation code from the adult birds.

And that pronunciation code is something that the young cuckoo birds cannot learn.

Only when the young birds give a secret signal will the adult birds feed them. If there are cuckoo chicks in the nest, they will be distinguished and starved to death.

This ability seems to be an ability that the gorgeous fairy-wren has evolved to prevent being confused by the cuckoo chicks.

Chen Mu didn't even know the name of this bird, and he didn't know anything else.

Of course, even if Chen Mu knew, he wouldn't care. In his eyes, this gorgeous fairy-wren was just a tool to complete the task.

Chen Mu flapped his wings, flew up, and swooped down on the gorgeous fairy-wren.

The moment the gorgeous fairy-wren saw Chen Mu, it was startled and flew up, and was about to run.

But the problem is that Chen Mu's speed is doubled, and he launched the attack instantly.

The gorgeous fairy-wren didn't even fly up, and was caught by Chen Mu's claws.

The gorgeous fairy-wren is not big.

Chen Mu easily killed it with his beak and ate its meat.

"The mission is 80% complete."

After eating two bites, Chen Mu threw the body of the gorgeous fairy-wren aside, and his consciousness was attracted by something flying in the air.


Chen Mu noticed that there were many dragonflies flying on the grass not far away.

"The system said that flying animals are needed, but it didn't say that birds must be used. Insects should also be OK."

The only problem is that the white-bellied sea eagle is a bird of prey, a carnivore, and does not eat insects.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I eat it, whether I can use it is another matter." Chen Mu muttered.

Just eat a little, I won't die.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu flapped his wings and flew towards one of the dragonflies.

He swallowed it directly in one bite.


"So disgusting... This smell is too disgusting." Chen Mu felt the taste of the dragonfly in his mouth, and this smell made Chen Mu uncomfortable.

"The task is 90% complete." Fortunately, the mechanical and emotionless voice of the system gave Chen Mu some comfort.

"Okay, there is only one last creature left." Chen Mu adjusted his emotions and opened his consciousness again.

Suddenly, a bird entered Chen Mu's consciousness.

This bird was very unique and immediately attracted Chen Mu's attention.

It flapped its wings like a helicopter and hovered in the air.

This is something that ordinary birds cannot do, not even Chen Mu, a white-bellied sea eagle.

This bird is a little bigger than Chen Mu, who has not yet grown to giant size.

With such a large size, there is only one possibility, that it is a medium-sized raptor like Chen Mu.

Chen Mu saw the raptor hovering in the air, staring down.

Chen Mu noticed that there were flocks of dragonflies below.

Suddenly, the raptor swooped down and rushed towards the dragonflies.

It bit the dragonfly and ate it.

Seeing this, Chen Mu couldn't help but hissed.

A wave of nausea came.

"Looking at the size of this thing, it should be slightly larger than me. It should also be a medium-sized raptor, but it eats insects. I didn't expect it." Chen Mu muttered.

The raptor with superb hovering skills is called the black-shouldered kite.

It is a kind of raptor, a medium-sized raptor.

Its food is very wide, including insects, small birds, and small mammals.

"However, being able to eat insects is also a kind of ability, and I can't eat them." Chen Mu flapped his wings and flew up, flying towards the direction of the black-shouldered kite: "But eating you is still possible."

Soon, Chen Mu saw the black-shouldered kite catching dragonflies.

The black-shouldered kite noticed Chen Mu, but it ignored him.

Chen Mu did not become gigantic, so Chen Mu's current size is slightly smaller than that of the black-shouldered kite.

The black-shouldered kite is not afraid of Chen Mu at all.

Chen Mu pounced on it fiercely, and his body instantly became gigantic at the moment of diving and accelerating.

The sharp claws grabbed the black-shouldered kite's head.

The claws pinched.

The black-shouldered kite's head was directly crushed.

Blood sprayed.

The black-shouldered kite didn't even react before it became a headless corpse, and the corpse fell down with gravity.

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