Become a star after debuting from a romance show

Chapter 162 Negotiating Remuneration

I originally wanted to make a big deal, but I didn’t expect that the matter was far less complicated than it was rumored. Of course, Xu Rui would not be disappointed because other people’s experiences were not so miserable. He comforted him: “It’s just that you are lucky to be recorded. Some managers He even stole his wife!”

"Who is it?" Wen Zhaodong asked in surprise.

Xu Rui waved his hand calmly: "You don't know him."

Wen Zhaodong didn't ask further. He had been hidden away for so many years, and he didn't even have a few friends left in the circle. Naturally, he knew very little about the people in the circle. Xu Rui was now much more popular than him, and he knew a lot more information than him. It was normal, he believed it naturally, but he didn't expect it to be so miserable.

Wen Zhaodong just sighed for a moment and then returned to the movie. He also knew that his explanation just now was unfounded, so he added: "If you are worried, you can write it in the contract. If the movie Because of my fault, the film couldn't be released, and the loss is entirely borne by me. Although I haven't filmed in these years, I still have some savings. In addition, house prices have increased a lot in recent years, and I can still make up for it by selling the real estate.

Moreover, I can star in this film for free, as long as it is guaranteed to be released! "

Being able to say this kind of thing shows that Wen Zhaodong's situation is quite bad. It's not a matter of money, but because no one really wants to film with him.

However, it can also be seen from this that he has a strong desire to stand up and is really willing to put down his dignity.

Yan Ran felt a little sad and moved in her heart, but the matter still had to be handled calmly: "Then let's do as you say. After all, the black and white words have legal effect and guarantee the interests of both of us. But zero remuneration is not enough. Five hundred thousand, this It’s the biggest salary we can offer within the budget.”

If they are really good friends, they can repay each other with zero salary through other ways such as buying shares, but they are not familiar with Wen Zhaodong.

What happened to Wen Zhaodong back then was because he was dissatisfied with being deducted too much from the company and scolded his boss. After so many years, he may have changed, or he may not have changed. Now that he is eager to turn around, he may be grateful to Yan Ran and Xu Rui for their help. opportunities, and don’t even care about the remuneration.

If he regains his popularity through this movie, and looking back on today, it's hard to say whether he would feel that the two of them were taking advantage of him while he was in danger.

To win favor and to fight with hatred, it is better to handle things properly in advance!

Wen Zhaodong could probably guess what Yan Ran was thinking, and he could only smile bitterly in his heart. Explanations were useless, and he was also very grateful for the other party's calm and business-like attitude: "Okay, then five hundred thousand."

The intention was negotiated and both parties relaxed. Yan Ran said with a smile: "Well, Teacher Wen will go back and read the script again. I will arrange an audition for you as soon as possible. If there is no problem, I will sign the contract, okay?

In addition, if Mr. Wen can join the crew, the crew will start filming in March next year, and the filming time will be two to three months. Please arrange the schedule in advance. "

Wen Zhaodong really wanted to say, I can act in a part now. He has memorized a lot of lines and put the script in his bag. However, when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back, fearing that he was too eager for quick success and quick success. , scare the other party.

"Okay." Wen Zhaodong nodded in agreement. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Can I ask a question?"

Yan Ran nodded: "What do you think?"

Wen Zhaodong asked tentatively: "There must be a lot of investors looking for you recently. Why are you looking for an actor like me when you are planning to make a movie with such a low cost?"

Yan Ran thought for a while and replied: "Maybe it's because of this. No matter whether the movie is finished or not, I made it!"

Wen Zhaodong has also been in the industry, and he understands everything when he hears it. He admires it in his heart. Many people have the intention not to carry capital, but when the other party actually puts the money box in front of them, how many people will How can I remain unmoved?

"I will definitely get this role and I won't let you down." Wen Zhaodong said seriously.

Yan Ran smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to cooperating with you."

After a brief exchange, both parties said goodbye.

Xu Rui and Yan Ran were walking on the road. It was very cold. They had their hands in their pockets and exhaled white breath from their mouths while talking.

The two walked side by side for a while. Xu Rui looked down, reached out and pulled Yan Ran's hand out of his coat pocket, clasped it with his fingers, and put it into his pocket.

Yan Ran was stunned for a moment, then leaned against him with a smile: "It hasn't snowed yet this year."

"It should be soon. Do you like snow?" Xu Rui asked.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good year."

The two chatted and then went back to Wen Zhaodong.

"There should be a lot of people like Wen Zhaodong in the entertainment industry, right?" Yan Ran said with half emotion and half doubt.

Xu Rui nodded: "Well, there are many. From the artists who have been popular and gradually faded away or have never been able to get ahead, it is easy to feel the same urgency as him. Talent, hard work, and luck are all indispensable."

Yan Ran said with deep sympathy: "You're right, we don't have time to feel sorry for others. If we don't work hard, we may be eliminated accidentally."

"Yes, yes." Xu Rui agreed, playing with Yan Ran's fingers in his pocket.

"Don't deal with me."

"I'm not perfunctory."

"My hands are almost sweaty from being held by you, so I won't hold them anymore!" Yan Ran took her hands out and saw the dessert shop in the distance, her eyes lit up, "I want to eat a cone."

"It's winter now." Xu Rui reminded.

"What's wrong with winter? Hurry up!" Yan Ran took Xu Rui to the dessert shop. She sat in the shop by the window and ate two cones. Then she tightened her scarf again and came out. She walked away, looking like the same person. Ordinary couples are no different.

Years ago, Yan Ran continued to prepare for the movie. After preparing the project proposal, she first contacted Yu Yisheng.

Hearing that she was planning to make a new movie, Yu Yisheng was very willing to cooperate with her again. After understanding the script, budget, etc., he started to form a crew and helped find another male lead.

Wen Zhaodong is not the only actor who has good acting skills in the industry but wants to become famous after he has died, but not everyone is like Wen Zhaodong and can afford a small production costing several million.

After contacting several people but unable to get a satisfactory answer, Yan Ran was not discouraged and continued to search.

When attending parties such as the year-end gala, Xu Rui actually met a few actors, but they were all big names and they were not familiar with each other yet. Obviously, his connections could not help in this matter for the time being.

However, he has not been busy recently and is very leisurely. Another incident has occurred in the industry. After the talent show has been completely suspended for rectification, other variety shows are also facing rectification, including safety issues in outdoor variety shows, sky-high salaries for stars, variety shows following suit, plagiarism, infringement, etc. If there is chaos, new regulations will be introduced.

Xu Rui also received a notice that "Chinese Food Tour" has been postponed. As for whether he will still have time to appear on the show next year, it is difficult to say. He could have eaten and drank with the show crew, but he didn't expect it to be better than God.

However, before New Year's Day, he made a big decision to take Yan Ran home.

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