A masterpiece rather than a classic. This kind of evaluation does not make Yanran feel sad. On the contrary, she is already very happy. You can't reach a thousand miles without taking small steps. This is a new step she has taken, and it is so solid that she leaves behind What's wrong with getting beautiful footprints?

The two of them were not sleepy at all. They checked several movie review websites for a while, refreshed Weibo for a while, and did not go to rest until late at night.

After morning practice the next morning, Xu Rui saw the video pushed to him by Li Chuanping. The title was "Let’s talk about movies without bragging, in-depth analysis of "The Night the Comet Came"".

Xu Rui had an impression of the ID "If you don't brag, you won't be scandalous." When he clicked on the video, he remembered that it was Feng Haibing, a well-known film and television blogger on Weibo. Looking at the video he made overnight, the number of views has reached an astonishing level. of 300,000.

However, Xu Rui didn't read the analysis at all, but kept dragging and dragging, directly to the boasting part. While watching Feng Haibing boast that "this is a rare sci-fi suspense masterpiece in China", he also watched the barrage. "Agree", this morning has a little more joyful factor.

After breakfast, Xu Rui asked casually: "Do you have anything else to do recently?"

Yanran thought for a while: "Several video platforms have mentioned to me that if the playback volume is good, they may ask me to accept a few exclusive interviews."

Xu Rui smiled and said: "According to the current broadcast volume, the interview will definitely not be possible. I will contact you today. By the way, do you want to find a director's agent? I estimate that in a while, your phone number will be I’m blown away. There should be many investors hoping to make a movie with a new director like you.”

Yan Ran didn't quite believe it: "Is it too exaggerated?"

"Now that capital is all about traffic, the people who come to you for filming will only be more exaggerated than what I said." Xu Rui reminded her, "You should think carefully about whether you should get a mobile phone number as a work number."

"Well, let me discuss it with Du Xiao." Yan Ran nodded, "You want to go to the company?"

Xu Rui nodded: "Yes, I have a rough idea of ​​the album. The musical instruments and equipment at home are not as professional as the company's, and I'm afraid of disturbing people at home."

"Well, then go ahead and pay attention to your safety." After Yan Ran finished speaking, she suddenly stopped him and said, "Wait a moment."

She ran back to the room, took out a scarf, ran over and put it on him carefully, covering his mouth: "It's cold, don't put wind in your mouth."

Xu Rui reached out and pinched her face: "Like a little daughter-in-law."

Yan Ran took a step forward, pressed against him, and hummed softly: "Am I very young?"

"Ah this..." Xu Rui was caught off guard. Is this a step forward in getting along after having an intimate relationship? This is definitely teasing him!

However, Yan Ran didn't give him a chance to answer. She pushed him with both hands and pushed him out of the door: "Okay, let's stop making trouble. You can leave quickly."

When Xu Rui arrived at the company, Lu Ziliang was also there. As soon as they met, he congratulated: "Congratulations, I saw the movie, it's great. With this movie, Yan Ran will have good development prospects in the future."

Xu Rui nodded: "Well, I have to work hard, otherwise I will be left behind."

Seeing Lu Ziliang looking at him with surprise and surprise, Xu Rui was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "Brother Liang, you can't take it seriously. I'm just being polite. The answer just now should be a general template, right?"

"..." Lu Ziliang wanted to curse, but endured it, "Have you thought about the album?"

Xu Rui nodded: "I've thought about it, lend me a music studio."

"No problem, I've made an appointment for you, come with me." Lu Ziliang took Xu Rui to the place and said, "I have found several staff for you, including assistants and studio operations team. I'll go At the end of the interview, you decide, if there are any questions, you don’t want to delay it any longer.”

Sooner or later, Xu Rui gave up the struggle and said, "Okay, that's it. I don't have high requirements. I just need good character, ability, character, and good looks."

Just when Lu Ziliang was about to curse, Xu Rui added: "It's about the same as Brother Liang."

Suddenly being flattered, Lu Ziliang blocked his complaints. Lu Ziliang snorted: "You are so busy, I'm leaving."

Lu Ziliang left, and Xu Rui began to write songs seriously. After careful consideration, he decided to slightly merge the two plans he had previously thought of, divide his life into four stages, and write two different endings of love in these four stages. It is planned to record eight songs for the entire album.

The first is when he was a student. The two songs he composed are "Those Years" and "My Life With You". The former describes the youthful and ignorant love that was missed in those years, while the latter expresses the sincerity of love after the passage of time and the absence of youth. Theme of.

Then came the early days of entering society. The two songs he set were "Young Promising" and "Fairy Tale". The former tells the regrets and regrets of not knowing how to cherish and letting down the people around him, while the latter hopes that young people , don’t forget the best longing for love because of the pressure of reality.

The next two songs in middle age are "Ten Years" and "The Wind Rises". The former went from being acquaintances to lovers and then strangers, while the latter pursued the vastness of the world when he was young, and after washing away all the glory, he understood what was in his heart. , and when he returned, he found that she was still waiting there.

The last two songs, one "Hills" and one "When You Are Old", when you are halfway through life and walking towards the end, are you sailing through a thousand sails and wishing for nothing in your life, or is there someone beside you who has been with you all your life? .

Eight songs, different looks of love in different periods, cover the life experiences and emotional twists and turns of most people. He hopes that this album can allow everyone to find resonance, compare the different routes of regret and beauty, and learn to cherish the things around them. Every fate is his intention for the entire album.

After thinking about all this, the song can be written very quickly. The lyrics and music don't take much time, but depending on the times, more work needs to be done on the arrangement.

Xu Rui was not in a hurry to discuss it with the people in the company. He had to make some attempts on his own first, and then meet with the company's producers after trying, so that there would be opportunities for discussion and collision of ideas.

In the next few days, Xu Rui completely disappeared from the public eye and did not even update the short video.

Fans were extremely depressed.

Career fans are very impatient: "What's going on? It's obviously on the rise of my career, why do I participate in so few activities and variety shows? Is it because the company is not good, the agent is not strong enough, or I have offended the leader and been hidden, I must give an explanation!"

CP fans had a slightly better attitude: "Are these two people taking turns? There was no news about Yan Ran before, and now it's Xu Rui's turn to disappear!"

None of them expected that the online complaints would be seen by the platform that interviewed Yan Ran, or that the host of the platform was one of the fans. Anyway, she asked a question that everyone cared about during the interview: "You started out Participated in the love variety show, and became known to everyone because of "First Seeing CP". After the show ended, there have been a lot of messages on the Internet, so everyone is curious about how your relationship with Xu Rui is now. I haven't seen him recently. He is busy. What?"

Yan Ran thought about it and felt that there was nothing she couldn't say, so she broke out two explosive news: "We have a very good relationship. We will meet each other's parents in a few days. In addition, he has been busy with the album recently. Everyone You can look forward to it!”

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