Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 98 A family should be in good order

On the second floor of the Arkham Flower Club, Lilith stood in front of the window and watched the farce on the street. She said with satisfaction on her face: "Well done, Sheena."

Xina, who was standing aside, was immediately very happy: "Thank you for your approval, Master."

Then she said: "The next thing can only trouble the master and the master's master."

Lilith said favorably: "Be careful on the road."


After the design here is completed, Sheena needs to use her invisibility ability to make the people of the Dagon Secret Cult appear in the woods on the north side of the Baptismal Canon Church at the right time, just in time to meet Kingston and others.

At the Central District Police Station.

The three Josephs were now locked in a temporary detention room and were worrying about their next plan.

"What should we do? We are just wasting time here!" the tall young man said anxiously.

The calm sister Gina said calmly: "If you want to rush out, you can rush out at any time."

"No, haven't you noticed that almost all the policemen in this police station are superhumans with a level 20 or above? Only a few of them are ordinary people. If we fight like this, let alone whether we can beat it, we can't fight like this." We can't stay here anymore." Joseph was still calm at this time.

"Vice Captain, what should we do?"

Joseph said confidently: "Now we can only rely on the captain's intelligence. He has rich experience and can definitely come up with a comprehensive solution."

"Yes! The captain must have a way!" the young man said confidently.

As soon as he finished speaking, several more people came into the detention room.

"team leader!???"

When the three people saw Kingston leading the way in, they were completely confused.

Even Gina's eyes were a little stunned.

Then behind the captain, they saw two other familiar team members.

At this time, six people in the seven-person team have been put into the detention center, and only one Kama is still outside.

"Do you know each other?" The policeman who detained the three Kingston men was a little surprised, and then curled his lips and said: "Sure enough, none of you foreigners are good!"

After saying that, he turned around and closed the cell door heavily.

"Oh my God! Captain! What on earth is going on?" The expression on Joseph's face was very happy.

Kingston coughed: "First of all, thank you for your trust in me, but the current situation is a bit complicated."

For a moment, the six people looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

He is a super human who possesses extraordinary power and is full of energy. He wants to save people, water and fire, and drive away evil gods and monsters!

The last dawn of mankind, the Oathbinders who formed an oath alliance, were all arrested and imprisoned on the first day they came to Arkham and prepared to show off their talents.

After half a minute of silence, Kingston whispered: "Let's talk about each other's situation first!"

Immediately, the six people talked about each other's situation and the reasons for being taken away.

After hearing this, Kingston whispered: "At the same time, mobilize citizens, police, and even gang members to surround us. There is only one person who has such rights here."

"He discovered us!?" Everyone was shocked.

"If that's the case, that would be terrible!" Joseph said with an ugly face.

Kingston pondered for a moment: "The other party did not make a killing move, which means there is still room for maneuver."

"We can't be so passive. We should notify Kama and Morgan and ask them to take the initiative to find the mayor and identify themselves for peace talks."

Hearing this, Joseph's eyes widened: "Captain, then we..."

Kingston whispered: "If we continue like this, we will not be able to fight against this Los Arkham. You have also discovered that this city has at least sixty superhuman policemen of level 20 and above. This is just for maintenance." The police of urban order and other forces hidden in the dark are beyond our imagination!”

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

Kingston continued: "Furthermore, judging from the current situation, Los Arkham is not one of those crazy monsters. There is nothing wrong with all of his policies. They are even more fair and pragmatic than anywhere in the empire."

"Looking back now, it is still too one-sided and reckless for us to judge such a pragmatic and good mayor as a monster just because a few people were suddenly cured."

After everyone heard this simple thought, they suddenly discovered that all their doubtful evidence was their subjective conjecture, and they had almost no actual evidence to prove that there was something wrong with this good mayor.

At this point, even the somewhat extreme Joseph could not refute what Kingston said.

"Gina, contact Karma!" Kingston said.

Gina heard a grunt and then closed her eyes.

Half an hour later, the cell door opened again, and this time the person who was sent in was their last member, Kama.

"What happened? Why were you arrested too?" Joseph asked in shock.

Karma said with an aggrieved look: "I ran a little anxious after hearing the news, and then knocked down a boy named Rum and spilled his ice cream. I was so anxious that I didn't pay attention."

"I was caught by the police before I ran out of the central area. The kid accused me of attacking him and robbing him, but... I didn't!"

The other six people looked at each other. At this time, they had completely believed that as long as they were still in this city, they would not be able to escape from the opposite side.

At this time, Conte walked in with another burly policeman about forty-five years old.

The policeman's name is Ruth Harden, a detective with a rather grumpy temper and one of the old policemen in Los Angeles' reboot. Now he is the police chief and leads the entire police department.

Compared with Conte, this detective with a gangster temperament is very upright and principled in his heart, but he doesn't care about so many methods. He takes both black and white. After resigning to become a policeman, he even reformed a juvenile gang of more than 40 people. Turning these gangsters into what is now the largest volunteer group in the central area.

Harden walked in with a cigar in his mouth, looked down at the record in his hand, and said in a rough and powerful voice: "Follow the police and plan to kill a large number of citizens; attack others because you are dissatisfied with the sales; rob children of ice cream, you guys These foreigners have so many tricks up their sleeves!”

Conte looked at the others and said with a smile: "The mayor always said that a family must be neat and tidy. Now look at it, your team must also be neat and tidy, even if it means going to jail. Be neat and tidy.”

Kingston smiled bitterly: "Two police officers, there is a lot of misunderstanding. We are all good citizens."

"Good people?" Harden raised his thick and wild eyebrows, puffed out a puff of smoke and said, "Do you really think we are fools? Let's look at other files. The crimes you guys are involved in include setting fire to a church, illegally He imprisoned others, even robbed the police station’s weapons depot, attacked the elderly, and beat children!”

"He really punched the nursing home and stepped on the kindergarten!" Harden said sarcastically.

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