Faced with the accusations made by the ice cream shop manager, Mr. Dennison, Joseph and another young man looked confused. Gina, who had always been very cold, took the lead in explaining: "There may be some misunderstandings. This gentleman does not seem to have heard everything." All our conversations.”

The three of Conte lifted the three people off the ground and said, "Maybe there is a misunderstanding, but let's go back to the police station with us first."

Joseph had performed so many missions, but this was the first time he encountered such a situation. He was caught by the police after being reported by ordinary citizens.

"Sir, please listen to my explanation." Joseph said to Mr. Dennison seriously.

Dennison turned his head aside and said, "I have nothing good to say about the bad guys who destroy the peace."

Here Conte held his shoulder and said calmly: "If there is any misunderstanding, everything will be solved after we get to the police station."

Joseph looked at Mr. Dennison with confusion: "Why is this? You should know that we don't mean that."

It's a pity that Mr. Dennison has left at this time without looking back.

Conte said on the side: "The citizens here have suffered too many dangers and persecutions in the past. They cherish today's peace and happiness very much, and they will not allow anyone to cause any risk of instability here."

Speaking of this, Conte sighed: "This is our justice, hospitality, and simple folk customs in Arkham."

Gina complained lightly: "Officer, do you have any understanding of hospitality and simplicity?"

Conte smiled slightly: "Maybe."

After saying that, the three people took Joseph and the others to the police station not far from here.

During this period, the young man signaled Joseph several times, and Joseph secretly shook his head to indicate not to resist.

If they break up with the police like this, let alone investigate the mayor, they won't be able to stay in Arkham.

Arkham's East End when the three men were taken.

The East End is located on the south side of the Central District, adjacent to the Miskatonic River.

What is more interesting is that the area called the central area is located on the northeast side of the entire town and is the least central place.

Although the area of ​​the East District is similar to that of the Central District, it is vast and sparsely populated. There are almost no commercial places, and the remaining buildings are all ancient buildings from the previous era, or even the previous era.

Many of these buildings are now in disrepair and have become uninhabited ghost houses.

Therefore, the East District is also called a ghost area by many children because it is too desolate and sparsely populated.

Although it is remote and lonely, it also provides a very good cover and venue for many criminals and criminal activities.

At this time, Sheena took Carrington and Dr. Murthy here to arrange some traces and corpses.

These traces and corpses were all processed by Dr. Murthy, which is consistent with the work of the Tide Pirates.

This is not an important clue, but an important twist.

Xina needs the people of the Green Covenant to pass here and point all contradictions to the Dagon Secret Cult in Innsmouth.

After everything was dealt with, Xina smiled: "Let's start the Arkham hospitality."

Here the preparations were made, and both Morsi and Carrington went back to do their own thing.

And Xina directly found the current ghoul lord, Danny O'Banion.

In the office, Danny said directly: "I have received the order from the master. If you need any help, just ask."

Xina looked at the gang leader who had been arrogant before, and now became a loyal ordinary person like the great mayor, and she still had an incredible feeling in her heart.

"Where are Kingston and the other three now?" Sheena asked directly.

Danny: "They are at the Hofen Gallery now, investigating Lilith's matter."

Hina said directly: "Do you have time now? We need to go over and see them."

Danny stood up directly: "Let's talk about the plan first."

Xina then explained the plan in detail.

Danny frowned slightly: "Master hates them very much. Has your plan been approved by master?"

Xina nodded: "Yes, this is the plan allowed by the great mayor."

Danny pondered for a moment: "I don't think these guys are qualified to approach the master."

"Danny, you have more experience in this area than me, so you should know very well that my plan is in the best interest of the great mayor." Sheena said seriously.

Danny naturally knew the benefits of this plan.

Not only can you easily solve the Green Covenant's pursuit, but you can also use the Green Covenant as a gun.

"Since the master has given permission, I am not qualified to say anything, let's go!"

Immediately, the two soldiers separated into two groups and began to perform their respective tasks.

Meanwhile, Hoffen’s gallery.

This is a gallery that displays postmodern and abstract styles. Its owner is named Van Hoeven, a writer, art critic and art historian from the capital.

He has no talent in painting, but the novels he wrote are very popular.

This gallery has been open for two years and has been losing money, but this kind of loss does not matter to Huofen. He just wants more people to appreciate these paintings that he thinks are priceless.

Of course, some of them were painted by him himself.

Because of his business attitude of not caring about money, this place has gradually become a place where upper-class people hang out and have nothing to do. There is a lot of traffic every day, but most of them are ladies who have nothing to do.

The painting Kingston was looking at at this time was Hofen's own work.

The painting showed a very abstract ocean, in which there seemed to be a huge shadow, and around the shadow were geometric abstract buildings and various strange abstract creatures.

The painting was called "In the Deep Sea".

"This painting is really good, and it perfectly shows people's fear of the unknown deep sea." Kingston praised.

Hofen, who was standing by, heard this and his eyes lit up. After so long, he finally waited for someone who knew the goods!

"This gentleman really has a good eye!" Hofen came over to catch the trace and said with a smile.

Kingston looked at the thin, middle-aged man with deep eye bags, glasses and a restrained temperament and said: "The author of this painting must be a very knowledgeable and profound person."

Hofen sighed and said: "Yes! But there are not many people like you who appreciate it these days."

Kingston asked curiously: "I heard that your gallery is the most famous and is often visited by upper-class people. Why does it look so deserted now?"

Hofen said with dissatisfaction: "What else could it be? Of course it's because of the Arkham Flower Club. I don't know what kind of witchcraft Lilith Arkham used to completely attract those ladies. Now those ladies run to her every day when they have time, saying that they are doing fitness and beauty. It's really weird."

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