Become a star after debuting from a romance show

Chapter 147 What did you do last night?

After the "Best Screenplay" award was announced, the "Best Debut" film was awarded to a foreign director, and the subsequent "Best Mandarin Film" and "Best Foreign Language Film" naturally missed Yan Ran.

But if you think about it from another perspective, there are probably tens of thousands of independent films produced around the world every year. It is very rare to win an award at a well-known film festival, no matter what the award is. Thinking about it this way, everyone will not feel unwilling to do so. Or regretful.

When the film festival came to an end, Xu Rui announced grandly: "I'll treat you to a guest later and let's celebrate together."

It was getting late, and a group of people didn't choose a place specifically. As long as there was a place with beer and barbecue, they were happy. Yan Ran didn't allow everyone to celebrate uninhibitedly. They could eat barbecue as much as they wanted, but there was a limit on alcohol, so no one was allowed. Get drunk to avoid accidents at night.

News spread quickly online. Before they left the venue, the news that "The Night the Comet Came" won the "Best Screenplay" award spread among the fan base. This award can also be regarded as recognition of the plot of the movie. , making many people look forward to it even more.

Yanran thought that several video platforms would actively communicate with her, but she didn't expect that the other parties would be more active than she expected. They contacted her one after another during dinner before the next day.

After answering the phone, Yan Ran came to Xu Rui and whispered: "Seal Platform just made a quotation, and the other party provided three ways to sign a contract, one is based on member playback volume, one is single-piece purchase, and one is copyright buyout .

Calculated based on the number of plays, an effective playback share is 0.5 yuan. If you buy a single piece, the price is 6 yuan, and the share is 28%. The platform is 8 and we are 2. Then there is the copyright buyout, the quotation is 1 million, and it has nothing to do with us after that. Before There are several platforms, and the price is about this, what do you think? "

Xu Rui thought for a while and gave his own advice: "If you don't have confidence in yourself, or you are in urgent need of capital turnover, and you are anxious to get back your capital, you can choose to buy out the copyright. Otherwise, you can eliminate this option first.

At present, most people are quite resistant to the situation of having to purchase a single film when they have already entered VIP on the platform. Moreover, if a small-cost independent film like ours is priced at 6 yuan like many large-scale productions, it will be easy to be sold. I think the first way is better when it comes to criticizing food for looking ugly. "

"Well, that makes sense!" Yan Ran and Xu Rui had similar ideas. Since they had the same opinion, it was easy to make a decision. "I'll just listen to you and calculate the price according to the number of views. If one effective play is 0.5 yuan, if the entire network can There are 10 million effective views, which is 5 million, which is great. Do you think it can have 10 million effective views?”

"It's difficult." Xu Rui said, "The price the other party gives you is also low. If you have a big director and a big production, you can get an effective broadcast price of 1-3 yuan from the theater. 0.5 is too little, and it excludes the most promising ones." For those big popular IPs, if a movie can have millions of effective views on one platform, it can be considered a masterpiece. I guess it is easy for our movies to make back the money, but it is a bit difficult to make big money!"

"That's not bad. You have to be content." Yan Ran stopped calculating and celebrated happily with everyone.

They didn't get home until after midnight.

Du Xiao stood in the living room and said to Yanran: "Where are you going to put your first trophy in life? Is there a trophy display cabinet missing in this living room?"

Xu Rui reminded: "Renting a house usually doesn't come with a trophy display cabinet, right?"

Yan Ran continued to remind: "And this is not my first trophy. I have won several awards in school."

Du Xiao waved his hand: "Oh, don't bring it up to the school."

Seeing that her face was red, she was definitely not drunk, but she was a bit awkward when speaking. Yan Ran pushed her into the room: "Okay, okay, we have to contact various platforms to sign contracts tomorrow. Who do you want to go and clean up quickly?" Bar."

"Hey." Du Xiao hummed, "Okay, then I won't disturb you anymore."

When she returned to the room, Yan Ran turned to look at Xu Rui: "Then I... will go back to wash up and rest too?"

Xu Rui suggested: "You can go to my room to rest."

"How can I rest when I go to your room!" Yan Ran complained in a low voice and hurried away.

Xu Rui thought about it and felt that she was right. He couldn't even think about resting that night.

After going back to the room to wash up, Xu Rui lay on the bed, picked up his phone and found that Yan Ran had sent him a "can't sleep" emoji.

"Too happy?" Xu Rui asked.

However, Yan Ran didn't reply for a while. It took a long time before another message came through: "I was just lying in bed thinking about it. I seemed to have forgotten to lock the door."

Xu Rui stared at the screen for a few seconds, then decisively got out of bed, opened the door and quietly walked to Yanran's door. He opened and closed the door lightly and quickly.

Seeing him come in, Yan Ran leaned against the bedside, pulled the quilt up to her neck, and asked in surprise: "What are you doing here?"

"Lock the door for you." Xu Rui locked the door skillfully.

Yan Ran could no longer pretend to be surprised, she pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Are you as helpful as this?"

"How not."

"Then what are you going to do next?" Yan Ran said, stretching out a hand from the quilt she was wrapped in, touching the lamp button on the bedside table, and turned off the light with a "pop", and the room suddenly became dark. It was pitch black.

After a while, a small conversation came from the bed.

"Who asked you to come up?"

"When you turn off the light, aren't you giving me some kind of revelation?"

"Revelation? I didn't give it, so don't talk nonsense!"

"Is your bed strong? Does it shake or make a creaking sound?"

"Don't ask me how I know, if you tell me I'll bite you again!"

"How to bite?"

"Ah, this is different from what I thought! Why are you burying your head in the pillow?"

"Afraid of making a sound."

"it's useless!"



The next morning, when Du Xiao woke up, Xu Rui and Yan Ran were having breakfast.

Yan Ran pushed the plate of milk and fried eggs over and asked with concern: "Did you sleep well last night?"

Du Xiao nodded: "That's good."

Xu Rui also asked: "You drank so much yesterday, didn't you have a hangover and a headache?"

"It's not bad. I just drank some beer. It sounds like I have a bad drinking capacity." After Du Xiao sat down, he said casually, "It's rare that you didn't treat me like a transparent person so early in the morning and care so much about my sleep... …Um?"

Seeing that Du Xiao seemed to have noticed something wrong, Xu Rui immediately changed the subject: "Today we are talking about online broadcasting. You and Yan Ran can go. I have to go to the company."

It's a pity that Du Xiao is not that easy to fool. He glanced at them suspiciously: "Wait, wait, wait, let's talk about business later, what did you do last night... Bah, let's ask again, what did you do last night? Yet?"

"My phone is ringing." Yan Ran stood up, "You wash the dishes."

Xu Rui looked at the time: "It's getting late. Brother Liang is coming to pick me up."

Du Xiao: "..."

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