Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 95 I can tell from the first glance that you are not a good person!

After listening to Kama's singing, Tracy said with praise: "Kama, your singing is really beautiful. Although I don't quite understand what it means, it is really a very beautiful melody."

Kama looked at Tracy carefully and asked: "Don't you feel uncomfortable?"


Speaking of discomfort, Tracy immediately said in high spirits: "Since the mayor cured me, my body has been very good. I haven't caught a cold for a long time, and I am full of energy every day."

Kama looked at Tracy at this time, grinned and said: "I still have a lot of songs, sing them for you, okay?"


Then, Kama used all his strength to chant different expulsion words, but none of them had the slightest reaction to Tracy.

Two hours later, Kama, who was hoarse and felt dry mouth, was sure that Tracy was still a human being and had not undergone any mutation.

"Your singing is so beautiful!" Tracy looked intoxicated, and even a little unsatisfied.

"Okay, Tracy! Kama! Come to eat!"


On the other side, Joseph the Hawk led two other operators to investigate those weird policemen in the city.

"According to intelligence, it was the policeman named Zeke who easily blocked the grenade attack when the Hand of Chaos attacked." Joseph, standing in front of the ice cream shop, looked at Zeke who was patrolling in the distance.

Gina, the mature elder sister standing beside him, said casually: "According to the intelligence, these policemen are very dedicated to protecting the people. Since they are willing to protect the safety of the people, why should we still worry about what they are?"

"From the current point of view, these policemen have a very good reputation. They never embezzle, perform their duties conscientiously, and are very diligent every day. If there were such policemen in the world, the security of the empire would have been improved by hundreds of levels."

Joseph looked at Gina dissatisfiedly: "What do you mean? Our mission is to eliminate all the evil monsters here. They are now wearing hypocritical masks to deceive the people. Who knows what their real purpose is?"

Gina seemed to have no emotions. She looked at Joseph calmly and said in a calm tone that was not worldly: "After this mission, I will report to my superiors. You have psychological problems now."

"I think you have problems!" Joseph said sharply with sharp eyes.

The tall young man on the side hurriedly said: "Let's talk about it. Don't be anxious."

When the three people were fighting, Zeke was also observing the three people from a special perspective.

The mayor's order has been issued, and they have already thought of the strategy.

Now the ghoul police team, which has grown to 70 people, is walking around the streets and making relevant deployments.

After Zeke conveyed the message, he turned around and left to continue his patrol.

The three people followed carefully in the distance, but at this moment, a lazy voice sounded.

"Hey! You three strangers! What are you doing here sneakily?"

The three people turned their heads and saw three policemen looking at them. The one who spoke was the handsome young policeman with a little stubble in the lead, Conte.

As a top student who graduated from the police academy, Conte, who was once frustrated by police corruption, was rescued by Zeke during the attack of the Hand of Chaos, and then was personally invited by the ambitious mayor.

Especially when he heard the mayor's passionate words, those policies and money that were really used, he returned to the police station with gratitude and respect in his heart and became a detective.

Conte is also one of the eight ordinary people among the seventy-eight policemen.

They all knew that the other seventy people were all superhumans, but they didn't feel unbalanced.

Because those people were forced to do it, they didn't have the relevant skills and experience, so they still needed the help of these eight senior policemen.

The people on both sides got along very well, and Conte and the two colleagues behind him were now as close as brothers.

He used his knowledge and experience to help them solve the case, and these two colleagues also blocked bullets for him three times, which made him very grateful.

Just half an hour ago, the sister of the mayor's wife (most people think Lilith is Los's wife), Sina, found him and conveyed the mayor's relevant orders and situation.

A seven-member superhuman team entered Arkham, ready to destroy the peace here and steal Arkham's secrets.

This made Conte very dissatisfied and even angry. He knew very well that the peace in Arkham now came from the mayor, and he knew how hard it was to get such peace and order.

Joseph looked at Conte and saw at first glance that he was a slightly stronger ordinary person, and had nothing to do with superhumans.

"What's the matter, officer?" Joseph asked with a smile on his face.

Conte looked at the young man with deep eye sockets and hooked nose and said, "From your accent, are you from Newlet Province?"

Joseph was stunned. He didn't expect that this policeman could recognize his accent?

Conte continued, "I went to the police academy there for four years, so I am familiar with it."

Joseph understood immediately after hearing it and smiled, "Newlet Military Police University is the best police academy in the empire. Those who graduate from there are all excellent police officers."

Conte didn't care about these flatteries and said lightly, "Newlet Province is also the safest and most culturally advanced province in the empire. But what are you guys doing here in secret?"

Joseph hurriedly explained: "Officer, we are lost and don't know how to go."

"Take out your ID first!" Since Conte knew the purpose of these guys, he felt naturally unhappy.

After hearing this, Joseph reluctantly took out his ID card. Although his personality is a bit extreme, he is indeed a very bottom-line person. He will never use his extraordinary power on ordinary people, let alone affect ordinary people in battle. people.

His enemies are always those evil monsters.

Just when Conte took Joseph's ID card to look at it, Dennison, the owner of the ice cream shop just now, hurried over and shouted: "Officer Conte! These three guys are terrorists! I just heard them say with my own ears We are going to kill all the people here!”

Upon hearing this, the three Conte men immediately drew their weapons and shouted at the three men: "Raise your hands! Get down on the ground! Raise your hands!"

The three Josephs looked confused at this time, but they still raised their hands obediently.

Three men quickly came forward, pushed the three of them to the ground, and handcuffed them.

At this time, Boss Dennison came over and said righteously: "Detective Conte, I have been secretly observing them just now. These guys have been staring at Officer Jike in the distance. They also said they would kill us all. They There seems to be a quarrel!”

"Especially this guy! He looked so vicious just now! He doesn't look like a good person at first glance!" Dennison pointed at Joseph and accused loudly.

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