There are only ten days between New Year's Day and Spring Festival, but within these ten days, Yan Ran has confirmed the candidate for another starring role so that she can celebrate the New Year with peace of mind.

The actor who partners with Wen Zhaodong is Weng Huaze. He was born in a rural area. He first came to the capital from other provinces to work. Later, he and his friends were tricked into doing group acting, saying that they could make money.

In fact, he didn't make much money, but he became interested in acting during the few days he was working as a group actor. Later, he joined a group leader and kept doing it.

In the beginning, Weng Huaze was just working hard, and people who work hard are always liked by people. Later, when he got a supporting role, the group leaders would gradually recommend him.

It's just that he often plays bit parts, which is basically the peak of his career. No matter how brilliant the bit parts are, no one will ask him to be the leading actor. The group leader also comforts him that this matter can only wait for the pie to fall from the sky, just like buying a double-colored ball. He means that he has this kind of luck in his life. If you can't hit it, don't force it.

Weng Huaze has been waiting for this pie for ten years. Fortunately, he has a good attitude and knows that there are too many actors who are better than him. It makes him satisfied to have a supporting role.

Maybe life is all about getting what you want, and if you don't ask for it, luck will come. As the New Year was approaching, he had just sent money to his family when he was found by the group leader.

Now the two of them are very familiar with each other. As soon as they met, the leader of the group shouted: "You are very lucky. Isn't this your zodiac year?"

"It's still early for my next zodiac year." Weng Huaze said hurriedly. He came to the capital when he was eighteen years old. He is only 28 this year. Next zodiac year, he will be thirty-six.

The leader of the group just talked casually, knowing of course that he was not born in the year of his birth, and continued to talk about the business: "A friend of mine is looking for actors for a small-budget movie. I was just curious and asked him casually, but after hearing this, I discovered that the character design It’s definitely a good fit for you, so I recommended you, and guess what happened?”

Weng Huaze knew that the other party liked to leave half a sentence in his words, so he cooperated and asked: "What?"

"The other party agreed to let you audition! How about it? I said you got lucky. That's right. After waiting for so long, you finally have the chance to play the leading role." The leader of the group said happily, fearing that he wouldn't believe it, and added , "Don't think it's the kind of movie that can't even be released. Guess who the director is?"

"Who?" Weng Huaze was also aroused.

"Yan Ran, the emerging director, the one who just won the award at the Independent Film Festival." The leader of the group took out his cell phone with excitement, "We have known each other for so many years, and I sincerely hope that you can come forward. I'll give you a call. , the other party’s name is Yu Yisheng, you contact him to ask for the script and audition arrangements. If you become really prosperous in the future, just don’t forget about me.”

Weng Huaze smiled and said: "In the capital, I treat you as my brother, how could I forget."

"Can talk." The group leader patted him, "Okay, hurry up and get in touch. You must seize this opportunity. If you miss it, you may not have it again if you wait for another ten years."

"Well, I will definitely try my best."

Weng Huaze contacted Yu Yisheng. Unexpectedly, Yan Ran was also there when they met. Although he had met many great directors in his career as an extra, this was the first time for him to communicate face-to-face about scripts, roles, and even salary. For a moment, he He felt like a person, but only for a moment, and he quickly calmed down.

After reading the script, he knew that he could act and perform well. Yan Ran readily gave him the opportunity and told him to audition in a week.

On the day of the audition, only two people came, one was him and the other was Wen Zhaodong.

Yan Ran asked them to prepare and then audition together to see if they could create a fiery red.

What makes Weng Huaze and Wen Zhaodong amazing is that as soon as they met, they felt the same aura from each other, which was the desire to seize this opportunity no matter what.

Such longings entangled together seemed to give them an extraordinary tacit understanding. Standing in front of Yan Ran, the two of them were like old friends for many years, a perfect partner.

They already know the script by heart. When they are awake, they act it out in front of the mirror. When they are tired, they lie on the bed and construct the scene in their minds, pondering over it over and over again.

Weng Huaze has been in the capital for so long that he has already mastered standard Mandarin, but when he opened his mouth during the audition, he seemed to be back to the way he was when he first came to the capital.

And Wen Zhaodong felt something from Weng Huaze that he had lost for a long time, which was the passion for acting.

Xu Rui was not here, so Yan Ran and Yu Yisheng communicated quietly for a while before deciding on their roles.

After Yan Ran and Yu Yisheng left, Wen Zhaodong glanced at Weng Huaze and asked, "Let's have a meal together?"

"Okay." Weng Huaze was extremely excited and did not refuse Wen Zhaodong's invitation. He never expected that he would actually get the role.

Sitting at the dinner table, he did not forget to share with Wen Zhaodong: "I have dreamed several times in the past few days. I dreamed that I was rejected by the director, saying that I was not good at acting and that he did not want me. Before I came, I went through a long period of mental illness. construction.”

Wen Zhaodong also felt admiration for Weng Huaze's experience: "You have been in the capital for ten years, and you have been doing extras and small roles. Have you never thought of giving up?"

"I have thought about working elsewhere and going back to my hometown, but I have never given up. I think acting is really interesting. Once the clapperboard is played, it is another life.

I still can't forget the first time I was an extra. It was a battlefield scene. We were about to fall during the charge, but when we were charging, I seemed to have really experienced a war. "Weng Huaze's memories are not bitter, but full of excitement.

Wen Zhaodong was a little ashamed. Only now did he understand that the emotions contained in the strong desire between the two people were different after all. All his efforts were just to stand up and return to the position that belonged to him at the beginning. He seemed to have forgotten his mood.

"Sorry, you've been talking about me. Can you tell me about yours?" Seeing his silence, Weng Huaze said quickly.

As expected, the other party didn't know him. What surprised Wen Zhaodong was that before, he would have been very unwilling and uncomfortable, but now he actually felt that it was nothing.

Wen Zhaodong smiled and said: "I also became an actor a long time ago, but I retired for a while and now I am starting again."

Weng Huaze felt that there must be something hidden in it. He did not ask, but raised his beer glass: "In that case, let's have a drink and celebrate a new beginning."

"Well, a new beginning!" Wen Zhaodong said, clinking a glass with Weng Huaze, and the two of them drank the glass boldly.

At this moment, no one in the tavern recognized them, and no one cared about them.

Yan Ran decided on the casting, and her heart was settled.

There is also good news for Xu Rui. The post-production of the album has been completed, and Shenghua Entertainment has sent the master tapes for pressing. Looking at the release plans of other singers after the year, if there is no conflict, his first album can be released in advance. Released in February.

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