The purpose of this trip was publicity, and Xu Rui had no plans to develop into a variety show in the future, so he recorded the entire episode without competing or competing, and his performance was quite satisfactory. After the end, he took a late-night flight back.

Until he returned, the matter on the Internet about the male and female protagonists of "Dang Jiuzhou" has not subsided. Although the show is still airing, there is no risk of being taken off the shelves for the time being, and the ratings have not been greatly affected, but the reputation has been affected. , when ordinary people talk about "Dang Jiuzhou", the first thing they talk about is not how good the plot is, but gossip about the two protagonists.

At home, Xu Rui was also frightened, and said to Yan Ran: "You said that I will make an announcement again in the future. If a female artist knocks on my door in the middle of the night and is photographed, how should I clear myself of suspicion? Will you believe me?"

"Huh?" Yan Ran reached out and pinched his face, "Why do I feel like you really want this to happen?"

"I'm planning for a rainy day. I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case." Xu Rui gave an example, "Suppose we are not a couple and I am an unknown young actor who is lucky enough to stay in a hotel with you, I will knock on your door at night. , and then let people secretly take pictures.

After taking the photos and sending them to the paparazzi or self-media, there will be news on the Internet that I met with Director Yan late at night, and then there will be a wave of clarifications, saying that I only came to you to discuss the script. Whether netizens believe it or not, the traffic has been obtained. "

Yan Ran looked at him in surprise: "You are so evil!"

Xu Rui was even more surprised: "Did you just find out? Do you like me more now?"

"Annoying!" Yan Ran punched him.

After this incident, Xu Rui kept a low profile when going out. When he found out that someone was squatting at the place where he did his morning exercises, he had to give up this habit he had developed over the years and go to the gym instead.

2.18, the album release date, is also Xu Rui’s birthday.

Early in the morning, before the album was unlocked, fans who pre-ordered it couldn't wait.

"Why is it not 10 o'clock yet? I want to listen to music. Let me listen to music."

"Listen to the new album in the morning and watch Xu Rui's birthday live broadcast in the afternoon. It's such a happy day!"

"After listening to the audio-visuals of the three title songs, I have a hunch that this will be the day when Xu Rui becomes a god!"

"Only when you die can you become a god."

"Bah, bah, bah, where are the anti-fans who sneaked in? Hurry up and crawl away."

"I'm not a hater, I'm just joking."

"It is not funny!"

The fans had been very active in the morning, and Xu Rui wanted to be active too, but Yan Ran and Du Xiao went out early and said they would come back to celebrate his birthday after finishing their work.

The birthday party was broadcast live in the company. According to the original plan, he would go to the company to put on makeup in the afternoon and cooperate with the staff to debug the equipment. However, he was bored at home alone, so he simply contacted Fan Shuyi and asked him to drive to pick him up. He arrived at the company in the morning.

Shenghua Entertainment still spent a lot of effort to promote his album even though it couldn't get any profit from the share, which shows how promising it is. Now many of the company's executives, including Gu Qiming, are eyeing this album. Woolen cloth.

"How's it going?" Xu Rui asked Lu Ziliang after arriving at the company.

Lu Ziliang just asked, remembering the data very clearly, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Seal Music currently has 250,000 pre-sales, and 500,000 pre-sales across all platforms. This is the result of the first week of pre-sales, which means the album has not been launched yet. Sales have reached 10 million, which is very impressive!

Moreover, the platform shared a very interesting data with us. According to statistics, the per capita purchase of your album is only 1.2, and the number of repeat purchases is very small. It can be seen that in addition to the support of fans, you have a very good public record. I believe this After the release of your first album, you will be on the front line in terms of traffic and strength. "

Xu Rui immediately said: "Oh, you are sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. You can't be proud or proud!"

Lu Ziliang said angrily: "If you don't raise your chin so high, I will believe you!"

At 10 o'clock sharp, Xu Rui's first album "Over the Hills" was officially released online.

Although during the Chinese New Year, there were many New Year MVs with rewritten lyrics and many film and television OSTs, this is the first new album, and many music critics are waiting to try it out.

Huang Yifei, whose Weibo ID is "Butterfly on the Strings", has more than 1 million fans. She is about the same popularity as "Eight-tone Bat" She Jianqiu. Compared with She Jianqiu's harshness, when she is doing music reviews, she speaks more tactfully and very politely. She offends less people, which may be the reason why as a beautiful music critic, her popularity has never caught up with a music critic like She Jianqiu.

However, fans who are familiar with Huang Yifei know that although she speaks smoothly, she is actually not as tolerant as She Jianqiu. The most common word she uses is "not bad", so fans have summarized her.

"Not bad" means "barely enough", "good" means "fairly good", and "very good" means "relatively good". Only when she changes the words and uses words such as "pleasant" and "awesome", then That's a really good song, and when she uses the words "the lingering sound lingers", "the swimming fish comes out to listen", "extraordinary", and "stirring", then it's a classic.

Huang Yifei naturally knows the fans' summary. She feels that these fans understand her. However, every time a fan asks her whether her summary is correct, she will hesitate and comment in her heart: "It's good to know, but I still have to do it." If you ask, this fan is either too low in emotional intelligence or fake!”

Although music critics should be impartial, as a human being, it is too difficult to be completely unbiased. Huang Yifei had a crush on Xu Rui during the period of "Original New Generation". She couldn't wait to see her on the day when pre-orders opened. I pre-ordered the album. I got up early today, took a shower and changed clothes. I originally wanted to sweep the floor and burn incense, but I felt it was too exaggerated, so I gave up.

Anyway, at ten o'clock sharp, she put on her headphones and sat in front of the computer. With great anticipation, she clicked the "Play All" button, leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes, and listened to the entire album in order.

"Back to the starting point

In my memory, your green face


Huang Yifei's eyes were closed and her eyelashes were twitching. This fresh campus style was different from the three title songs that had been released for preview.

"The design idea of ​​this album..." Huang Yifei quickly shook her head, not thinking about these things, focusing on the songs, closing her eyes, and following the music with her mood. Soon a strong sense of pictures flooded into her mind, which reminded people of those days in school. The most beautiful, pure, carefree time, maybe not understanding love but loving it very purely, reminded her of her heartbeat that kept pounding when she held an umbrella with the boy she liked on a rainy day.

Huang Yifei closed her eyes and listened to the song. The corners of her mouth rose and fell. She thought of the good times of those years, but found that after so many years, she had long lost contact with the other party, and there were only memories left together.

After a song was played, she wanted to press pause and open the notepad to write some thoughts first, but with her hands on the keyboard, she stopped again and decided to continue listening and finish the entire album before talking about it.

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