At the door of the city hall, Tracy ran over and said to Debbie and Rum who were waiting here: "Sorry, my friend is here today. I want to entertain her. Let's take action tomorrow!"

Rum nodded and said: "It's okay, let's go read a book today."

Debbie asked curiously: "Are you a friend from other places?"

Tracy nodded: "Well, they are good sisters I grew up with. I haven't seen her for three years."

"Then go quickly! We still have time in the future."

The two looked at Tracy leaving, and Rum said, "Let's go, I'm going to study the fusion blood."

The attentive Debbie thought: "The mayor said that the situation is very complicated at this stage. Don't you think it's a coincidence that the good sisters suddenly appeared in such a hurry?"

"This is nothing, right?" Rum said casually.

Debbie thought hard and said, "You go back first, I want to report to the mayor."

On the other side, Karma was a little surprised and whispered to himself: "Blood therapy..."

She had just used hypnosis to learn about the entire process of Trish's healing. There were no weird rituals or bloody sacrifices. Everything seemed to be very normal, but yet so abnormal.

Trish walked back with even steps while she was deep in thought.

Karma turned around and saw that Trish was breathing evenly, with no signs of hyperventilation after running, and there was no sweat on her nose or forehead.

"Could it be that Trish has also mutated?" Karma was suddenly shocked.

Afterwards, the two good sisters who had not seen each other for many years chatted happily. Since Kama came here for a purpose, he mostly listened and did not say much.

Tracy first talked about how much she missed her, and then talked about the gloomy life in the past when she was sick. After hearing this, Maka couldn't help but hold Tracy's hand, worried about this little girl.

Then Trish talked about the great mayor, Los Arkham, with gratitude and admiration. The subsequent topics were all centered around the mayor's greatness, handsomeness and many other things. This suddenly made Karma feel Tracy was brainwashed.

"By the way Tracey! I have joined a music group in the past two years and learned to sing some special songs. Do you want to listen?" Karma asked tentatively.

Tracy nodded without any concern: "Okay! Sing quickly!"

Karma then collects his thoughts and activates his extraordinary power, the Singer.

She has a special voice talent and can imitate various sounds and syllables, so her responsibility in the team is to sing the spiritual incantations to drive away monsters.

Now she has mastered almost a hundred kinds of spiritual spells, which can cover all monsters, including ghouls, vampires, werewolves, etc.

While Tracy was looking forward to it, Kama began to chant a universal expulsion spell. Dr. Armitage used this spell to expel the evil descendant.

With a sound that was sometimes low and sometimes high, Kama began to exert his power.

She observed Tracy while singing, but found that Tracy did not have any special reaction and listened with great interest.

This made her feel at ease but also made her feel weird.

She was glad that Tracy was not a monster, but she had no idea how the monster healed Tracy.

Meanwhile, next door to Trish's bedroom.

Ross sat on a chair, listening to Kama's expelling spiritual words, and sighed: "What a terrible song."

Debbie, who was standing aside, was stunned: "Mayor, this singing is very beautiful!"

This room was previously prepared to protect Daryl. It was purchased by Carrington and has been vacant ever since.

Half an hour ago, the attentive Debbie ran to Ross and explained the matter in detail.

Ross immediately thought that this was someone from the Green Covenant, and then brought Debbie here to eavesdrop.

Looking at Debbie who was listening with great interest, Ross said: "My ears are different from yours. This sound makes me feel sick when I hear it."

Now Ross finally understands how Armitage expelled the descendant of the evil god.

Strictly speaking, these so-called expelling spiritual words have no actual binding force or lethality.

If you use a more vivid metaphor, it is more like a disgusting method.

For those foreign gods, various dependents, and ancient gods, etc., the reason why these expelling curses can have an effect is because these powerful beings feel disgusted and disgusted by such sounds.

For example, when you are sleeping peacefully, there is suddenly a harsh sound with an unpleasant smell, and you will instinctively stay away from it.

For ancient gods and foreign gods like Los, these so-called spiritual words are screams that make people feel uncomfortable and disgusting.

Different spirit words represent uncomfortable sounds that can cause different species.

For example, the spiritual words used to expel the descendants of the outer gods included making unpleasant sounds. Through these sounds, the monsters who heard them thought that the world was full of things he didn't like.

And the other voice is a call.

For example, the son of the evil god was a primary school student who secretly came to the Internet cafe to play games. Suddenly, the voice of his father came looking for him.

He must have turned around and ran away without saying a word.

At that time, the descendant of the evil god was a primary school student, and the expelling spirit words uttered by Armitage were similar to the voice his father summoned him.

This kind of mantra does have a certain effect on Loss, because to Loss' ears, this kind of spiritual words is the most unpleasant song in the world.

Not only was it unpleasant to listen to, but the singing also had a strong smell of shit, which made him feel nauseous from the bottom of his heart.

Rose has hated flies since she was a child, and at this time, the singing Karma was that fly, and she was still covered in feces all over her body. This made Rose feel dirty even if she slapped her to death.

Because of this dislike, it played the role of "expelling" Los.

If Kama's spiritual words are indeed effective on those descendants of the evil god and monsters of the dependent family who do not have a strong subjective consciousness and are mostly in animal nature and instinct.

Because those things act instinctively and do not have any self-control.

But Ross was different. Although he felt disgusted and disgusted, as long as he had the consciousness to get his hands dirty, he could still kill all the flies with these curses.

"Mayor, what should we do next?" Debbie asked curiously.

Having had enough of this unpleasant song that was full of shit, Ross retched and said with a look of displeasure on his face: "Leave it to Sheena. I don't want to come into contact with these flies covered in shit."

After speaking, Lose quickly left without looking back.

Karma didn’t know it yet, but she had successfully “expelled” a demi-ancient god with her foul-smelling voice...

ps: Ding! You have successfully discovered a way to expel the ancient gods! Please vote for recommendation!

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