Miskatonic University Library.

"Dr. Armitage, what should we do now?" At this time, Dr. Morgan had received the news that all members of the investigation team had been arrested. He not only received Gina's communication, but also received a call from the city police department.

As the receptionist and contact person of the seven people here, Morgan naturally had to call him first when something happened.

The person who called was Inspector Harden, an upright policeman who impressed him deeply and had a good impression.

Hearing Harden's rough voice talking about the current and past guilt of the seven people, he almost said it directly, that everything before was for the safety of the people in the city.

The police station that was robbed in the case was a corrupt policeman who was brainwashed by the cult. They were ready to launch a bloody massacre, so they looted the arsenal.

The old man was imprisoned because his son had become a monster, and he was imprisoned to protect her.

As for the child, he was a murderer with a twisted mind since childhood. Fifteen humans had died in his hands and became his food, and because of cannibalism, he also gained extraordinary power.


There is a truth to all these things, but Morgan cannot tell them because they are the contents of the oath in the Green Covenant.

It is one of their duties not to let ordinary people come into contact with these horrors.

After Harden said that, he asked him to go over to assist in the investigation. When things came to this, the archaeology doctor who did not have much experience in this area was confused.

Sitting behind the desk, Armitage supported his eyes. Under the wrinkled corners of his eyes were a pair of calm and wise eyes.

"Don't rush this matter, Morgan."

Armitage stood up and walked to the clothes rack on the side.

"Do you have any plans?" Morgan asked with desire in his eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he, who thought he was mature and independent enough, was still so confused and at a loss in the face of real crises and problems.

Armitage put on his hat, put on his clothes and said, "Obviously, this matter was done by Arkham."

Morgan had already thought of this possibility.

"The power that Arkham controls has exceeded our imagination. I have already said that you should not investigate him rashly." Armitage sighed.

Morgan did not speak his righteous theory and brave words as righteously as before. He fell into silence and his face was hot.

At this time, he felt deeply ashamed.

Armitage continued: "I still have some confidence in my ability to judge people. Arkham is not a threat to us. He has only mobilized the police and has not directly started a war. This shows his rationality and kindness."

"Otherwise, according to Arkham's tradition and the criminal records of these people, they can be hanged tomorrow."

Morgan raised his head, and at this time he was like a humble student asking for advice: "Doctor, what should we do now?"

"Go drive. Judging from the last conversation, Arkham still respects me enough. Maybe my old face still has some face."

Morgan did not say much after listening, and turned to prepare the car.


200 Cowen Street, Mayor's Villa

Los was lying on Lilith's thigh at this time, enjoying the massage technique of the outer gods that Lilith had learned over the years.

In terms of understanding, absorbing and applying that knowledge, Xina and more than a dozen people combined are not even one percent of Lilith's.

Because the true power of this knowledge can only be truly understood after leaving normal humans.

"Master, how is it?" Lilith asked tentatively, rubbing Los's temples with both hands.

Ross nodded with satisfaction: "Very good. Since I modified this head, there seems to be some problems with the structure inside. It has always felt a little stiff, but now it seems much more comfortable."

Lilith was immediately very happy: "I just used the "Ancient God Tentacle Massage Technique", which can effectively relieve the stiffness of the tissue."

"Not bad! Not bad!" Ross said, reaching out to touch Lilith's white and tender long legs: "These legs are great!"

When the two people enjoyed what they needed, Carrington's voice came: "Master, Armitage is here."

After listening, Ross opened his eyes: "I can't tell that Xina's plan is quite sophisticated."

"That child is very serious and hardworking after getting your task. She has deduced this plan back and forth hundreds of times." Lilith said, lowering the hem of her skirt to cover her legs.

Ross sat up: "Take them to the study, prepare chairs and drinks, I will use these two people in the future."


Five minutes later, in Ross's study.

After a warm greeting, Armitage sat down with Morgan.

The two people who sat down looked at Lilith standing aside with a Madonna-like smile on their faces.

Morgan couldn't help but clench his fists. He felt a deep sense of threat from Lilith.

"Professor, you suddenly came today. Is there something going on?" Ross asked with a smile.

Morgan's heart tightened: "He really knows. How should I answer this?"

While Morgan was struggling, Armitage smiled casually: "Can't you come to see my outstanding students if you have nothing to do?"

Ross laughed and said: "Of course, you can come anytime."

Armitage then said: "There is nothing else to do today. The main thing is that I forgot to mention some things about the Sun God Cult last time. By the way, I want to ask if you have any other relevant information."

Loss said happily: "Please tell me! There are some new discoveries, but the clues are scattered."

Then, the two people began to study the Sun God Cult like a very ordinary teacher and student.

This study took two hours.

Morgan, who was watching, was secretly anxious but had no way to do it. During the whole process, Armitage seemed to have completely forgotten about this matter and chatted with Loss.

After talking about the Sun God Cult, Los was very happy and said that he benefited a lot.

Armitage said at this time: "In fact, regarding the Sun God Cult, we recently came with a group of archaeological teams who have done a lot of research in this area, but I don’t know what happened. They suddenly disappeared today. Can you help me find them?"

"Archaeological team?" Los was stunned.

"Well, the leader is a man named Lee Kingston. He is a passionate, kind, and righteous guy." Armitage said.

"This name is familiar!" Los asked doubtfully.

Lilith said, "Master, we just caught a criminal gang today, and their leader is also called this name."

Hearing this, Morgan felt his heart beating faster and faster, and the topic was finally on the right track.

But the next second, he felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit.

"Criminal gang, that must be a duplicate name! How could our archaeological team at the University of Michigan be criminals!"

"Are you right, Dr. Armitage, Dr. Morgan?"

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