If people of Gu Qiming's age and level are not deeply impressed by youth pop music such as "Those Years" and campus ballads such as "My Life With You", after hearing "Young Promising Young Man" and "Fairy Tale", he My inner feelings immediately improved progressively.

"Is this the design? It's interesting." Gu Qiming's previously lowered expectations were raised again, but he couldn't help but be a little worried. According to the current design, people should be written in the two age groups of middle age and aging. , but with Xu Rui’s experience, can it be controlled?

Although writing a song does not necessarily require personal experience, it is like reading a book. Different people have different feelings after reading it. Looking at the various situations in the world, other people's stories will also give people different feelings.

But similarly, a person of different ages will have different feelings after reading the same book.

Xu Rui, who is in his twenties, can certainly write songs for middle-aged and old people. The question is, based on his experience, family, love and career, can the taste he writes resonate with the audience of this age group?

The more he thought about it, the more Gu Qiming paid attention to other people's feelings when listening to the song. He was waiting for the next song.

As he expected, the next song "Ten Years" contained rich emotions again, but what he didn't expect was that Xu Rui's singing voice also changed slightly, and his singing became deeper.

"Ten years ago, I didn't know you, you didn't belong to me, and we were still the same, walking with a stranger on the streets that became increasingly familiar..."

The catchy melody was deeply imprinted in Gu Qiming's heart after just listening to it once. After the song ended, he could still hum the melody of "Ten years ago..." immediately.

And this song makes him a little sad. At such an old age, he has worked hard all the way up to now. His emotional experience can't be said to be rich, but it is more than one. Compared with young people who don't know how to cherish, he can't describe his youth as regret, he cherishes it very much. There was a relationship in the past, but there are many forks in life, and there are too many regrets and helplessness on the road. No one can say when it will end.

"According to the previous rhythm, the next song should be somewhat healing." Gu Qiming thought to himself.

The song "The Wind Rises" really brought him some warmth. After his high-spirited youth, he was just like what he sang in the song. He no longer chased the excitement of the vast world, but focused more on the people around him.

"It's amazing!" Gu Qiming sighed in his heart. With this progressive emotion, ingenious conception and excellent creative quality, even at his age, he is gradually immersed in it. If the last two songs can be more brilliant, then he There is reason and confidence to expect that Xu Rui will become a popular singer with this album and take the direct elevator to become a music king.

But thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed. If Xu Rui could sign a new contract like others, how much money would he make? Unfortunately, Shenghua Entertainment can only get a small amount now.

But think about it again, if you don't sign, Xiaotou won't get it. In any case, Xu Rui is now an artist under Shenghua Entertainment, so he will still benefit.

At this time, the last two songs started to play. Gu Qiming was full of expectations, but another voice in his heart told him: "It is impossible to go further. Can a young man in his twenties really be able to spend his whole life? Absolutely impossible !”

At this time, Xu Rui's singing voice sounded. Compared with the slightly deeper singing voice of the previous two songs, this time it has a touch of vicissitudes of life.

“There’s so much I want to say but haven’t said yet.

I save it because I want to write it into a song

Let people sing softly and remember lightly

Even if I finally forget, it’s worth it


Just from the beginning, Gu Qiming felt a different feeling, and then the song was like a chisel, digging into his heart again and again.

He broke the defense!

In the eyes of outsiders, as the boss of Shenghua Entertainment with a net worth of over 100 million, he does not understand the misery of ordinary people's lives, but no one knows how much he has paid to climb to the position in front of him, how much he has lost, and how long he has been lost.

This song is not just about love, but about life!

"Ignorant request, ashamed to ask for help, tirelessly climbing over every hill..."

"The endless chatter, the sorrow of not being able to meet me, before I can see immortality as I wish, I will lose myself first..."

Gu Qiming suddenly grabbed Zhang Xiyun's arm beside him and asked repeatedly: "Is this really written by Xu Rui? How could it be written by him? He can't write this kind of song, it's impossible! "

Thinking that he had the same feeling when listening to this song, Zhang Xiyun understood Gu Qiming's gaffe very well and explained: "Although I can't believe it, he wrote the lyrics and music of the eight songs in the entire album in the company. From the first note, there are monitoring records, and it has been successfully registered and approved by the Copyright Office.”

Gu Qiming also noticed his gaffe at this time and quickly let go of his hand: "I'm sorry."

Zhang Xiyun sighed: "There are geniuses in this world that we cannot judge. The special theory of relativity was proposed by Einstein when he was 26 years old. "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion" is speculated to be written by Wang Bo when he was 13 years old. Let's talk about music, our national anthem, but Nie Er composed the music at the age of 23. Some people follow the times, while others lead the development of the times! "

"You are right!" Gu Qiming had already adjusted his mentality.

While the two were talking, the last song began to play, and the soothing melody slowly washed away the helplessness and sadness brought by "The Hills". This is a love poem written by William Butler Yeats and dedicated to his friend Maud Gonne. The songs he composed bring people into a warm environment, as if the listening room is an old room full of memories, the melody is the fire in the closet, and the singing is the book in their hands. They lie here and recall their youth.

Gu Qiming's heart gradually calmed down. He found that the last two songs had sublimated the "love" theme of the album. After listening to the entire album and looking back, these eight songs were about love, but they were more than just love. It's love, it's the unruly teenagers, the hard-working young people, the middle-aged people who have settled down, and the old people looking back on the past.

This is an album that he couldn't put down even before it was finished. This is an album that he believed would become a classic in the history of Chinese music even before it was released.

Originally he thought that since the company couldn't make a big profit, there was no need to put too much effort into the promotion, but now he has changed his mind. Regardless of whether it is public or private, this is an album worthy of a full promotion budget!

The other executives accompanying him could not hide their inner turmoil. They were melancholy because of the song and were pleasantly surprised by the quality of the album. Everyone found resonance and preference in the album. Regarding Gu Qiming's judgment, the executives present unanimously agreed. This album deserves the company's efforts to promote it.

Until then, Xu Rui arrived late: "Sorry, today is an outdoor shooting. Because of the lighting problem, the photographer asked for a delay of half an hour. I'm late. How about the audition? Mr. Gu, are you satisfied?"

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