Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 100 I'll give you a favor

Looking at Ross's smiling face, Morgan couldn't say a word for a long time.

Fortunately, Armitage said at this time: "Mayor, what do you think about the East District and the River District?"

"Ideas? No ideas!" Ross said casually.

Armitage said calmly: "I know your ambitions, and I know that you want to build Arkham better. You want to free those people at the bottom from those hateful gangs."

"This is indeed my plan." Ross nodded.

Armitage: "The East District and the River District hide the Tide Pirates and a cult called Dagon. You should know that, right?"

Ross didn't play dumb, nodded and said: "I know."

Armitage said seriously: "We have received intelligence here. This Dagon cult seems to be holding evil rituals through special methods. Kingston and others are the experts we invited this time to go to Innsmouth for investigation."

"You should know the reason for this."

Ross looked at Armitage and didn't speak.

Armitage continued, "You have always wanted to take back control of the East District and the River District, but now you are hindered by the Tide Pirates and the Dagon Cult."

"And our group of experts can help you solve these two difficult enemies and help you take back control of the East District and the River District."

After listening, Ross narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you sure? According to my intelligence, these seven people seem to be preparing to sabotage the central area, and even preparing to sweep me away?"

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! There must be some misunderstanding!" Morgan said hurriedly at this time.

Ross leaned slightly on the chair, with his hands crossed in front of him. Just this one action turned this eager and smiling student into a mayor with a strong aura, mature and stable.

Seeing this scene, the two learned doctors suddenly felt their breath choked. At this time, Ross exuded a strong aura that completely suppressed them, as if a giant was sitting there, looking down at the two ants in front of him.

After ten seconds of silence in the room, Ross spoke.

"Dr. Armitage."

The clear, calm, steady and deep voice immediately moved the hearts and nerves of the two people, and focused all their attention on Los.

"You have experienced a lot with my father, and you have helped me a lot in my studies. I believe in your character and knowledge, so if you can guarantee it with your own character and knowledge, I can release them."

Hearing this, Morgan was overjoyed and looked at Armitage.

At this time, Armitage also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said seriously: "Mayor Arkham, you can rest assured about this."

"I, Henry Armitage, guarantee with my personality and knowledge that the seven-man team led by Kingston are all righteous good people. They will not do anything that is detrimental to Mayor Los Arkham and the city of Arkham."

Hearing this, Los put down his hand, leaned forward slightly and said: "Very good, I believe in you."

After that, he turned to Lilith and said: "Go and inform Sheriff Harden to release the people. This is all a misunderstanding."

Lilith nodded slightly and left lightly.

Here, Los stood up and said, "Okay, today's topic is all here. I believe that when these professionals leave the detention center, they still need two people to help them."

The two hurriedly nodded when they heard this, and Armitage said very seriously: "Thank you for your trust, Mayor Arkham."

Loss said seriously: "Dr. Armitage, I will only give this face to you, because it is the recognition of your personality and knowledge!"

"Understood! Understood!"

Then the two thanked again and again, left Los's house, and drove directly to the police station.

"Doctor, thank you so much this time." Morgan, who was driving, said with lingering fear at this time.

If it weren't for Dr. Armitage today, he would not be able to convince this scheming mayor.

Armitage exhaled, with some pride and joy on his face: "This kind of face can only be used once."

He didn't expect Los to be so optimistic about him, and he agreed so readily.

At this time, he suddenly found that his persistence for so many years has finally paid off.

Just relying on his mouth and face can make the most powerful mayor in history release people so happily.

When this matter spread, its legendary level was no less than the level of expelling the descendants of the evil god after self-study overnight.

"Remember, don't make groundless speculations about Arkham in the future, and don't be hostile to it casually." Armitage was much more confident at this time.

Morgan nodded quickly: "Understood! Understood!"

Five minutes later, in the lobby of the police station.

When Kingston saw Armitage and Morgan coming to pick him up, he immediately showed a happy smile.

Before they completely walked out, Harden behind him said lightly: "Next time we meet, I won't be as polite as this time."

Kingston grinned and said: "Don't worry, Sheriff Harden, I believe that the next time we meet, we will work together to catch the bad guys."

After the nine people left the police station, they did not rush to leave, but found a private room in a nearby restaurant to eat.

They hadn't eaten lunch yet and were very hungry.

After the nine people sat down, they exchanged information with each other.

After hearing about Armitage's face, everyone was very surprised, and then heard the conditions Armitage had proposed before.

"You did a good job, very good!" Kingston praised loudly.

Others also thanked Armitage.

This is when Joseph whispered: "Is this matter over? Are we not going to find out what this mayor is?"

"If you miss, go by yourself, don't drag us down." Gina said lightly.

Joseph did not refute this time. The police's detention this time made his self-confidence a little frustrated.

Still want to investigate others? People don't even need to do anything, they can play themselves around with just their mouths.

Kingston said seriously: "Of course, we can't let it go like this. Joseph and I will visit the mayor after dinner to observe and test in the name of thanking and cooperation. If there is no problem, we will focus on the problem of Innsmouth."


This decision was affirmed by everyone.

Armitage said seriously: "I have already made a guarantee, you two must not do anything radical or disrespectful, understand?"

Kingston smiled and said: "Don't worry, we can't make things difficult for you, we are just here to thank you and observe, we will never do anything else that crosses the line."

Joseph whispered eagerly: "Let me see what kind of person you are."

After so much preparation, it is finally the protagonist's turn to show off in the next chapter! Los has been waiting eagerly.

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