After posting on Weibo, Xu Rui looked at Yan Ran and shook the car key in his hand: "Are you going to eat?"

"Go." Yan Ran said and went to see Du Xiao.

"Ah... I just woke up and couldn't eat. You guys should spend some rare time together, and I won't join in the fun." Du Xiao ran away after finishing speaking.

Anyway, she didn't get kicked, so how could Yan Ran really blame her? Seeing her running fast, she shouted in a funny voice: "Stop running, let's go together."

"No, no, no." Du Xiao waved his hand behind.

"Then bring you some?"

"Okay." Du Xiao got into the elevator.

Yan Ran then said to Xu Rui: "She has such a temper, don't argue with her."

"It's okay to argue with her." Xu Rui took Yan Ran's hand and pulled her in front of him, "I'm sorry, are you worried when you suddenly heard such news from the Internet?"

Yan Ran slowly leaned her head on his shoulder and whispered: "Well, I'm worried. Although I repeatedly told myself that the news must not be what it is, I was still worried in my heart, in order not to let Du Xiao see it. , I have been restraining, I’m sorry, do I not trust you enough?”

"What are you sorry for? Worry shows that you care." Xu Rui thought for a while and said, "How often do your parents call you?"

"Three or five days?"

"I always tell you, right?"


Xu Rui smiled and said: "Look, do you think they don't believe that such an excellent daughter can take care of herself? Trust will also worry, it's not contradictory."

"Hmm... Is this the same thing? But what you said makes some sense." Yan Ran raised her head, pouting and bumping her forehead against his shoulder.

Xu Rui said with a smile: "When we finish this busy period, we can go to each other's homes to sit and get to know our relatives and friends, and then we won't have any trouble like this again."

"Well, it's settled." Yan Ran was in a much better mood, "Stop talking and take me to dinner quickly. I want to eat boiled fish."


"Your sister gave you the car?"

"Yes." Xu Rui said, "My sister is three years older than me, and my brother is six years older than me. My brother was already in elementary school when I wet the bed, so my sister played with me when I was a child."

"It's nice to have brothers and sisters, but it's a pity that I'm an only child."

"Everyone has his own thing."

After getting in the car, Yan Ran checked the nearby boiled fish restaurants and then gave Xu Rui directions.

Lu Ziliang had been staring at the news on the Internet. When he saw Xu Rui's Weibo, he had a headache. He was concise and to the point, which was too concise.

He knows very well that with such a big rhythm, in addition to Xu Rui's high popularity, there are actually some deliberate rhythms mixed in. Part of it is to gain traffic, and the other part is that other companies are causing trouble.

Xu Rui has suddenly emerged. It is expected that other companies will be explosion-proof. I guess these people are still digging for dirty information. I didn't expect Xu Rui to take the initiative to provide rhythm. Can we not take advantage of this?

However, as soon as the "biological sister" Weibo post was posted, the rhythm calmed down a lot. After all, lying about blood relationships is quite easy to be exposed.

"If it were a long explanation, I might have doubts. Just explain it in two words, and I really believe it!"

"The house didn't collapse, hahaha, I was scared to death."

"I'm just telling you, how could Xu Rui be a scumbag? The one who just cursed me came out to apologize!"

As the fans counterattacked, the group of detractors died down and a lot of afterthoughts emerged.

"I just said that the people in the video look a bit like Xu Rui. It turns out they are siblings."

"They must be relatives. I didn't expect that there are people who follow the self-media and are careless and ignorant."

"Excuse me, sister, is she single?"

"That's a good question."

Someone simply went to Xu Rui's Weibo and shouted "brother-in-law".

The program team was really shocked. If the rumors were true, although not getting married would not have as big an impact as cheating on celebrities, and being banned would not be enough, it would be difficult to restore the reputation.

After learning about it, Ma Zhiru took another antihypertensive pill. After seeing the quality of the song "Into the Sea", he became more convinced that Xu Rui would be needed to sustain the show's popularity in the future. But next time Xu Rui wants to go out, he won't do it so easily. I agreed, it’s so scary!

In the small private room of the boiled fish restaurant, after ordering, Yan Ran sat next to Xu Rui, put her right hand around his neck, her thumb and index finger interlaced to make a small heart shape, and she raised her phone with her left hand: "Come on, laugh. One, eggplant.”

"Eggplant." Xu Rui was very cooperative.

"Okay." Yan Ran finished taking the photo and opened Weibo.

Xu Rui was stunned for a moment: "You want to send it?"

"Yes, completely shatter the rumors!" Yan Ran snorted. When she came by car, she checked the Internet. Although the clarification on Weibo changed the direction of public opinion, some people still used this matter to say a lot of outrageous things, saying who is a man? My friend is a scumbag!

What Yan Ran posted on Weibo was also very simple. She didn’t say anything, just wrote the current time and paired it with a picture.

As soon as she posted her Weibo post, more than half of the people who were still talking harshly disappeared.

"Then I'll send one too." Xu Rui held up the phone and wanted to kiss Yan Ran on the face.

"Ah? Isn't that bad?" After saying this, Yan Ran tilted her neck slightly and handed one side of her face over for him to kiss.


Xu Rui kissed her and took the photo.

"Let me take a look." Yan Ran leaned over.

"The picture wasn't very good. Try it again."

"well enough."

"No, no, hurry up."


"The angle doesn't work well, take another shot."


"There's something wrong with the light, and then..."

"Don't come here." Yan Ran pushed his face away, "The waiter will come over to serve the food in a while. It's not good to be seen, so please post it as soon as possible."

Xu Rui then took his mobile phone to edit the message, selected a picture, added only the time, and sent it.

In the hotel, Du Xiao was scrolling through her phone boredly. When she saw Yan Ran and Xu Rui both posting on Weibo, she clicked in and took a look, then quickly exited. If it were said that not following them to dinner before, it was a small self-punishment for her impulsiveness. , so now she feels sincerely that she was right not to go!

Lu Ziliang has registered the studio Weibo account for Xu Rui. After seeing the Weibo they posted, he thought about it and posted a message on the studio Weibo: "Because a small misunderstanding has taken up public opinion resources, I am sincerely afraid. The matter has been clarified." , If there are still false statements and rumors to cause trouble, legal measures will be taken."

It took less than half a day for the matter to ferment, and successive clarifications were posted on Weibo. Although the household registration booklet was not published, it was enough to convince most people.

The fan base was once again jubilant.

"Thinking about it in hindsight, this little misunderstanding actually gave us two photos, which seems to be pretty good."

"Ah, I was so sweet, especially the kissing face. I tilted my cheek and sent it to Xu Rui for a kiss. I can't do it anymore!"

"I only want to use five words to describe it - ahhhhh!"

"After being shown off, the two of them are really not afraid of showing off their affection and will die quickly."

"It's not loving enough to die quickly!"

"You should also show off more in the future when there is no misunderstanding. We love to see it!"

The storm subsided instantly, but the appearance of Xu Shu also gave some people the direction to take a closer look at Xu Rui.

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