After Xu Rui left, two young people began to whisper in the corner of the coffee shop.

"This is Xu Rui, right?" Passerby A took out the secretly recorded video and watched it repeatedly. He didn't notice Xu Rui at first. He saw Xu Shu entering the door and secretly filmed it in order to record the beauty.

Passerby B helped identify it: "Is that the one who sang "Run to Go"? It looks like him!"

Seeing that he was not very familiar with him, passerby A introduced him: "It should be him. His girlfriend is Yan Ran from "Love at First Sight". She has a lot of CP fans. There are several girls in my unit who are also his CP fans!"

Passerby Yi sighed: "That beauty just now was Yan Ran? So beautiful!"

"No, have you really not watched "Love at First Sight" at all?"

"I haven't watched it. It's all acted. It's no different from watching an idol drama."

"It is said that they were not acting. After the show, the two made an official announcement. Previously, a marketing account said that they were acting. Yan Ran even posted on Weibo to refute the rumors."

"Then this is cheating?"

"Who knows, maybe what the marketing account said is true, or there are too many lies in the entertainment industry. It would be even more shocking if it were revealed. He was praised by the official media before, but he is not a good person."

"Didn't you record it and send it to him online to expose the scumbag's true face? Maybe you will become famous too!"

"Yes, it stands to reason that Xu Rui should be recording "Original New Generation" now, but it turned out to be here. It's really embarrassing for netizens to find out."

Passers-by A and B did what they said and got together to post the video online.

Xu Rui went to the parking lot to pick up his car. It was a low-key black mid-size car, which suited his liking.

He was planning to go to the studio for a rare trip, but he didn't expect that someone secretly filmed him and posted it online.

"Seo Rui secretly meets a mysterious and beautiful woman, and behaves extremely intimately!" 》

Xu Rui has become very popular recently. The video with his name and such a hot title spread instantly.

Many self-media were like wolves that smelled the smell of blood. They reposted it one after another and added fuel to the fire. Xu Rui, Yan Ran and the cp fan base soon became upset.

"Xu Rui should be recording the show, it can't be him."

"The recording is quite clear, it's him!"

"Maybe to meet friends."

"Have you ever seen a friend who is so close to each other that he puts his arms around each other's neck and touches each other's chest?"

"Maybe they're relatives, don't rush to conclusions!"

It's a pity that the voice of reason has no place at all.

"I'd rather the CP be fake than Yan Ran meet a scumbag."

"The final word hasn't been finalized yet."

"Look at Xu Rui's routines on the show. It's obvious that he has a lot of experience in deceiving girls, so don't believe the variety artist's designs, they are all fake!"

"The house has collapsed, the house has collapsed!"

The fans are in mourning.

In the hotel, Yan Ran had just woken up. She had only gone to bed at three or four in the morning during the past two days of night scenes, so her biological clock was a bit messed up.

She got up, washed her face, and came out of the bathroom. She saw Du Xiao sitting on the bed looking at his mobile phone, unwilling to get up, and urged: "Stop staying in bed, let's go and eat. Aren't you hungry?"

Yan Ran just said it casually. Unexpectedly, Du Xiao suddenly jumped up, stood across the bed, jumped onto her bed, and said eagerly: "Look."

"What?" Yan Ran was confused.

"Xu Rui cheated." Du Xiao said anxiously.

Yan Ran was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Stop joking."

"What a joke, a lot of media are posting it, and there are videos. Take a look." Du Xiao played the video to Yan Ran, "This woman hugged her neck as soon as she entered the door... Don't be sad, I'll go find her." The kitchen knife will help you get revenge."

Du Xiao said and started to get dressed.

"Calm down, it might be a misunderstanding."

"Calm down, can you still calm down?" Qi Tian was wearing very little. It only took Du Xiao a minute to change, and then he started looking for a murder weapon.

Thinking of Du Xiao holding a kettle to help her roommate chase the scumbag at school, Yan Ran knew that it was really difficult to calm her down, so she quickly picked up the phone: "Is it okay if I call him first?"

Jingle Bell!

Before the call was made, the phone in his hand rang first, and it was Xu Rui calling.

Seeing Du Xiao looking at him with eager eyes, Yan Ran smiled and said: "I'll let it go."

When the call was connected, Xu Rui had already driven the car outside the hotel and said with a smile: "Are you up? I'm at the door of the hotel. Let's have dinner together later?"

Realizing that Xu Rui was acting like a normal person and didn't take the initiative to explain, Du Xiao suddenly became furious and yelled: "You still dare to come, just wait!"

"Hey, what are you doing!" Yan Ran didn't even have time to stop him before she saw Du Xiao rushing out like a gust of wind.

"Come back!" Yan Ran hurriedly chased after him.

Xu Rui was a little confused. Before he could ask what was going on with Yan Ran, Lu Ziliang's call came in again.

"Brother Lu is looking for me, wait a moment." Xu Rui put the call on hold and answered Lu Ziliang's call.

"..." Yan Ran was a little annoyed.

As soon as the call was connected, Lu Ziliang cursed: "What's going on with the video on the Internet? You came out of the program to meet someone, why didn't you say hello to me? Who is that person? Do you know now?" The Internet is going crazy.”

"Ah?" Xu Rui was even more confused.

Lu Ziliang was very angry: "You don't know yet, right? The video of you having a private meeting with a beautiful woman was recorded and posted online."

"A secret meeting with a beautiful woman?" Xu Rui was stunned for a moment, "You're not talking about my sister, are you?"

Lu Ziliang was still thinking about crisis public relations. Hearing Xu Rui's words, he quickly asked: "Who?"

"My sister."



Thinking that some artists would not tell the truth when they got into trouble, causing the team and even public relations to be passive, Lu Ziliang asked: "You didn't lie to me?"

"Do you want me to show you the household registration book?"

"That's okay." Lu Ziliang thought about it carefully and felt that Xu Rui didn't seem to be lying, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Before he could finish talking to Lu Ziliang, Du Xiao rushed to him angrily: "You scumbag, take your life!"

Xu Rui glanced back subconsciously, thinking that Li Chuanping was coming. When he turned back, he saw Du Xiao stepping forward and kicking.

"Destroy your descendants?" Xu Rui quickly pulled away and retreated. Fortunately, he had been practicing martial arts for so long. Unexpectedly, he had never encountered a bad guy who needed to fight, so it came in handy at this time.

"Xia Xia, calm down!" Xu Rui said quickly, "You can't be because of the video online, right? That's my sister!"

"Can you say that again?"

"That's my sister!"

"..." Du Xiao instantly pulled the brakes, her momentum plummeted. She lowered her head, looked at her clothes, and muttered, "Why are these clothes so ugly? I'll change when I go back."

Turning around to leave, he found Yan Ran standing behind him. Du Xiao smiled and said, "Did you hear that? It's a misunderstanding. That's his sister!"

"You run very fast." Yan Ran snorted coldly.

Du Xiaoli felt a little weak: "I'm not doing it for you!"

"Then don't be impulsive in the future!" Yan Ran said and looked at Xu Rui.

The misunderstanding was resolved, Xu Rui pointed to the phone and continued talking to Lu Ziliang: "Brother Lu, something happened just now."

"I heard it. You should quickly issue a statement to clarify. Just be concise and concise. Let's take a look at the situation first. If netizens hold on to it, then explain further."

"Okay." Xu Rui ended the call and immediately opened Weibo to edit the message. He estimated that if he didn't post it, the program team would also bombard him with calls.

Soon, netizens saw his new Weibo post, which contained just two words: Sister!

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