After chatting with Hofen for a while, Kingston roughly understood the situation of the Arkham Flower Club.

"Lilith Arkham, the mayor's wife who suddenly appeared, can easily subdue the gangsters and torture them to mental breakdown. All this points to the mysterious young mayor again."

Kingston thought to himself as he walked out of the gallery.

Looking west along Central Avenue, Kingston's sharp eyes clearly saw the original rock church at the three-way intersection at the end of the road, now the Arkham Flower Club.

While thinking, a short young man appeared beside Kingston at some point: "Captain."

"How is the investigation going?" Kingston asked.

The young man replied: "I just followed Dr. Morgan to investigate five families. These women have no abnormalities. They have not come into contact with anything weird. Every day they just enjoy massages and exercise with the people in the club."

"That's all?" Kingston was a little surprised.

The young man was also somewhat helpless: "That's all. I have confirmed it individually. There is no sign of hypnosis. Everything is normal."

Kingston said: "Go back first and wait for news from Joseph and the others."

Then when the three were about to go back, they saw three gang members coming out of the Clover Transport Company, then looked around cautiously and went to an alley not far from here.

Kingston's heart moved: "You wait here, I'll go over and take a look."

After that, he left quickly and followed quietly.

In the depths of an alley, the three gang members carefully found a woman whose face could not be seen clearly.

"Just send the things there?" The leading strong man asked in a deep voice.

The woman with a big hood nodded slightly, and warned in a cold tone: "Remember to put it in the woods on the north side of the Baptismal Temple Church. Don't put it casually, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

The strong man said lightly: "Don't worry, our Clover Company is very reputable, and we never ask about things we shouldn't know."

Then the woman handed over a bag of gold coins: "This is a deposit."

After that, he turned and left.

Kingston, who was hiding in the corner, was about to write down the address and continued to listen.

After the three gangsters who received the money made sure that the woman had completely left, the young man on the left said: "These Innsmouth people are mysterious every day. Why do they suddenly need so many livestock?"

"Don't worry about it, just collect the money and do the job, let's go!"

Hearing the word Innsmouth, Kingston immediately understood that the woman just now was likely one of his targets.

So he jumped along the wall to the roof as lightly as the wind, but found that the woman had disappeared.

Obviously, the woman was a superhuman.

"A large number of livestock naturally requires a lot of blood and flesh, which is to prepare for sacrifice. East District Baptismal Scripture Church..."

Kingston thought in his heart and prepared to take people to investigate later.

Just when he just returned to the main street, he suddenly heard an angry roar.

"You bunch of despicable locals!"

The speaker was Norton, the most hot-tempered and sturdy member of his team who was responsible for the strong attack.

Kingston looked up and saw his three teammates surrounded by a group of people, and there were screams coming from the crowd.

Squeezing into the crowd, Kingston saw two young men lying on the ground with their arms folded, their faces full of pain.

"What's going on?" Kingston hurried over and asked.

"Captain... Brother, these guys are blackmailing us!" The hot-tempered Norton said angrily.

"Blackmail!?" Kingston turned his head and looked at the two young men on the ground.

At this time, the two young men said with sweat on their faces: "You are talking nonsense! We are just trying to sell you our products. It would be fine if you didn't buy them, but you beat us!"

Hearing this, the crowd on the periphery immediately accused loudly: "You are a bunch of cruel outsiders! You are so cruel!"

"I know these two people. They are well-known hardworking young men in the neighborhood. They have an 80-year-old mother above them and hungry children below them. These outsiders are so cruel!"

"Where are the police! The police come and arrest them!"

"I have called the police, and the police will be here soon!"

"You are talking nonsense. When did the police become so fast?"

"Don't you know? After the new mayor took office, the city's public security problems have been greatly solved. Now the police are dispatching police 30 times faster than before!"


While the crowd on the periphery was chattering, Norton was so angry that he was about to speak but was stopped by Kingston.

Kingston said loudly: "Sorry! I'm really sorry! Don't get excited, there must be some misunderstandings! So, let's send the two injured to the hospital first, we will pay for the medical expenses, and we will compensate them for enough lost wages, how about it?"

His voice was very loud and full of energy, coupled with the justice emanating from his heart, which made the people around him naturally believe it.

Norton on the side whispered: "Captain! I didn't touch them at all. After they came over, I just wanted to reach out to drive them away, and they fell down!"

Kingston glanced at him and said nothing.

He naturally knew the reason behind it, but now the people around him didn't believe it.

Arkham is famous for its conservatism and xenophobia. They still need to investigate, and they have become public enemies in their first action.

The onlookers around heard this, and their anger gradually subsided.

Kingston was relieved, but just when they thought the matter could be properly resolved, five policemen in black police uniforms came over.

The leader was naturally Zeke.

"It's Officer Zeke!" The eyes of the people around him lit up when they saw this.

The reputation of this resolute, handsome, and brave policeman has spread from the central area. In the past half month, Zeke has subdued 30 criminals and protected 12 citizens from harm. He has become a representative of the police.

"I already knew the matter when I came." Zeke is now very experienced and said directly when he walked in front of Kingston.

Kingston's face changed slightly, because he found that the five policemen who came this time were all at least level 20 superhumans.

"Is the rumor true!?" Seeing this, Kingston suddenly felt that things were not as simple as they imagined.

Jick casually took out the handcuffs and said, "You are now in danger of violating the public security crime, involving intentional injury and endangering public order. Please come with us."

"Officer, there are some misunderstandings, and we have decided to settle it privately." Kingston said hurriedly.

Jick said calmly, "There is no such thing as a private settlement before the law."

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